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Everything posted by elizabeth

  1. I cannot imagine asking what she thought of anything regarding my personal appearance, demeanor or bearing. I think about getting a tattoo daily.
  2. :grouphug: Been there , jumped off the ship and never looked back. I am sorry your son was excluded but really, would you want him preached to about why his family's beliefs were wrong every day ??? We literally gave up on having any friendships because the price to pay was selling one's soul and independence in order to be around certain types of people who espoused inclusion but had no idea what that might mean in practice. It has worked out nicely. I managed not to raise a hypocrite and she did not expose other children to dangerous ideas like civil rights for all people or health care as a moral issue. Heck with them and do your own thing your way without other people undermining your beliefs. It is hurtful on the one hand but if someone does find my child to be a threat to their "unity" or "cohesion"then I am spared being around the type of people that I do not wish to converse with anyway.
  3. Your post is as usual, gracious, honest and kind. I think you are incredible.
  4. :grouphug:Been there, done that. I am sorry for your troubles and think you are not getting the full story. As a lawyer I can tell you that he would not qualify for legal aid in our county with that income.
  5. This thread is so sad to me. You do not know the specifics but please know that there are people here with feelings and experiences that may differ from yours. Their truth and experience is no less valid than yours. Please do not condemn all second spouses as home wrecking adulterers. One can cheat like heck with booze, gambling, credit cards, doing nothing but disrupting the home yet only a sexual type of deceit is being discussed in the thread. There are many ways to be a terrible spouse and infidelity is but one form. People end marriages for many reasons and not all of them involve snap judgments of blame and an automatic pass for the aggrieved spouse. I could tell stories here that would make your hair stand on end with fright and none of the criminal harrasment, psychological and legal consequences could stop the offender who was allegedly the victim.
  6. Yes that diocese is exceptionally deviant and you should see the number of priests who have been named and sued as sexual abusers in that diocese. Right next door to our former diocese and frankly it is a mess. Kiddie porn on the computer one month and the perp is still wearing a collar and working around children.
  7. Self esteem and self respect are entirely different things. The former is bs and the latter is hard won but worth the struggle. Self respect is not something that can be bestowed upon you from another by virtue of falsely convincing Johnny or Susie that they are able to do anything because they are just so dam* special. Amen to this author. Thank you for posting. Parents that blame poor" self esteem" for failure, misbehaviour and any other deficits are sadly creating sociopathic individuals with no conscience, sense of shame, and turning out spineless jellyfish that the rest of us should not have to contend with. Tiger Mom does not hold a candle to this old broad. BTW my daughter is hard working, joyful and ready to take on the world. Because she has an authentic and realistic view of her strengths and weaknesses and lives her life accordingly. Reality only bites when you are told your whole life that you are the center of the universe and that mediocrity is fine, just enjoy yourself, have fun and do not worry about actually being good at something.
  8. What she said. I am also in favor of full civil rights for all people, including the right to marry . Loving v. Virginia . http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0388_0001_ZO.html I see gay marriage as no different.
  9. Right there with you. They have done quite a bit of perpetuating false stereotypes of home educating families. I am not a fan. I know you are all shocked beyond belief...:lol: To each his or her own but not my cuppa.
  10. As a survivor of suicide by my father and a decade later my brother and being left with a BPD parent I cannot applaud you loudly enough for bringing this thread into the forum. The good kind ones were consumed by her(BPD mother) and then she has had the audacity to paint herself as a victim. It speaks volumes about the depth of shame and ruin these people leave behind that so many of us are coming out of the closet, so to speak for the first time to virtual strangers. I feel perfectly entitled to bash I have earned my stripes both physical and mental .
  11. Yes. Yes. Yes. I am sorry to meet another survivor of BPD:grouphug: Thank you for sharing this post .
  12. No- really??? What about the paid vacations to the Bahamas sponsered by big pharma??? :lol: I am joking, we never took vacations when Dad was practicing as there was no time and he trusted no one else to care for his department adequately. I went spelunking in Colorado with him. Once. IT was a lot of fun and thirty years later it remains one of my fondest memories of him.
  13. It is not rude and was not intended to be. I am a lawyer and the reason that many people who are permitted to go forward with a lawsuit for malpractice against a physician who is found to be lacking by community standards, in spite of said plaintiff having signed a waiver is the presumption that given the educational difference between a physician and layperson it is both an adhesion contract and the layperson could not possibly have known and understood all the risks. Don't be offended by what I am sharing take it to the state legislature if need be where you reside. The federal law on when a person can sue an HMO is even more delightful. It is a quagmire.
  14. I understand and absolutely agree with you about the insurance companies.
  15. Nope.No protection. She is on her own with her perjury committing momma. May they enjoy the restless nights that will come for the rest of their lives.
  16. This proves how off base the jurors were. We agree. Holy moly. This case is beyond comprehension.
  17. There is no right to make others suffer deleterious consequences for your parenting choices. Release forms mean nothing. WE have sued on behalf of three dead patients who signed waivers about the risks of the surgery in question. Malpractice when measured against community standards is still malpractice. Non medical persons are not held to have even understood the **** waivers they sign nor the risks as they are generally non medical personnel so I do not know why MDs and hospitals even bother.
  18. FYI circumstantial evidence is far more reliable than witness statements as those are often very unreliable . Most cases, if not all, are proved by circumstantial evidence. In order to get a murder conviction, one doesn't even need a body or a motive to prove their case. The prosecutors here were not up to standards. And, frankly, the very obviously perjury-loving sociopath mother who begat the sociopathic daughter did not help at all. So I hope she lives the rest of her days seeing that little girl's face look up at her and wonder why, why didn't you love me? Why didn't you protect me? Any parent with half a brain cell would know that someone who worked for minimum wage does not have a nanny thank you very much. These parents knew there was something wrong with their daughter, they have been collaborators in this nightmare and believe me, I have seen it before. Any other lawyer who has practiced for more than a decade at least will say sociopaths are not only born, they are made. Mrs. Anthony created a doozy. There is no way they could have thought for a moment she was anything but a negligent, constantly intoxicated, irresponsible mother and they should have sought guardianship of that child from the day she was born. I've done this before, people. That child did not have to die. Those parents needed to take the blinders off and see that little monster Casey for what she really was. But of course, that meant dropping the facade of middle-class respectability and that's all these people cared about. If I'm wrong, I'll eat my shoe. And I wear big shoes.
  19. True. But it is no less an accusation because once the jury hears it, even if it is deemed inadmissable and they are instructed to disregard opening statements as evidence. No juror understands that. Once it's out there, that possibility is still there in their minds. It was underhanded , it was slimy, and if you saw her father's face when the verdict was read it was also false. He looked like he had been sucker punched when that verdict came down. As a lawyer, you can pull one of those fiascos one time in court. You do it twice, you're going to get slapped by the Bar Association because it is not ethical to allude to false statements in opening statements knowing full well that you have not a shred of evidence to back it up. At least no one can accuse Baez of having any ethics whatsoever. You know what? We're going to the grocery store because we had to wait until some cases were finalized . Yes, really. But I can look in the mirror at night and not hate myself. I know Baez cannot say the same.
  20. http://books.google.com/books/about/The_sociopath_next_door.html?id=mU05YWM2aUUC I have no words. You are calling this bad parenting????? You are wrong that she will not fatally harm others again,she will kill or destroy other people in her path . She falsely accused her father of sexually abusing her after telling Baez that her brother could be the baby's father. If she were my neighbor I would move as I would be afraid of being her next victim. Duct tape, reputation, sanity, etc are all thrown under the bus by this she devil. Yes I do believe that people can be intrinsically evil. She is and she gets away with it because her wickedness is not visible to all.
  21. Unfortunately the parents knew something was wrong with her and her story from the outset. I hope they are ready to live with what will consume them from the inside out for what they have conspired to do and accomplished. I see it every day here in the office. Parents raising sociopaths and wanting to "talk" about why Johnny is a little rat ***tard. THey do not like me much. I take pride in that. What some may or may not be aware of is that Casey accused her father of sexual abuse. I think given his face when the verdict was read that he will not be living in the house with the she wolves. I am just sickened and embarrassed that our judicial system has failed so badly. The burden is reasonable doubt not removal of all doubt. The jurors should have had some logic courses.
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