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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. Screens are evil and your child will be permanently damaged if they ever view anything on any screen for any reason. It's true; I checked on Snopes.
  2. The first time we had this conversation with the older boys, it came from them reading The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia. They were approximately 9 and 7. It was awkward, but honestly, I was glad to get it over with! I liked that it presented the info in a basic, manner of fact way. In the past year, we read through Almost 12 by Kenneth Taylor with our 10 (now 11) year old and The Boy's Body Book by Kelli Dunham with the two oldest boys. (We bought both books from Sonlight.) I highly recommend all three books.
  3. Actually, two or more need to be the magical age *and* you need at least one more child to be considered a real homeschooler. It's clearly stated on the back of my I.D. card that I can show to the homeschool police or the census workers.
  4. Actually, even SWB doesn't do everything in this thread. This thread is a buffet for us to pick and choose what works best us as teachers and for our children's learning styles.
  5. If you look carefully at the link, you can see that it has her associate number embedded into it which clearly gives her commission for every person that clicks on it. I just received an email warning me about this thread. I can't believe I ever thought it was the best thread ever.
  6. I <3 this thread! I know I told everyone and their mother that I loved a different thread two weeks ago, but I am truly convinced that this is the one! Everyone should subscribe to this thread!
  7. Is there a need to read aloud to older children? I am genuinely curious and surprised to hear this. I read aloud to the younger boys, but haven't read aloud (other than devotionals/Bible time at night) to the oldest two in a few years.
  8. Rigor has a positive connotation in our house. :) Although, I see from the actual definition that my definition of it is faulty. :D In my mind, a rigorous education equals high expectations of the student, curricula (or a variety of curricula put together in a way) that thoroughly covers the given subject(s), and a teacher that is consistently and actively involved in guiding and challenging the student.
  9. My oldest started Latin for Children A in 2nd grade. He had LfC B in 3rd, LfC C in 4th, and is using Latin Prep 1 this year for 5th. We also started Rosetta Stone Homeschool French 1 this year. My second oldest started Latin for Children A this year, which is 3rd grade for him.
  10. I feel more comfortable selling/buying on E-bay and paying with regular Paypal than I do here. We are in such a place that I couldn't afford to lose money on a bad buy and I'm afraid of that after reading many posts along those lines. I've made the most $$ on curricula by selling on E-Bay and starting 7-day auctions at .99. Yes, you do take a risk that the $100 item will only go for .99, but in my experience I've made the highest percentage of original sale price to resale price. Bonus is that I'm not determining what others are willing to pay. Last month I made over $600 selling old curricula. A couple of items sold for between $0.99 and $3.00. Most of them sold for 75% of the original price. A few sold for close to 90% of the original price. :D I snipped this from a post I made here on a different thread recently: Some advice: I lost money on any sale that went for .99 *and* I offered media mail shipping. By the time I added E-bay fees, Paypal fees, delivery confirmation fee, and cost of packaging, it actually cost me money to sell the item. So, I learned either 1) offer media mail shipping, but add a "handling" charge to it to cover the difference or 2) offer everything "USPS Priority Mail flat rate shipping". I prefer the flat rate shipping with the post office's packaging because it saves me a ton of time and energy, plus they will pick it up for free.
  11. Thank you, all! Just read through all your replies with dh. We very much appreciate it! We have no specific questions yet, but I'm sure we will if the job offer comes through. :-)
  12. First, we were looking at Charleston. Then, Virginia Beach. Now, it looks like dh might have a job offer in Columbia, SC. What can you tell me about the area? Friendly? Safe? Best neighborhoods? We've looked a little real estate and (at least from online searches) it appears Lexington might be a nice area. The houses seem ridiculously cheap ($150,000 for a 4 bed, 2.5 bath???) and the taxes unbelievably low ($900-$1,000???). Why is this? What are we missing here? (Our current house is 3 bed, 1.5 bath, is more expensive and taxes are $4,000). We can't shake the feeling that there must be other kinds of taxes/fees we don't know about! LOL! Anything you can share would be welcome. :-)
  13. :iagree: This is a huge reason that TOG became too much work for me. (Although I know many, many others love it and use it successfully.) I used redesigned Year One. Maybe the other years provide all of the answers for everything.
  14. I like black tea hot with milk and sugar or cold as sweet tea (add sugar while it's hot and then chill). I like green tea (and most herbal teas) hot either plain or with a smidgen of honey.
  15. Guinea pigs are loud, stinky, uncuddly, and evil. I hated mine after the first month when I was a child and secretly wished it would die. :ack2: It was the longest surviving guinea pig ever. :lol: I vote for a kitten. :D
  16. Wasn't it in this thread? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55527 :D
  17. We're Gen X and own our own business. Loved the article and posted to Facebook. :D
  18. When money was flush I bought everything new. New TOG, new books for TOG, new Sonlight, new books for Songlight .... etc., and just gave away items I no longer wanted or kept them on the shelves for some future time. We are really, really struggling this month. I bit the bullet and put a ton up for sale on E-bay. (I find that prices are much higher there than these sale/swap boards.) I made $645 (gross)!!! Wow! That's money that we really needed and I am grateful that the items sold for so much. Some advice: I lost money on any sale that went for .99 *and* I offered media mail shipping. By the time I added E-bay fees, Paypal fees, delivery confirmation fee, and cost of packaging, it actually cost me money to sell the item. :banghead: So, I learned either 1) offer media mail shipping, but add a "handling" charge to it to cover the difference or 2) offer everything "USPS Priority Mail flat rate shipping". I prefer the flat rate shipping with the post office's packaging because it saves me a ton of time and energy, plus they will pick it up for free. HTH!
  19. I love this movie! Also, I like All About Eve, Sunset Blvd., and Gaslight. I never saw The Bad Seed. Dh and the boys are going Cub Scout Camping tomorrow. Now I know what I'm going to watch!
  20. :grouphug: , Mosaicmind. And, congratulations for starting one of the best threads ever. :D
  21. Eliana's post: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2606175&postcount=1127 :)
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