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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. If you click on the individual books, they have a look inside feature that you can click on above the picture of the book. Ds4 did the About 3 series last year and is loving the ABC series now.
  2. Ds8 did 30-45 min last year and it's the same so far this year. Singapore usually takes him about 20 min and then he does mental math and a supplement.
  3. According to the website, Memoria Press still recommends LC1 for beginners in 3rd-6th before moving on to First Form or just First Form for 4th up. It is LC2 that First Form replaced.
  4. I didn't realize we had so many until I typed it out here. I usually read these everyday. Science and history during the day and all others at night. We often read for about 1.5 hrs at bedtime. Dh reads to the baby at night and sometimes he'll take the 4yo too. Otherwise, they all sit for everyone else's stories voluntarily. I really like having read alouds at each boy's level so I don't combine. We like to read so it works for us. 1. Bible storybook (all together) 2. History book for ds8 3. History lit for ds8 4. History book for ds6 5. Missionary stories (all together) 6. Mother Goose for ds4 & ds6 7. Lit for ds8 8. Lit for ds6 9. Picture book for ds4 10. Aesop for ds8 11. Poetry for ds6 12. Poetry for ds8 13. Science book for ds8 & ds6 Every family is different and there is no right way to do it so just work out what is better for you and the kids.
  5. My state doesn't require any record keeping at all so I just do what I want. I keep a record of what curricula we've used throughout the year along with samples of their work. My plan is to organize all of it into binders, but that hasn't happened yet.
  6. My ds8 is also resistant to writing out his work but I still require it. He can easily do it in his head correctly, but I'm training him for higher math. I tutor PreAlgebra-Calculus and have a lot of difficulty with students who either won't write down their work or don't know how to write it down neatly and logically. I spend a lot of time remediating those skills before we can even get to the math. After 2 years of working on it, it is becoming automatic for him and he doesn't complain nearly as much. ETA: He doesn't need to write it out in columns if he can do it mentally. I just need to be able to follow his thought process through the problem.
  7. I wish for this too. Dh is thrilled with our schooling and thinks it is hands-down best for our dc. But...he doesn't get excited about materials or want to discuss them much. It isn't his thing. He has solved some indecisive moments for me which is nice.
  8. I'm buying it to give to ds for Christmas. DFIL is a physics professor and I'm curious what his take on it will be when we see them in Jan. Ds will probably be ready for it around then anyway. I'm trying to stretch out Fractions and Decimals by making him do them twice. He doesn't mind because he loves Fred.
  9. I don't use SL LA, but we do use their readers. I don't think you made a mistake. My ds8 has been 3-4 grade levels ahead in reading since the end of K and we've used the readers only a bit ahead of grade level (He's using Grade 4-5 readers now). He hasn't ever been bored and there's a lot of info in some of the historical fiction to discuss. Readers 3 is a collection of great books that ds8 loved. He's read several of them over and over. I can't help you with diamond notes. Hopefully this bump will get you an answer on that. I'll get a look at LA when I order Core D later this year and am curious if there's anything I'll want to incorporate into our schedule.
  10. Singapore Essential Math here. After that we dive into a combo of Singapore PM Horizons, and Miquon. EM gets them going in the Singapore direction.
  11. I thought this was a PSA for me :lol: a lot of interruptions today have derailed my (and, therefore, dc's) progress. I like that idea. My ds6 is super spacy. Just when I think it's because his work is too difficult, he'll focus and finish in 10 mins. :glare: Something like this might really work for him. He could care less about rewards, but likes to earn things. I tried putting a checklist of tasks on the whiteboard, but he hated it. I think it made him feel weighed down or behind. Ds8 loves the checklist because it gives him control and direction.
  12. Thanks for posting this! This might finally be what I want. I've been looking/waiting for and iPad planning app.
  13. Thank you so much for updating. I've been praying for you too and will continue to do so. I hope you can keep busy and calm until Wednesday. I understand your apprehension. When I had bleeding and no heartbeat with the doppler at 10 weeks with my 2nd, I just knew it would be another miscarriage and dreaded my ultrasound. I was nearly in tears as it began. I'm so glad that I was wrong and it was so great to celebrate with the ultrasound tech.
  14. :lol: My ds8 is the same way. It is better when we've read the book from the selection, but even then he can try to give me examples of his favorite parts of the book. I often find myself saying, "That's great, dear son. I'm so glad you liked that book and remember it, but can we please try to get through writing in less than 30 minutes." He's the same way with word problems and spelling sentences. We haven't started WWE3 yet, but I'll try to remember that week 2 might get interesting.
  15. Ours did fall off significantly and it is very noticeable being a small church. However, it has been back in full force for about three weeks. Plus, we've grown quite a bit. School starts here next Monday (this week for some of the private schools) so most people have been home from vacation for awhile to get ready.
  16. Yes...100%. Neither one of us could imagine it any other way.
  17. Yes, autocorrect certainly doesn't replace spelling! Wow. I do know that elementary students have spelling tests here. I don't think a teacher in our district would have the power to dismiss a whole subject like that. They are pretty standardized with curriculum and schedules. We have 5 elementary schools within a 5 mile radius of our house (crazy, right?) and all of my friends' dc have similar experiences academically.
  18. Supposedly, the newer version of 1&2 coordinates better with WWE cutting out some of the overlap. I have the new version so I don't know to what extent that is true. It seems that the differences are minor from what I've gathered on the boards. There is not and never was a workbook for levels 1&2. It has always just been the teacher's manual. The student workbook starts in level 3. You may be confusing it with WWE which has student pages. FLL1 is mostly oral; FLL2 has more copywork and dictation. We do these on a separate piece of notebook paper.
  19. Since no one has mentioned it yet... My dc love American Tall Tales.
  20. I would. We just bought our first chest freezer a couple of months ago and it is great. We shop at Costco and it was tough juggling the two refrigerators. My MIL with no dc at home has the smaller one with only two of them at home and it is well used. I'm not sure MIL could survive the holidays without it. Even when she is traveling to our house, she makes gifts for others and will bring frozen meals, bread, and treats for us all the way from VA. She is also the queen of making and freezing meals for when she's too busy to cook or for DFil when she's out of town. My parents also bought a new one after their ancient one died. They often buy a half a cow so they need it.
  21. Does she just like workbooks? My ds4 will use the salt box at the school table until I physically take it away to practice his letters. I also like pattern blocks, mighty mind, and MFW's preschool package. The MFW set comes with task cards which makes ds feel more like he's participating in school instead of just playing with toys. The only problem is that my other dc think they're cool and want to do them too which keeps them from finishing their own schoolwork. We're working on that. If she demands workbooks, you might try ETC primers, Developing the Early Learner books 1 & 2, and Singapore EM book A. I use DEL and EM around 4.5, but she may be ready for them. I wish my 4yo could give ds6 someof his focus. Ds6 will daydream for 20 mins while doing his favorite subject as ds4 polishes off 6 pages in his R&S books. :001_huh:
  22. :iagree: and I'm also an SWR user. Another of the ways my dc really learn those rules is by using the flash cards. PR has rule tunes, right? I think I've also heard something about reference pages in PR (building codes, perhaps). I've never felt that we needed to focus any more on the rules than we do.
  23. I did like that one. Saw it on Facebook not too long ago.
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