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Everything posted by TwinMominTX

  1. and he is not an engineer. You don't necessarily need to be an engineer - you can always contract that portion out. My husband is very successful and has a very ordered, logical mind. This obviously helps with the inventing side of things. He comes up with a concept and proceeds step by step to carry it out. When he comes to a part he doesn't know, he hires someone to help. However, his success comes mainly from carrying out the ideas to completion and then getting the patents issued (this requries a very well organized ordered person). People come up with good ideas for inventions everyday - the trick is to have the type of mind to actually be able to take the idea through the entire process. This is where your son would likely be very successful. Good luck to him! TK
  2. so forgive me if this is sensitive or upsetting to you. My dh had a vasectomy in 1991. When we married in 1999 he attempted a reversal, but it was not successful as the vas was cut too short during the vasectomy. We researched our various options and in 2000 he underwent a testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and we were able to conceive twins through IVF. Incidentally, it was during the TESE surgery that it was discovered that he had testicular cancer. He had had a lump "down there" since his vasectomy reversal and everyone (doctors included) assumed it was simply scar tissue from his previous surgeries. Turns out it was advanced testicular cancer - we likely wouldn't have known until the cancer had become much more advanced. Its been many years since we underwent our procedures, but I could probably dust off the cobwebs if you have any specific questions about TESE, IVF or the other assisted reproductive technologies. You might also search for information on testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and micro-epididimal sperm aspiration (MESA). I am sorry you're feeling sad. I know and understand the pain of secondary infertility. TK
  3. He is a quarter horse with really old school bloodlines - King, Wimpy, Cutter Bill, etc. We are hoping to begin a breeding program using him as "the stud". Of course, he is 8 months old and not really interested in all that business yet. He is happy to hang out with the donkey and frolic in the pasture! TK
  4. Here in Texas they allow people with degrees, but no formal education degrees to teach certain classes that are hard to fill/need teachers, etc. What is the attrition rate between trained teachers and the "untrained" teachers? Is it as high? Higher? TK
  5. I have a small standard sized donkey named Violet. Her new best friend in the whole entire world is Opie our 8 month old cremello stallion. She is stuck to him like glue! I rather like it because it keeps her off my heels, but sometimes I can just imagine him saying "give me some space - would you!" I had no idea that Donkey's get so attached to other animals or humans. I'd be curious to kow what was causing your donkey to tremble. Was it cold? Violet seems to be the sturdiest animal we have with regards to cold. Keep us posted ok? TK
  6. I think it really helps keep them from rubbing their hind ends and breaking off the hairs on their tails. Our horses tails are beautiful so I get out the gloves regularly (we have 7 geldings and 1 stallion). By the way, I also clean between the teats on our mares. Same thing - seems to help with the broken tails. Do you guys also bean? I don't care what anyone says, having that little bean in there cannot be comfortable for any horse. My dh jokes that I should start my own business. Clean the Equine Bean. He thinks I'll make a fortune. TK
  7. Is this good or bad? I have twin girls who are in the first grade and reading at an appropriate grade/age level. One dd loses her place frequently if she does not use her fingers to track what she is reading while the other does just fine without the finger tracking. Can someone tell me the wisdom with regards to tracking? Should I encourage it, discourage it??? Thanks! FWIW, I was reading at a high 6th grade level when in 1st grade. I was reading well before kindergarten without any teaching on the part of my parents. My mom said I simply picked up a book one day at age 3 and started to read. I have always been a good, fast, proficient reader and this whole teaching reading thing drives me batty. It just seems to me that one should be able to just simply "do it". Alas, I know this isn't the case, but I still stress about it quite a bit.
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