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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. Yep, but my ds was very young and moving through math concepts like gangbusters. I added a second math curriculum (Horizons) to slow him down and give him more practice automating those facts. We never did any drill. It didn't take him long at all to get up to speed. We also added Miquon and Primary Challenge Math which allowed him to explore higher level concepts without needing his facts down cold.
  2. I like them a lot! I had started the older version, but upgraded when I saw all of the new books they added. We are in week 13 and really enjoying Good Masters, Sweet Ladies. It is a solid lineup all through the core. I was a little disappointed that they took out A Little Princess, but I'll just be adding that back in on my own. I am surprised that I'm enjoying this core even more than Core B which I liked a whole lot. One thing to note is that the read alouds are much longer both in total length and daily reading, but that isn't a problem for us. We are still finding time to add additional read alouds at bedtime despite also doing Core K. Right now, it's Alice in Wonderland.
  3. I use FLL with SWR and incorporate the grammar enrichments as they often reinforce what FLL is teaching. I do think SWR's grammar is plenty for K-2, but I really needed the scripted nature of FLL because grammar is one of the subjects I was most uncomfortable teaching in the beginning. I don't really need the hand-holding anymore, but FLL is just so easy, quick, and thorough that I have no plans to drop it with my littles coming up.
  4. Yesterday's 2-miler was a no-go as I decided to sleep in for Labor Day :D. Crossfit was tough today, but I'm getting better. Tomorrow: Early morning 6-miler since my running partner will be out of town on Sat. Praying for low humidity. :001_huh:
  5. Sonlight's P4/5 adds a lot of meat to my Kindy lineup and a lot do the fun too. It is mostly some great storybooks with a little science and culture thrown in.
  6. This is my favorite thread ever! Taira is sporting Labor Day casual this Monday evening. She has matched a functional white tank top under a delightful, rose-colored textured tee. Pairing them with Bermuda length cargo shorts has produced a winning combination. The shorts are not khaki, not brown, but falling somewhere in between adding interest to the outfit. When all is said and done, she pulls together an outfit from the 2003 Old Navy line like it came out just last year. To finish it off, she's sporting matching flip-flops by Crocs. Add in the vanity sizing and it equals one confident woman!
  7. While I don't boycott corn, I rarely serve it because there are better, more nutrient-rich veggies to serve. When I do serve it, it is usually with another veggie. Or 5 other veggies in the case of Thanksgiving. :D. It is ds8's favorite veggie so I do have to throw him a bone once in awhile.
  8. I do love dressing up! However, here in South Texas, Land's End is pretty fancy. Some of those dresses are CUTE and border on casual wedding wear here. I'm glad that the moms I know around here wouldn't consider me at all when inviting my dc to birthday parties. It's really more about the kids. Though we do enjoy the excuse to socialize and enjoy a bottle of wine. I really enjoy the diversity my dc's friendships has brought to our social circle.
  9. I have a couple knee length ones for different stores. I got 1 from Old Navy a few years back and 1 from Outdoor World (of all paces :lol:) this spring. I love them! I've seen the longer ones, but I'm just too short to wear them at 5'1".
  10. Sorry that people IRL are snarky! That's pretty annoying. I am really enjoying these threads! I have always liked Jillian's approach to fitness. She's more concerned about the person than the shape of the body. I also like that she doesn't try to put everyone into the "size 2 pants definition of skinny" box. She seems to recognize that we all have different body types even when in great shape. I sure wish I'd known that when I was younger! I recently read that bit about alcohol as well in a nutrition packet from my Crossfit gym. I had just thought it was about the calories before. Interesting.
  11. There isn't a whole lot of running in Crossfit IME. We did do a 5K a couple weeks ago, but dh (who is a coach and has been Crossfitting for 4 yrs now) said that they hadn't done one in 9 months. Mostly they do 200, 400, and 500 m runs as part of a workout. We did have some people row instead of run. They did a 6000m row and finished at the same time as those do us running. The gyms are independent so some gyms could focus more on running than ours. Ours does have a separate running group that meets a few times a week and a coach that will help train you for races, but that's only for those who want to run long distances. I do like that Crossfit is so varied each day that it would be pretty difficult to get bored. I hope your ITB gets better. I had some hip issues last year training for my half that started when I got over 7 miles. Thankfully, dh works at a healthcare company that specializes in treating soft tissue injuries and they fixed me right up. The doc also treated my ITB just because so many runners have issues with it.
  12. I was thinking about this just this morning as I slipped into my size 4s. I am not a traditional size 4 at all! I wore a 6 in college and was much thinner than I am now. I doubt I could get those jeans over my hips and thighs these days.
  13. Good job and keep it up! I am getting back on the bandwagon after a couple of great vacations this summer. Once I upped my exercise and got back to eating whole food, the lbs are finally coming off. I think it's great that you're going to a nutritionist. It is hard for me to eat 1800 calories/day when I'm eating well for just the reason you stated above. I really have to force myself to eat because I want to fuel my body for the exercise and I have pay a lot more attention to nutritional content. Isn't it interesting how much exercising can change our eating habits for the better? BTW, I'm getting my butt kicked all over the place by my workouts these days, but the results are worth it. :D
  14. While I agree with a lot of your points, I want to point out that not all lefties are equal. There are degrees of handedness. Dh and ds6 are quite ambidextrous for lefties and have never had trouble with doing many right-handed things. I am not naturally ambidextrous. As a child, my right hand had very little muscle strength and cutting with right-handed scissors was nearly impossible. I'm also the one who brought up can openers because it took me years to learn to use one. Now, The only thing I advocate for young lefties are scissors. Can openers aren't things that need to be mastered at a young age, but scissors are and left-handed ones can make a big difference. As an adult, I rarely cut with my left hand because we only have 1 pair of left-handed scissor which are my nice sewing scissors. :iagree: we have three pairs of Fiskar scissors for the boys: 1 of the no-handed, non pointy type for my preschoolers and toddlers, 1 pair of right-handed child-size scissors with pointy ends, and 1 pair of left-handed child-size scissors with the pointy end. The disappointing thing about the lefty scissors is that I had to buy them online for $7 while the same model of righties were bought locally for $2. :glare: I couldn't find any lefty scissors locally.
  15. Thanks for the welcome in the other thread and the info about cortisol. That was interesting. I did well last week, but Crossfit was really hard and I'm still a bit sore. Yesterday's 5-miler was terrible because it was SO humid, but we got through it. I can't wait for fall! Thankfully, today is my rest day and I'm doing a little 2-miler tomorrow morning. Crossfit on Tuesday.
  16. Water. We fill our cup 2/3 full with frozen berries, add a scoop of protein powder (but you could use plain Greek yoghurt instead...no surgary yoplait), and fill to the to the top of the berries with water. Really, it's good! I add unsweetened applesauce to my boys' and milk for them. Dh also makes his and the boys' with a little coconut milk to make them creamy, but I don't like the taste or the creaminess. I like to put a lot of things in my cottage cheese: unsweetened applesauce, tomatoes, and fruit like pears or peaches. I even made a dip from a recipe on the Internet that uses cottage cheese as the base and has a lot of spinach and artichokes in it. I can have a lunch meat roll up with that (though I know you don't like lunchmeat) or a lettuce wrap. Tonight, I'm putting it with some chicken and brown rice.
  17. It depends on age for us: 2-3 year olds read a Bible story, do a related craft, have an unrelated snack, and play the rest of the time. We have a lot of options for activities depending on how the class is going. 4yo-3rd graders are grouped into classes by age but rotate through different stations. They do musical worship, Bible story (include verse memorizing and discussion), related craft (typically emphasizing the memory verse) and games. 4th-6th graders do more of an adult-feel/transitional Children's Church with Bible reading, musical worship, teaching, and attend service once a month with the adults. This is a new program designed to transition them better to the regular service as a need was noticed. Of course, all children are welcome to all or part of the regular service. The children's ministry is not mandatory. We are a small, Foursquare church.
  18. If I were you, I'd add the yogurt and chuck the pineapple juice. Pineapple juice has A LOT of sugar. You could get plain Greek yoghurt instead of that sugary or fake sugary stuff. It has a lot of protein in it. I would also leave out the grain at breakfast altogether. Leftovers sound great for lunch. Grilled cheese would be a seldom treat for me. I wouldn't eat any of those carbs for a snack. They don't offer any nutritional value. What about fresh fruit like an apple or Greek yoghurt with unsweetened applesauce in it...same thing with cottage cheese or put tomatoes in the cottage cheese? Nuts are a good snack too. I just read your ETA: food does taste good...you might need to change your tastes and diversify your cooking. I always have to go through detox after Christmas and driving vacations. You can still have ice cream and chocolate but you have to make choices. Chocolate chips are a nice little treat for me. I like that a few dark chocolate chips go a long way and won't destroy a week of good eating like a heaping bowl of ice cream. As for me...I refuse to give up my sweetened coffee. It is my little slice of heaven each morning and I'd rather give up something else.
  19. In our house, everyone eats the same thing for dinner. I do eat differently from the boys at breakfast and lunch, but it isn't as big of a deal. Dh and I need to eat pretty healthy to maintain our weight (even with exercising 5-6x/week--which I just restarted after being a bit lazy for 6 month). I will often make the boys extra carbs such as rice or sweet potato fries, but dh and I either don't eat it or eat a small portion while the boys gobble up the rest. FWIW, your dinners didn't seem too bad to me aside from being carb heavy. Like a PP said, how you prepare them could make it or break it. Is dh supportive in your efforts to get healthy? If so, maybe he could change with you and support your changes. My dBIL has a lot of trouble with getting down to a healthy weight because my dsis just doesn't understand his plight. It's hard not to partake in the Oreo binging when your super-skinny dw is scarfing them down. :iagree: I also agree with the others that you listed a lot of food for one day...especially in the snack dept. Cut out the juice, soda, and chips altogether! I too love ice cream, but it is a rare treat...maybe once a month...and that's a small bowl. Those calories add up and don't provide any nutrition. I also struggle with eating breakfast unless I get up early and workout which is only 3x/week. When I don't eat breakfast, I'm more likely to make poor choices later in the day and especially evening. Lara bars have helped me on my late mornings. Smoothies can be great. Dh and I make ours with frozen berries, protein powder, and water. Yummy!! Just remember that it is a meal and not a light snack. A handful of almonds can do the trick to curb a crunchy craving. I also like popcorn. Not a super healthy snack, but better than Fritos.
  20. Nice work on getting unpacked in two weeks!! That is a huge accomplishment especially with a down-size. :party: You should take a moment to celebrate that accomplishment with a beverage of your choice in your box-free living room. :D Oh and I'm adding this to the list of things never to do when I visit my future DILs' houses. The more I read this board, the longer that list gets.
  21. Spell to Write and Read for us. I like that the flexibility allows me to use it for all my dc regardless of age, ability, or talent.
  22. Our fun math includes: Miquon Life of Fred Ed Zaccaro's Primary Challenge Math and Challenge Math We also like a lot of the books mentioned by PPs and would add Penrose the Mathmatical Cat.
  23. That's great! I'm glad you finally found what works for your DD.
  24. We keep our house at 78-80 in the summer which is long down here as do most of our friends so that might have something to do with it. My ds is so excited that we're getting a couch he can "write" on. They are always writing notes on my neighbor's microfiber couch with their fingers. It doesn't take much to entertain them. :lol:
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