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Everything posted by elizabeth

  1. :lol: Yes apparently many of us are socially inept...I cannot believe how many people go for the Telly Savalas.
  2. I can attest that this is so. When True Blue and elizabeth agree and are seeing the same trends you know the wheels are about ready to come off.:lol: I am sad for my daughter that porn standards have become the norm but there you have it. What a crappy ideal for so many people.
  3. :lol: That is why home education is preferable, asynchrous development is the norm once you are two standard deviations in either direction. I am glad dd finally learned to tie her shoes before taking calculus. No, I am not kidding. AS with most situations you just meet them where they are at and batten down the hatches.
  4. I completely agree with it being ridiculous. It comes from the porn industry just as the excessive breast augmentation and push up bras for tweens are now the norm. I refuse to look like a prepubescent girl. There is a difference between ladyscaping and waxing the whole business. Until women refuse to acclimate themselves to porn culture these trends will continue. FWIW I think it is one matter to do what is comfortable for oneself versus wanting approval from a lover regardless of gender.
  5. Generally the" average out" line is used by those who teach in an institutional setting be it public, private or charter. This is used exclusively to avoid having to do any testing or actual teaching of gifted children. Total and utter bull*hit. If we had elementary education teachers who were not held back from improvising by administrators then there would be a chance for gifted children to learn . As it stands now if asked I always tell the parents to home educate unless they want a miserable, bored and underachieving student. The phrase "hothousing" really chaps my ass. It is called good parenting.
  6. http://www.acog.org/publications/patient_education/bp134.cfm general anesthesia. one pad for two days. I am entranced with my new life. Truly get the darn iron infusions you will feel great!! then the outpatient surgery and hello to freedom.
  7. The chicken. That has been very useful and amusing for years.
  8. She is accomplished, savvy and wonderful. Just like her mother. “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.†Dame Julian of Norwich
  9. If you are finished with child bearing endometrial ablation is a breeze. It changed my life. I had to get two iron infusions prior to surgery due to extreme anemia. Presently my period lasts two days and I need one pad per day. It was twelve using both tampons and pad. I have my life back. I cannot recommend this highly enough IF you are done having children. If not, I am truly sorry you have to suffer with this. It is awful.
  10. Wrong. IF you expose your mouth or anal area to HPV by not practicing safe sex then it is transmissible. I think I will go with the CDC on this one. http://www.cdc.gov/hpv/Prevention.html
  11. Barrier birth control. If latex condom are used properly, they will not permit HIV virus through nor hepatitis , syphillis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and host of other sexually transmitted diseases. As for me and mine, condoms are the answer. Including that if a man refuses, he is an idiot and not worth engaging in conversation much less intercourse. Seriously, it is that simple. When used all the time and properly they are effective.
  12. Hmm Our school psychologist thought that dd was not a good candidate for acceleration based on....her coloring skills. She would not color the apple all red but rather used yellow and orange with a streak of green. Sorry but they are likely brainwashed by the same shoddy prejudices that taint the college/uni degree in education. I note that you afterschool. When I actually released dd from the artificial "age=grade" shackles she completed three years in one. The school psychologist had no more education than I do, in fact, far less. I am very glad I stood by my experience, education and the knowledge that most graduates of colleges of education are in fact not at all trained or experienced in gifted issues nor gifted instruction. Even the Belin Blank center in Iowa City finally had to cave and quit pretending the system itself is not broken. Acceleration is not adequate for the gifted who are more than two standard deviations from the norm. They have dormitories for their younger students many of whom are 13 or 14 years of age. Since I have been teaching college level classes for several years, I scoff at the notion that acceleration is adequate at all. Not only are more students in need of radical acceleration but many need to skip middle school entirely along with radical acceleration in high school. You know who has the maturity issues??? Parents and children who are talented in sports, drama, music etc who cannot abide the fact that gifted intelligence is at least equally inherited as are innate musicality or athleticism. They need to grow up and get out of the way of students who leap 6 feet a year intellectually. When I meet a school psychologist who is not firmly entrenched in this mentality I will eat my shoe. I have read hundreds of reports from them in my law practice and have not found one that actually had dealt with gifted students as a part of their practice. For godsakes they are using the Weschler to identify gifted students????!! That in itself shows ineptitude. And ignorance .
  13. http://www.classicalliberalarts.net/index.php?topic=3204.0 The whole lot mock and deride, Mennonites, Protestants(who are not biblical), TWTM, classical education, witches as being particularly hilarious and mothers who use anything but the CLAA. Drink the kool aid if you wish but I can think of a word that rhymes with witch that describes well the lovely ladies who are oh so" Catholic" and superior. Truly what a mean spirited and self laudatory group of sycophants. Shameful hypocrisy and by the way, many witches/pagans including this lady are well read and educated far beyond the limits of the instructors online at the CLAA . I would never, ever mock and deride other human beings with abandon while at the same time espousing christian belief and practice.
  14. What I would say cannot be typed on this board per the rules. :lurk5:
  15. I do not give a **** what other posters say about it being cultlike. It is by definition, when the members on the family boards are letting Mr Michael dictate their prayer schedules, toys, suggesting that nearly all their free time be allocated to pursuits he deems valid and he derides home schoolers who do not use his program as money wasters and infidels. I am waiting for the other shoe to fall on this dog and pony show.
  16. I never think of the AP exam as anything beyond proof that my daughter is doing the level and quality of work that her transcripts reflect. College credit is a good thing but certainly not the reason for the AP exams we have taken. The CLEP tests are absolutely terrific for discerning whether or not a certain subject is one which might be a major for your student. I am glad to shell out a couple hundred bucks for texts, the exam and the credits to find out that my darling offspring is not interested in government or politics as a field of emphasis. That is valuable far beyond the college credit and or evidence that she can do college level work. The PSAT certainly does ring a few bells. Very nice mail still coming and by gosh she needed the external validation that her labours are not unnoticed. I think any external,objective validations are also valuable to the student particularly those who are not in a group setting where they gain a realistic assessment of their relative strengths and weaknesses.
  17. With all due respect for your relationship, she is absolutely bsing you. As a lawyer who also socializes a great deal with other lawyers and MD's I can say none of their children are heading into their freshman year with two years worth of credits. If that was a statistic I can safely say I would likely be well aware of it given the miserable people I am forced to socialize with by virtue of my choice of profession. They like to complain, belittle and deride home education and their own parenting in the same breath. Thus there are no good alternatives just more to ***** and moan about. Yuck. Actually most desirable colleges limit the number of credits to be earned in AP testing and or CLEP in any event. One or two semesters worth would be laudable but knowing the material and understanding how to apply it is certainly more important to me.
  18. Absolutely correct. Particularly the cult behaviours and likely narcissism of the leader. AUTHORITY: degree by which the group and.or leader(s) claim ultimate knowledge about the nature of reality. POWER: degree by which group and/or leader(s) offer power and status as a result of joining the group as a member. MONEY: degree by which your finances are involved to support your membership in this group and its leader(s). POLITICS: degree of internal hierarchy or distance between new members and leader(s) ..... pressures for attaining position. INDOCTRINATION: degree by which members must follow the group's morality and ethical code over their own; also the degree of dogma and philosophical rigidity. CENSORSHIP: degree of control leaders exercise over members' style of communicating; degree of inhibition towards outside ideas about the group, its dogmas and leaders. FEAR: degree of concern over real or imagined enemies; also degree by which humor is forbidden in relation to group dogmas
  19. One of my best friends from law school did her undergrad there and was smart enough to make law review. That means independent research leading to a thesis and overview of the law, case, statutory scheme or regulation and recommendations for reform in some situations. It is a fine school and one of our city's founding families sent their daughter there as well. Again a bright and gentlewoman in all things. She is a physician's assistant. It is too conservative for my blood so it might be just the proper fit for your daughter.
  20. I had two iron infusions at the hospital and am furious that my MD let me feel like crap for so long. I am a new woman. Iron infusions and if you are done reproducing have an endometrial ablation. Barely any period at all. IT is the best and I would gladly have hocked my wedding ring to get it done.
  21. It is rare that I speak up about this issue but feel compelled to mention that it is crucial to see an MD specializing in orthopedic medicine not a chiropractor so as to obtain a proper diagnosis. I have a form of arthritis that will mandate cane use next week. I am 45. I am getting one with a weapon. Really . Since that makes me permanently pissed I look forward to using said cane for many uses the least of which will be to poke the next young doofus wearing a backward facing baseball hat in MY OFFICE. There are many types of arthritis and many types of auto immune disorders that cause irreversible damage to the body if not diagnosed by an orthopedist or rheumatologist/internist and treated promptly. Gait disturbances can also indicate MS which strikes women at their most productive years. See an MD , get a working diagnosis and then explore physical therapy or chiropractic care. Middle age is looking like a steaming dung heap of you know what but it beats the alternative!! :lol: And you can poke annoying people with your cane. It is winning. All the way around.
  22. Gently ease back into things for my sake. She is young, very ambitious and far brighter than her mother....8 hours of school per day plus 3-4 hours of music practice. She is driving the schedule I am just along for the ride.
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