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Everything posted by TwinMominTX

  1. but is still really pretty good in Austin, Texas. We are an outlier since we live in a rural area, but our home has appreciated approximately +20% in the past year.
  2. but generally we do about a chapter a session. I try and guage attentiveness when deciding to do more than a chapter. Sometimes they'll beg me to continue - sometimes I do - sometimes I don't. I think a little suspense is good. It always seems like when I stop at a suspenseful part they remember much better what has been happening in the story. I am loving read-alouds this year!
  3. I make a big deal of choosing binders and putting labels on things. I also go though and show the girls and give an overview of the curriculum we are using, let them look through their workbooks, check out read-aloud covers, etc. I read to them from some of the tables of contents and give specifics of what we'll be learning. Before the first day I also take them shopping to allow them to pick out a new backpack, a water bottle and a lunchbox (we do a one day a week co-op). I also let them pick out a few school supplies and possibly some new clothes. We then do a special "mom-daughter" lunch. This year we've tentatively started without delcaring it our "first" day. I'll do that in a few weeks. We are easing in to our year this year since we've started so early in the summer due to the heat outside. On our special back to school day I also plan to take the girls to Barnes & Noble and let them pick out a few chapter books to be read through the year.
  4. It is very hands on - and the cards and letter tiles are very colorful. She'll also get some phonics reinforcement from learning the rules. My twins like it a lot.
  5. I thought it was pretty good for my 1st graders last year, but didn't feel like it would be enough for this year (2nd grade). I ended up having to buy most of the books because our library isn't great. I also found lots of the internet links to be outdated.
  6. I like the idea. Helps keep me accountable! Thanks!!
  7. This is our first "full" summer in our house. It is 3200 square feet. We keep upstairs and downstairs about 78 during the day and about 74 at night. We've averaged less than $200 per month. Our only utility is electricity as we have a well that uses electricity as well as electric hot water heaters.
  8. $200 or so per month towards expenses. I think this would cover the unforseen things that go wrong - dishwasher breaks, sink stops up and then also allow you to accrue money for the long term expenses such as when an A/C unit needs to be repaired or a roof needs fixing.
  9. Will it be a photo scavenger hunt? If so here's a few ideas... purple socks pink tennis shoes 50% off sign live flowers green stroller etc. etc.
  10. It also allows him to read and become exposed to good writing which is one of the touted benefits of copywork.
  11. I really like it as do my twins. We are working quickly through the lessons doing about 1 1/2 to 2 "steps" each day. It is easy to pick up and go and requries very little prep (other than initially cutting out a million things). It is fairly quick and concentrated and we are enjoying ourselves.
  12. I would say this book is more a "curriculum guide" than a curriculum. You will need to figure out the activites based on the guide - it doesn't have a specific schedule telling you what to do when. The meat of the book gives ideas for approximately 20 activities that tie into the book, but does not give a great deal of detail. For example, here is one activity suggestion: "Watch part of a national political convention on television. Look for the "Roll Call of the States." Write a report on what happened. Who spoke? What was your opinion of the proceedings?" It doesn't give any more background or structure to the assignment. The book also includes websites for further information, a terms glossary, and a bibliography and further reading section. If would say this is a good supplement if you are wanting to put together a unit study on a presidential election. It definitely won't allow you to simply open and go... Hope this helps a bit.
  13. What types of "rules" do you have about behavior during school times? I have a dd who is a fidgeter. I don't mind the near constant moving and wiggling, but draw the line at her playing with stuff - pencils, pencil cups, little toys within reach, the dog, the other dog, the other dog or stuffed animals. Is this harsh? My other dd sits still and doesn't fidget a bit. So, tell me about your behavior rules during school time. And, do your rules vary at all during read-alouds, independent work or lecture times? Thanks!
  14. Specifically we have very little wood. We have two different barn structures and with the exceptions of the roof posts the rest of the structure is metal. We also store our hay in a completely separate area 200+ feet from where we stall the horses. Finally, we make sure we have adequate electrical services to our outbuildings. I was so sad to read about your horse. It is a big fear of mine as we live only 1/2 mile from a major highway. It had to be devestating for you and I am truly sorry. Dyan
  15. and then all of a sudden stopped. I think it must be the heat! Those darn chicken ovaries - must have a thing for good weather.
  16. I have the strongest fingernails in the world which I think comes from not doing dishes. At any rate, I have to trim the about every other day or they are disgusting with dirt underneath. I can only imagine what is under there...manure, feed, dirt???
  17. Echo in Celebration: A Call to Home-Centered Education by Leigh Bortins who is the founder of Classical Conversations. I think you might have to order from her site (classicalconversations.com). I really really learned a lot and it renewed my commitment to high quality home schooling.
  18. a very cute Disney movie about a dad who goes over top to help his daugther realize her horse dreams. Very cute and enjoyable for the entire family.
  19. I'd also suggest looking at currclick.com to see what they have in regards to geography. I don't have anything specific to recommend, but they have some great resources on the site from a variety of vendors. I like that the site prices things reasonably which allows me to feel free to purchase a few different items within the same subject and sort of pick and choose what I'd like to use.
  20. It is so stinking hot outside that I figured we might as well be inside doing school. I've never been organized enough to plan our breaks. We simply take them when circumstances come up. My girls were genuinely excited to get back into the swing of things.
  21. with my twin girls. I felt like this allowed us to have an "extra" year and still be ok. I figured the extra year could be a total repeat, a partial repeat, a travel year or heaven forbid a time to slow down due to illness or other life circumstance. I felt like I had nothing to lose by starting at 5 as I knew I'd take it slow and do the basics in a fun way. For us "school" at this age was an hour of work max. ETA: I re-read your post and now understand your question. In your case, I would probably do a combo of K and 1. Work at whatever level you feel your daughter is able to work. For some subjects it might be K and some it might be 1. Basically a hybrid of the two. I believe that she's likely to even out as you progress. Good luck to you both!!
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