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Everything posted by TwinMominTX

  1. custom orthotics. I was a serious runner before having my twins. After the twins, I was absolutely positively plagued with problems. Likely it all had to do with the physiological changes my body went through during the tough twin pregnancy. Anyway, I really really wanted to run. I spent a zillion dollars on physical therapy which did seem to help, but I didn't get true relief until I got some custom orthotics. The difference it made to my running - and my mileage - was amazing. I wore them faithfully for at least a year. I haven't worn them for probably the past year and I haven't had any problems. I am certain that the orthotics helped my funky mis-shapen muscles stretch back into their intended shape. Anyway, it might be worth a try if you're serious about upping your mileage. TK
  2. do you know what the scriptural basis for these rules are? Genuinely curious! Thanks!
  3. and it has been great. My husband travels frequently and it has been great. He was most recently in Qatar and it was so much fun to talk to him, see him AND see pictures of the places he'd been. We spent about $300 for cameras for our home computer and his laptop. I think he got fairly good ones . We have high speed internet and I imagine it wouldn't be enjoyable to chat if you had a slower connection. Occassionally we've had to terminate the call because it was such poor quality. Generally when the call is then re-initiated the quality became better. I can't tell anyone enough how great it has been for my girls to keep in touch with daddy...and, truth be told, he probably enjoys it more than they do!
  4. ...and the order (and approximate time) we do them... Calendar (10 mintes - we fill in a calendar, sing a goofy song that teaches how to spell the month and when applicable do something out of the book Kids Celebrate!) Right into Reading (10 minutes) Math (30-45 minutes - we were using RightStart, but we are going to be switching to Singapore with RS as a supplement) Explode the Code (10 minutes) Child Read-Aloud (20 minutes - 10 minutes x 2 kids) Silent Reading (10 minutes) Rececss (15 minutes) Read-Aloud (15-20 minutes) Spelling (10 minutes - we use WinterPromise) Language Arts/Handwriting (15 minutes - we use WinterPromise for LA) Math Drill (10-15 minutes) Break/Lunch (1 hour) History (1 hour - we use WinterPromise American Story 1) or Science (1 hour - we use Living Learning Books) or Spanish (20 minutes - we use Power Glide) *Forgot to mention that we school 4 days per week. My girls go to a homeschool enrichment academy one day per week.* My girls are 6 1/2 and we've been doing this schedule since January. Before that we sort of did whatever - whenever and this has MUCH improved our efficiency and enjoyment of school. My girls know what to expect and when to expect it, they also know how many more things we need to do for the day. For handwriting practice they spend 5 minutes each morning writing out the daily schedule and then crossing items off when we are done. TK
  5. Do you know...I cannot honestly remember what day of the week it was when I got married. I am going to have to go back and look. We eloped to Mexico and got married int he middle of our week there. Whoa - I can't believe I can't remember! Do you guys have any big plans? If you do (or even if you don't) enjoy and congrats! TK
  6. She does some daily pick up, deep cleans, does laundry and if I ask she will cook. She works 15-20 hours per week. Since homeschooling I've learned to take advantage of alone time. I miss alone time. I crave alone time. I feel like my girls are always always with me (which mostly they are). I have a housekeeper so that when I do have some alone time I don't have to spend it doing housework/chores. Every once in a while I skip out on family and/or social activities (dinner out, visiting the in-laws, etc.) so that I can spend a few hours alone. TK
  7. What elevation will you be living at? I grew up at 6000 feet. High, but certainly not as high as some are likely to be. It will be chilly in the evenings. Warm sweatshirts and long pants chilly. The air will be dry. Expect a few nose bleeds. Likely the well will be plumbed to the house - no buckets necessary! Expect the water to taste yummy - especially compared to chlorinated floridated city water! You guys will have a fabulous time. Enjoy it and take lots of pictures and then post them here for us to see!!
  8. who cares what Susan Wise Bauer would do. SWB doesn't know your child and doesn't know about your specific homeschool goals or family ideals. If you would like your dd to read the American Girl books, have her read them. You are ultimately responsible for her education. I think we would be hard pressed to find anyone (even on this board) who follows TWTM exactly and my guess is even SWB doesn't follow it exactly as written. If the books align with *your* educational goals great. If not, that's ok too. Sorry if this sounds harsh and maybe the post is tongue in cheek and I am missing something? TK
  9. but the US dollar STINKS when compared to the Euro right now. I mean really stinks. Make sure you factor that in your planning as it isn't likely to get any better anytime soon. On a happier note - you'll have a wonderful time and your kids will think it is great! The people are super friendly in Italy. TK
  10. my house would collapse - and I have a big house! I have not one single sentimental bone in my body and cannot imagine keeping something for my kids to use one day. For me, part of the fun of homeschooling is researching and obtaining curriculum. Unless your kids are a short number (less than 5 years) from being in the position to teach their own kids I imagine things will change, get updated, etc. TK
  11. First, I can't see it being anything cost prohibitive for my family. I blow money on silly stuff all the time, what's another one! :o Second, I can't imagine it would be difficult meeting the educational requirements as I have two masters degrees. Third, I am a rule follower and it might be fun to have a few more letters after my name (assuming I were into that). TK, BA, MA, MA, Cred.
  12. These might be lame, but... Homeschool Horsemanship Horsing around for homeschoolers What curriculum are you using? I use the Junior Master Horsemanship handbook for a small little group I put together in my area. We've only done a few chapters, but we've had fun. Most of the kids that participate aren't writers (think 6 year olds), but I love some of the writing ideas for the older kids. You guys should have fun. TK
  13. Here is the link: http://www.pianoforpreschoolers.com/ I have not used it, but simply heard about it. I am not sure how much tweaking would be needed to allow it to be used for a 1st grader. TK
  14. It might be a little young for your kids, but for my 2nd graders I think it will work well. http://www.amazon.com/Mice-Way-Learn-About-Government/dp/1893622002/ref=pd_sim_b_title_3 We've read the Woodrow Mouse for President Book, but I will likely get the entire series and do a little study around them. The other titles in the series include books on the Senate and Surpeme Court. We also have this book on how the US Goverment Works. I haven't even looked at it as we won't start our "government" lessons until mid-summer. http://www.amazon.com/How-U-S-Government-Works-Sobel/dp/0764111116/ref=pd_sim_b_img_9
  15. and my dh has been sick off and on since we've been married and required various surgeries and extended hospital stays. (My sick dh in no way compares to losing a husband, but wanted to mention it as people were very kind and reached out to me personally during those times so I have a little frame of reference). First, your friend is likely to be exhausted - physically and emotionally. Even picking up the telephone to call someone is an effort. Like someone suggested - quitely seeing a need and taking care of it is the best way to help. Being proactive - like "I would like to come by and pick up your kids on my way to the library. Would 3pm work for you guys?" For my friend (and for me when my husband was sick) many household chores traditionally the "man's responsibility" were overwhelming to contemplate. It was just a stark reminder that the man of the house wasn't there any longer. My friend is capable and I know that if she put her mind to it, she could likely do many of the tasks that needed to be done, but it was just such a stark reminder that her dh was no longer there that it was really hard to find the energy to do these types of tasks. I remember someone coming into my home and without asking replacing the zillion or so burnt out light bulbs that for me would have required a ladder. It was a huge load off me (even something that small). Organizing a group of homeschool dads to come by at sometime in the future to help out with upkeep and maintenance issues would probably be helpful. Don't be offended if your friend doesn't return your calls. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep calling. Sometimes it is so emotionally hard to keep in contact with people, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to make the effort. I try to send periodic emails and whenever I call I make sure to tell my friend that there is no need to call back. She told me once she appreciates it as it takes a huge load off of her not to feel obligated. Try to be a low maintenance friend to her. In the next few days if you want to take food for them, I suggest taking finger foods - cheese and crackers, cut up fruit, etc. This gives her something to serve to friends and/or family that might be around and allows her to eat a bit here and there when hungry. Finally, don't be afraid to talk about her dh. With my friend it felt like the big huge white elephant in the room that no one wanted to mention. I finally told her that it was very awkward not to talk about her husband, but I felt worried about making her sad. She actually laughed and said "I can't get any sadder and I like to talk about him." I let her take the lead in talking about him, but also stressed to her that if I ever said or did anythng thoughtless that she should tell me. This allowed us to interact without me being crippled by the fear saying or doing the wrong thing. Thank you for being such a good friend. TK
  16. How old are your kids? My girls will be in 2nd grade. We will be doing a unit on American govermnet with an emphasis on the November presdiental elections. They are keenly interested in the election process so I figure this is as good a time as any. TK
  17. is in April. I LOVE the weather in April while I dislike the weather in July. I figure as long as we're sitting inside in front of the a/c we can do school!! TK
  18. I think what the original poster was describing was bullying. The boy was deliberately bugging her son to the point of being a bully. He wasn't simply a kid who has some problems with realizing social cues. Granted, the child in the original posters message may have some issues with social cues or other differences, but his behavior really does cross the line into bullying. TK
  19. The only thing I can add is to continue any "pre first day of school" traditions you might have previously followed - school clothes shopping, planner shopping, first day of school pictures, etc. I'd also tell them as early as you feel comfortable. They are likely to be the envy of a few kids in their classes and they can also spend the summer making some other friends. Good luck! TK
  20. or some other similar named agency. You should be able to get in touch with the state agency that handles aging and then they can tell you more specifically whom to call - be it a federal, state, county or municipal agency to best address the concerns you have. If you cannot find a contact for a department of aging services you can contact the state's Attorney General. They should be able to point you in the right direction. I abhor elder abuse. Unfortunately, it is rampant, but many states are making a concerted effort to do a better job in servicing the elderly. TK
  21. for tomorrow and then ask her specifically what she would like to have on hand. My experience is that most cleaning people have "favorites" and if you're going to buy supplies you might as well buy supplies that she likes to use. I'd also ask about cleaning tools and as your budget allows, purchase the tools that she likes to use. I have never NOT had outside help in the cleaning/laundry area and I figure if some specifc cleaning supplies keep someone happily cleaning my house then I am all for getting what they want. Heck, I'd have purchased a solid gold mop for my favorite housekeeper if that is what she wanted! TK
  22. That is great that he is a rescue, but will also help add to your "riding" stable. Our oldest horse is 18, but she is an OLD 18 - literally rode hard and put up wet. It is amazing what a little TLC has done for her in the last several months. Thanks for rescuing this horse. May he live out his last days in peace! :o TK
  23. They were healthy and came home from the hospital 12 days after the were born. I'd say you'll do fine at 35+ weeks, but speak from experience that the longer you can keep them cooking, the better. TK
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