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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. If you look at the header for the general forum it states that the general forum is: We used to note something as OT or Off-topic if it didn't deal with homeschooling.
  2. Oh, gosh! I just checked in on this thread and I'm surprised. I thought it might be him, but a little voice in the back of my head wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. How unethical!
  3. Congratulations! I'm so impressed. What an accomplishment! :party: I'm finally up to speed 4 for 10 minutes on my treadmill...
  4. Oh my gosh, ladies. This is fantastic!!! Thank you! I don't know why, but fruit on the plate cut-up didn't seem ... right. But, we had grapes tonight and everyone loved it! We're going to have orange wedges for lunch tomorrow. I love the idea of desserts, too! That didn't even occur to me! Berries were on sale today, so I'm planning a triple berry pie with graham cracker crust for tomorrow & Monday evenings. I'm excited about all of the other ideas thrown out & can't wait to try them! Grilled fruit? Sounds YUM-o! Parfaits and smoothies? Ooh!! Berries for our cereal? Nice. My family is already thanking everyone. :) Cutting up veggies ahead of time is a great idea. I'm ashamed to tell you how many times I've thrown food out because it seemed like a great idea at the grocery store, but I never could quite get to it during the week. I just cut up the broccoli, carrots, and celery & put it in a container to make sure that it's not wasted this week. I have to subscribe to this so I can find it easily to refer back when I forget all of this. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  5. I'd love to get tips on how you day-in and day-out create balanced meals for your family. By balanced, I mean veggie, fruit, grain, & protein on each plate. Seriously, I'm terrible at this! Even now as I'm planning my grocery list & meals for the week, I'm stuck on day three! I have no problem with protein; we probably eat too much of it as it is! :lol: I'm especially stuck on what to do for fruit besides fruit salad? Cut up an apple and put some slices on everyone's plate? Help! :)
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm sorry. You certainly have a full plate! I wish you were closer so that we could bring over a warm meal and keep the baby occupied so that you could take a long nap. Wishing you peace and enough non-craziness so that you can find your bearings amidst the storm.
  7. No, I don't view them as similar at all. I don't want to argue with you. I see you are very strongly anti-circumcision (based on a quick Google of past circ threads).
  8. I think it is unconstitutional and eventually would be overturned if it ever passed.
  9. :seeya: Hi MFS! I finished Catching Fire and am waiting on my turn for Mockingjay. I started Brideshead Revisited, am 1/3 of the way through Absolutely American, and am 3/4 of the way through The Shaping of a Christian Family. I'm glad to see you here.
  10. Oh my gosh, this drives me batty! We have two entire rows that solely consist of "romance" books and the entire DVD series of "The O.C." at our local library, yet I have to request many classic books that you'd think would be the mainstay of any library system through inter-library loan. It's enough to make me :willy_nilly:
  11. Polly, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for you and your daughter. I got my GED. At the time I had no plans for ever doing anything with my life (long, long story). It took awhile and a lot of sleepless nights for my own mother, but at age 22 I did a 180 and wanted to go to college. I'm glad that I had gotten my GED earlier because it made to process much easier. I was accepted and received full financial aid - a combination of grants and loans - to regular university not community college. First semester I earned a 4.0 and was accepted into the University Honors Program. I ended up graduating magna cum laude. My best friend's little sister followed an almost identical path; she is currently on full scholarship and getting her master's degree at Harvard Business School. :) I say this to encourage you that little seeds you've planted in the past and even now may seem dormant, but may bear fruit in the future. I don't have advice for current studying programs. I earned mine almost 20 years ago & those resources are probably out of date. I do wish your daughter the best of luck on her studies and whatever the future holds. I am happy that she is smiling again. :)
  12. The bolded part describes my son, a current 5th grader. He really wants to go into Algebra I next year, but I'm not certain whether I should allow him to. He does make careless mistakes; when I hand him his paper back, he can (usually) correct them easily. He will only be in 6th grade, so I see the advantage of slowing him down. OTOH, math is his favorite subject and I'm nervous about crushing his excitement in moving on to Algebra.
  13. Hey all! Would you please share your experience now that you're done with the new Saxon Geometry? I'm very interested after reading a thread on the general board. Also, did you use the new or old Saxon Algebra I or II before or after the Geometry? How did that go?
  14. I have never challenged a book. I honestly can't imagine doing it unless they were putting pornographic magazines in the picture books section. As a funny: My poor mother in law thought the "Graphic Novel" bookshelf referred to pornographic books. She was really upset that they had these in the Middle School section. :lol:
  15. :bigear: The regular Saxon texts don't include proofs? Are they considered unimportant by math experts? Be still my beating heart; proving theorems was my favorite part of math in high school! :) This would definitely influence me towards using the new texts. I have absolutely no math expertise though and would like more info on this if someone would be willing to enlighten me.
  16. :iagree: So far we've used Saxon from Saxon K to Saxon 8/7 and are currently planning on using it in in the fall as well. :) Now, whether we go with Algebra 1/2 or Algebra I and if Algebra I, then the old edition or the new edition is the question .... :D
  17. I don't know if it's been pointed out explicitly yet, but the two 'critiques' of Saxon are referring to different things. Linda's critique is very old and was critiquing the current edition books that came out years ago. Art Reed's critique seems to be critiquing the fact that splitting Geometry from Algebra violates John Saxon's view of math. I honestly don't know the real reason Saxon came out with the new books (with the separate Geometry), but when I first saw that they did my first thought was that they might be filling a niche. I can think of many legitimate reasons that they might be doing this. They might be trying to tap into the market that used a different publisher for Algebra and wants to switch over to Saxon (which would be currently difficult) or a former public school student that was in school & used that Saxon Algebra book and now wants to continue the program at home or worried homeschool parents that want to be able to check off the geometry box in their child's college application. HomeschoolwithSaxon, so you're saying you're not Art Reed? Please understand our :confused: since the name you chose for this forum matches his website name.
  18. :confused: I tried searching and can't find much, other than, "Oh! That article was debunked a long time ago" type posts. Like here. The old boards used to come up on Google searches, but they no longer do. I'm assuming that because Linda's article came out in 2004 and the new boards started in 2008 that most of the discussion was on the old board. You're right. That's not too helpful for people didn't see the original posts. :tongue_smilie: I'm so sorry, Rebecca! I absolutely hate it when no one replies to a question I have and dismisses it as "oh, we've already discussed that." I've turned into that person! :tongue_smilie: Please forgive me. :001_smile:
  19. My just turned 11 year old really enjoyed The Boy's Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up YOU by Kelli Dunham. My husband and I both thought it was excellent, too. :) P.S. Joann, your Amazon links look like they're giving someone associate's credit. I don't know if you meant to do that or not.
  20. So glad I swallowed my mouthful of beer before reading your post. :lol: LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
  21. I don't know what you're talking about either, but it sounds good. I just added it to our Netflix Instant Queue. :-)
  22. Most of the teens that I've been scheduled to work with haven't been that helpful to be honest. I'd rather have another mom in there with me.
  23. Thank you very much for posting this. IRL, I am surrounded by pro-Ham people. I would not have the info I have had without this board. I certainly wouldn't have seen this new info. which, hopefully, puts the final nail in the kerfluffle coffin.
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