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Everything posted by bugs

  1. :seeya: Oh me, me! I wanna belong to the Mean Mom Club too! Oh yeah, good job sticking to your plans!
  2. She needs to have a little brain warm-up with another subject before tackling the math workout ;).
  3. Yikes! Personally, I would NOT drop R&S. It is too thorough and too foundational. You can always not do their writing assignments and only do odd of the actual grammar exercises. You might finish the book if you did only 3 days per week but if you don't you'd only be missing the last one or two chapters (I think they are on topics such as dictionary and concorddance use). Like the OP I would drop one or two of your other LA topics. Does she have to do the group art? Even though it doesn't have that much homework the time adds up.
  4. When I think "applied" physics I think "engineering".:D
  5. From Ms. Bauer's writing overview pdf file she suggests 2 one-page pursuasive papers per week in history, lit, or science. and two 4 -8 page research papers for a 9th grader.
  6. I get it. Sometimes the little things make a world of difference.
  7. Thanks to all for the suggestions and helps. I did just get a couple good deals on ebay. But as I asked around I learned that your state (or at least WA state) General Administration group takes care of surplus materials of all kinds. So you can go to their surplus store and find treasures (like microscopes, books, salon chairs :tongue_smilie:, etc) or their on-line auction. Here is the link to the country wide public surplus site. You can sort via your state (I think you need to pick up any item you win in an on-line auction). http://www.publicsurplus.com/ Hope this helps others.
  8. The 500 ml graduated cylinder is for a displacement experiment and archimedes principle. DD will be using the lab manual for CP 9th edition. It utilizes plenty of household items and I did not schedule all the labs because I don't feel we really need a van de graff device, for instance, to demonstrate static electricity, etc. Or, I omitted labs that used a complicated device only once and opted to use an on-line lab as a substitute. I figure items such as beakers, graduated cylinders, etc. could be used again in other science courses. I am also looking for a little more accuracy in the equipment since she will be doing some simple calculations. That all being said, I'm not really sure how much accuracy, or how often high schoolers need to do a lab to get the "lab" credit. Do any of you know? I am sure I can get away with my lab equipment costs for under $200 dollars that would include an electronic balance. But, if there are such places as stores/depots that carry used science equipment which I could liberate from the garbage piles of America, and pay less, it would please me to do so. Does all my rampling make sense? Thanks so much for helping.
  9. My dd will be starting Conceptual Physics in a couple of weeks. I am searching for a way to find most of the equipment I need "used" if possible, to help keep costs down. I just don't know where to go to find used 600 ml beakers, 500 ml graduated cylinders, ring stands, etc. Does any one have any idea? Yes, I know I've procrastinated :glare:. Thank you.
  10. This is the work I planned for my 9th grader - we won't start school until Sept 13th. My daughter is a little overwhelmed and hasn't started! I just let her know that if she were going to ps she'd be spending at least another 25% of her time doing homework. English (CW, LLfLOTR, some grammar reinforcement)- 5+ hours/week Conceptual Physics with Lab - 5 hr/wk Modern History (keeping it minimal and with great books) - 3-4 hrs/wk Math (Algebra 1 then Geometry) - 4+ hours/week Spanish - 4 + hrs/wk Logic - 4+ hrs/wk U.S. Govt - 5 hrs/wk (1 semester) Art and Art& Music history - 5 hrs/wk (2nd semester) Band and Sax practice - 3.5 hrs/wk Oh, yeah - PE that I'm not counting yet - about 3 hours/week. Basically, I'm expecting to award 7 credits for the total year.
  11. I am one who read and didn't reply... it was late at night.... I would like to use this (therefore I liked it) for early modern. Can you tell me what the "personality" section is?
  12. My dd will be reading 2, 9, 10,23, 39, 41, 47, 51, 70, 72, 78. I forget why I chose those, but it made sense at the time and I'm sticking with it :tongue_smilie:.
  13. I eat a combination. I drink non-fat milk, eat low-fat/non-fat sugar free yougurt, low fat cheese. I use as much canola and olive oil as I need and I eat more chicken than red meat. Also, though I'll drink a fat-free latte, plain old drip coffee must have half-n-half (disgusting without it). Even if you don't choose to follow the South Beach diet, it does explain good/bad fat, low/no fat, as well as limiting sugar and simple carbohydrates.
  14. I'm on a different computer than the one I normally use or I'd send you the limited list of the one's I am having my 9th grader read. You can google federalist papers for hs and you might get a nice list. Otherwise, if I remember tomorrow I'll jot them down for you if you like.
  15. Not sure if you have enough "no's" to help you make a decision, but here's another one - no. I didn't read all the posts but did anyone mention graphic decapitation? or the rape scene? (can't remember details about that part)
  16. Last April we did go to Disney World (mostly nice but rained a day and a half). Actually, when I really want to leave WA in in June because most of the country is warm and I feel extremely jealous that I must still wear long sleeves and jeans. But, as a pp pointed out, Septembers are usually pretty nice here. It's suppose to get nice again starting tomorrow so I'll be full of joy again :D.
  17. I didn't put away my "winter" clothes until mid July. Did I mention I started up our woodstove this past Sunday? I know some folks are miserable in the summer - I have lived in the FL, PA, and NC so I do know how obnoxious summer can be. So, great places to live are? Hawaii (just can't leave any ol time). Colorado (at least I think so- low humidity). Anywhere else?
  18. I know I'll get little sympathy from some of you but I have to vent. Yesterday, I wore GLOVES on my walk (it was below 50 in the morning). Today it's grey, raining and in the 50's! First we had Junuary, now we have Augtober. Here in NW Washington it seems we had very little summer. I've been driven to wearing make-up :glare:. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I think I'll go get me a latte now.
  19. I doesn't really matter. My science is off too because I rationalized it differently. So, ancient was earth and astronomy (you know beginning of world), middle ages was chemistry (I thought alchemy, etc.), early modern is physics (Newton was alive in the "early modern"), and biology for modern (all the advancements made in medicine, dna, etc.) I think as long as you're consistent you'll be fine - esp. for elementary school kids.
  20. I live just north of Seattle but spent most of my growing up days in Hawaii, so I believe I am "cold -blooded". I get terrible grumpy when we have little to no summer (as I feel we are having this year). Why oh why must I wear a polar-tek jacket in June?! And sometimes in July?! My body needs to feel the sun. Fortunately I do not get SAD - just grumpy :lol:. Anyway, I don't mind cool weather, just give me a little sun with it. BTW, I have also lived in the NE and the South and remember quite well going from air-conditioned office, to a/c car, to a/c home.
  21. :iagree: This thread needs to be bumped until Jann sees it.
  22. I am very excited for you! It will be fun (in a masochistic kind of way :D).
  23. Having gleaned sooooo much from these boards (a million thank yous!) has been encouraging. Knowing there are so many choices for curriculum is encouraging. But for me, I know "what I don't know" and what I know. My child on the other hand really doesn't "know what she doesn't know". Therefore, no matter how bright she may or may not be I always will know a little more than her at least a week ahead of her. :lol: Hope that makes sense :D.
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