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Everything posted by elizabeth

  1. If you are a poor person without health insurance or a person who cannot be insured due to preexisting condition or without a car to get to the PP clinic or a teen this is lifesaving information. Free computer access is the gateway to many positive and essential pieces of information.
  2. We do pay for it, Nazi marches, Westboro etc in the taking out of permits, police protection for those in the offensive group and those who are counter demonstrating. It is the price of democracy and I am glad to pay it. My husband is Jewish and actually walked by neo nazi protestors in front of our courthouse as they were disturbed by homosexuals having the same civil liberites as those who are heterosexual including the right to marry...I know ludicrous that neo nazi's think they have the moral high ground on that one but there you go. Porn sickens me and our library has seperate computer areas for children and teens versus the upstairs adult only computer lab. IT is a free speech issue BUT who decides that something has no value and is only of a prurient interest thus pornographic. That is a tough one. Also filtering software would prohibit for example a picture of a woman's vagina with genital warts. That is information many people need for self referral and information about their condition. It is not porn but would be blocked by filtering software. As I said I absolutely loathe the thought of porn being available but who defines what it is and how to control legitimate though graphic displays of health related issues is a deal breaker.
  3. http://talentdevelop.com/articles/sosmart.html This is a start to the range of ick I felt while watching the movie. Even more than the mandate that if one is profoundly gifted one must also be psychologically a hot mess, I hated the classism in the film. Thank goodness the white educated professors saved the poor white trailer trash from a life of obscurity. It was for me without any redeeming value. Little Man Tate was no different. This attitude has permeated the culture of educational teaching methods in the college and uni settings and has on more than one occasion, prompted me to demand a diploma and certification of psychology or an Masters of Social Work. They did not have either although they feigned to have knowledge and experience sufficient to "diagnose" why dd was bored to tears... In the end a qualified psychiatrist figured out what was wrong. Nothing. She simply needed real challenge that could not come from elementary school.
  4. :iagree: I thought it abysmal and consider that if someone thought it funny that emotional sadism is their cup of tea.
  5. I hated it. That film has done more damage to the public understanding of profound giftedness than the other abysmal film Little Man Tate. I would love to see a film about PGifted persons written and directed by one. Then it might not suck eggs.
  6. I think they meant the bastion of liberal godless pagans. Heathenry is a whole other kettle of fish. :lol: Many of whom I count as my friends.
  7. Jesus Christ was likely not born in December . Pope Julius in the mid 300's BCE decreed it so for the ties to other celebrations among the pagan(non Xn)community in hope that it would make conversion more likely. Here are some of the other occasions notably Saturnalia that brought about the "dating" of the birth of Jesus. http://www.religioustolerance.org/winter_solstice.htm My point is that Christmas is most certainly not anymore "Christian" in history than a plethora of other dates. This trend that you allege exists only in the mind of those who wish to see an enemy in every corner. However if you think the US is or should become a christian nation be certain that others including me will fight you every step of the way.
  8. Yes, I actually parent rather than trying to be my daughter's friend. When she is an adult that time will come and I hope to be her most trusted confidante.
  9. To compare elementary, jr or high school education to brain surgery is a totally inappropriate comparison. It does take managerial expertise to run a class of 15-20 students but in terms of education required to do so one would think that 6 hours worth would suffice.
  10. No reason not to be yourself, you were given a conscience for a reason. Feel free to use it. I have done so and not regretted it once. I regret being silent for so many years.
  11. My nephew is attending W and M having been accepted at several other schools and is studying biology with biochemistry as a minor. He loves it and truly could have attended anywhere he wished. He is also on the rowing team just like his grandfather. I have no connection or knowledge of Wake Forest.
  12. Arthritis and other auto immune disorders can occur in the early 40's. Check it out.
  13. She sounds like an amazing woman. You are blessed to have had such a Grammie.
  14. http://www.villiscaiowa.com/ Ax murders site. I lived above a funeral parlor while in undergrad school. No worries whatsoever. We live a block from three of them all in the center of the city. But I have done hair for deceased friends relatives as well. Hey, just because I am a lawyer doesn't mean I cannot do something useful. :lol: My friend called me and was beside herself because the funeral home had made her grandmother's hair look like Lyle Lovett's , cool for Lyle not so good for grandma. By the time I reworked it ,Nana Tina looked every bit her beautiful self. Fortunately the funeral parlor owner was a good friend of my mother's and teased me endlessly about finally finding my calling... Nothing against Lyle, I love his music but that hair is something else. Come to Iowa you will love it. That city is about an hour from me. link to Lyle's hair and you will see what I mean... http://trialx.com/curetalk/wp-content/blogs.dir/7/files/2011/04/gcelebrities/Lyle_Lovett-3.jpg
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/15/us/kansas-city-bishop-indicted-in-reporting-of-abuse-by-priest.html More children were hurt because of the bishop hiding evidence. Go to this website if you want to read more statistics about the real effort made to hide pederasts under the cloak of penitential privilege. http://www.snapnetwork.org/ And for those who allege bias and liberals wanting to get rid of celibacy here is the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Study also an interesting document. http://nccbuscc.org/mr/causes-and-context-of-sexual-abuse-minors-by-catholic-priests-in-the-united-states-1950-2010.pdf Many issues and no quick and easy answers but I think that it is illusory to maintain the position that there was no systemic effort to move and hide the abusers who went on to hurt more of the youth under their care. I hope these three links that show different perspectives on the issue and draw different conclusions in some areas are of use to those seeking understanding.
  16. Julie I think you are absolutely spot on. The demand of chastity will attract a few holy people and many who are not able to accept a healthy sexuality for a plethora of reasons. It is kind of the same deal with police/fire . Low pay,high risk brings extraordinary people into a field but there are not that many saints out there...thus we get the others who are far from saintly and enjoy the power and rush from danger. Many arsonists are firefighters or hoped to be. Many police officers are fidelity challenged and abusive as hell. A few are absolutely wonderful people. Most are not due to the horrific demands of the profession. As a lawyer I see it all the time. God bless them because they need it more than most.
  17. http://www.rickross.com/warningsigns.html Great list of cult warning signs and behaviours applicable to all types of groups. This is the gold standard and used by many attorneys in divorce proceedings as to when judicial intervention is needed. "Cult" is a term of art and ought not be tossed about lightly.
  18. As a former christian I find this discussion fascinating. We live in a horrible neighborhood filled with drug dealers and users, whores, vagabonds and thieves. When the missionaries from LDS and especially the females come to our door they are told firmly that we are not christian but that they are welcome to have a cool drink, fruit and cookies and use the bathroom in the law office area if needed. We always have a nice talk and I warn them to be extremely cautious on certain areas of the block where murders have occurred. I wish I were exaggerating but sadly there have been 3 in the past 2 years. They are further told that if they are ever in fear while on our street that they are welcome here, always. I have never been preached to but maybe my conduct speaks more than my words that I am not a believer. Those young people are someone else's beloved children and I certainly hope that if my daughter were hot, tired or frightened that an older, wiser person would welcome her into their home for a moment's rest. But then again I am not a christian either so they pose no cognitive, spiritual or psychological threat to me. They are just kids trying to improve a really crappy world in the only way they see to do it. I just cannot understand the reticence to let LDS missionaries in the door. I have done so for years and never regretted doing so. They might regret coming in as I am an epic fail but so be it. :lol:
  19. Actually reluctance to accept doctrine from the appeal to authority is likely a sign that you are healthy. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/pdf/2011-22.pdf
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