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Big Buckin' Longhorn

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Everything posted by Big Buckin' Longhorn

  1. FIREFOX!!!! Sometimes there are a few things that won't load into it, but I just copy and paste the url into my IE browser tab THAT I HAVE IN FIREFOX and it work just fine. Also Firefox will save all your log-ons and passwords (If you want that, I LOVE it) without you having to press a single key. I heart Firefox! :D
  2. Try to have a great day anyway. It's Friday, which means no one can cook in my house. :party:Go out to dinner, have a couple of margaritas :cheers2: and have a fabulous birthday dinner!
  3. :grouphug: Well, I know it will be hard because you really need the help, but if it were me, she would be let go immediately. I have a son, much older than yours, but he has some health issues and he is a challenge. I am aware of it, everyone I trust him with knows it, and that's the last I want to hear about it. He has a battery of physicians that we work with, and we are handling it the best way we know how. The last thing I need is some lay-person sticking their noses into my parenting and my child's psyche to see what additional damage they can do. At 5 years old, I don't think it's even possible to point to ADHD as 5 year old boys are very very very active in and of themselves. :glare: I'm so sorry you had to endure this. I wouldn't waste my time worrying about what anyone thought (but that's just the kind of girl I am ;)) she'd be fired so fast her head would swim! Let her sit home and analyze that! That last statement was rude, and you can disregard it, but I still stand firmly by the rest.
  4. . . . to see what kind of suggestions you would get. These are great! I'm so glad you asked the question and that all these wonderful ladies have been so forthcoming in their answers. The link with the free downloadable student texts was awesome! :thumbup:
  5. "That's going to leave a mark!" Usually said when someone checked real good in taekwondo practice. ;) Oh, and another one, "Butter Toast!" We've been saying it for years, because when my son was small he would try to say "but of course," except it came out as "butter toast." We've been using it every since. :smilielol5:
  6. You ladies have so many interesting experiences. I'm going to try to look into them and find something that will work for us. It's hard for me to commit to a group because we only have one vehicle which I usually don't have the privilege of using due to my dear spouse's complicated work schedule and we live on the edge of town that has no public transportation.:sad: I may be able to put something together and try to get a carpool started, though. That has worked for me before. Luckily I tend to be very creative when I really want to get somewhere.:D Thanks again so much for all of the helpful suggestions. I definitely have a lot of options to start looking into. The fall will be here before you know it!
  7. I have lots to look at and learn from what you've shared here. :001_smile: I really appreciated it! :thumbup1: I sent some good rep to all of you. Thanks again!
  8. What method / curriculum do you use? I haven't really found anything that seems to be homeschool friendly. It's something I struggle with as well, so I definitely need guidance when trying to teach this to my dear son, 15. He is really outgoing as long as it's "active" things, but when it's time to just stand up and speak, he clams up.:001_huh:
  9. I remember reading somewhere that this was a scam. I'll have to hunt up the resource (it was reliable) but that the *fee based* National Honor Society has no real connection with the *real* NHS. I'd just save my money if I were you. :thumbdown:
  10. I usually try to plan 35 to 40 4-day weeks. We sort of school year round (although mostly around the traditional school year) and my son has some health issues so we usually end up taking a few weeks off for hospital visits. I guess I'm trying to say, we just go as long as it takes. We really try not to get too stressed about the schedule and just take each day as it comes. ;)
  11. :thumbup: Thanks! It seems like wherever I am on-line, you're always there to lend a helping hand! :001_smile:
  12. :hurray: Hurray for you, Kathleen. It sounds like you handled this situation with grace and dignity, while educating at the same time. That's an extremely difficult combination to master. Many of us here try, but . . . well . . . I'm sure you've seen the results, LOL. You'll get no tomatoes from me. ;)
  13. My mom calls me about once a week. We usually speak for 5 or 10 minutes just to catch up. I never call her. I despise the telephone and avoid it at all costs. :ohmy: I used to write letters before email. I also don't email my mother because she insists on putting me on her "junk" email list and forwards me lots of crap that I spend all day deleting. :cursing: I have my son call her so she had touch with him. They love each other, they love telephone conversations, and can talk for hours about absolutely nothing. My spouse actually works in the family business, so MIL, FIL are all around each other all day long AND my MIL still calls here three or four times a day in the evening after work just to chat. It's excessive and gets on my nerves, but it's been going on for 10 years. So I think that's something I've learned to live with.
  14. My son just finished the Marine Biology about a month ago. I had the exact same reservations with him. He isn't dyslexic, he just doesn't care to read and is a VERY slow reader. I loved the MP3 cd for Biology and was really concerned about them not having one available for the Marine Biology. Anyway, he did fine with it. He did take a little longer to work through the modules, and I just scheduled them in smaller chunks for him since he had to do his own reading. It worked very well. A good portion of the vocabulary is the same. It is a lot of new material, some review, and there is some material that is carried over from Biology but they take the time to dig deeper. We both really ended up enjoying it. We took it as a filler between Biology and Chemistry because he wasn't caught up on the math prerequisites yet. Of course, he LOVED the shark dissection! :confused: I was totally grossed out and made him do it on the back patio.
  15. Don't forget to leave the milk sitting on the counter, because I actually like mine just a little bit chunky. :001_unsure:
  16. Yeah. I posted a little more over there than here. It's not so big, so I don't get so lost. To be honest when this board made the big swicharoo, I just let it go. Then of course, my addiction began calling my name in my sleep . . . and well . . . here I am. *SIGH* I'm rsmomintx over there and on hsr, but I thought I'd try something different over here. Thank goodness I use Firefox and it remembers who I am all over the internet for me, or my board fornicating ways would be a disaster!
  17. I like that you can be frank over there. I mean really FRANK. Sometimes it gets us into trouble, but frank can be good. LOL.
  18. I didn't know there were so many DJ girls over here. Hi! I miss it and I don't like it being down. It's a lot of fun over there. Most of you ladies are too deep for me, but I have LOTS of fun reading your posts. I'm usually a habitual lurker, but I'm trying to post more. I sort of felt like a "Peeping Thomasita."
  19. That's hilarious! :lol: I'm a Texan, so we've grown up with this holiday. Turns out, my son guest posted on my blog regarding this very subject. http://twomomshomeschool.blogspot.com/2008/06/happy-juneteenth.html Enjoy!
  20. Uh. I. Don't. Know. I thought I was doing good with knowing what it is. :D I guess I'm one of those anal chicks who keeps a little money in that account "on the side" just in case of a curriculum emergency. I'm not sure if it works with your cc or e-check funded type transactions...hmmm. . . I wonder.
  21. If you join the Notgrass Yahoo group, someone has posted a pretty interesting looking schedule for coordinating Exploring American with US geography in their files section. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ExploringAmerica_users/
  22. As long as you have money in your PayPal account, you can pay for stuff anywhere - even on sites that don't accept PayPal. It creates a one time use unique credit card number to use just for that one transaction, charges it to your PayPal account, and - poof - it's done. :hurray:
  23. In my former life before I started homeschooling I worked in semi-upper management with the Department of Human Services as well as lots of volunteer work for several non-profit organizations. Honestly, the volunteer work was a lot more rewarding than the paid work and the paid work paid so pitifully that I'm glad I was able to quit, homeschool, and just do volunteer work on my own terms. It's good hard honest work, very fulfilling, sometimes frustrating, definitely not for the capitalist because the pay is usually quite meager, but that doesn't matter to some of us. :001_smile:
  24. I think I just found my new favorite obsession! Thanks! :)
  25. How about PAC's Integrated Chemistry and Physics? I haven't used it, but I know others who have. It's supposed to be chemistry without all the complicated formulas, etc...
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