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Big Buckin' Longhorn

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Everything posted by Big Buckin' Longhorn

  1. I binge watch in a time-delayed fashion. PLEASE no spoilers without warning.
  2. Yes. Yes. Yes. He is simply amazing. I love that it seems so effortless and natural, like he's not a superb actor. It's like he just wandered onset and is living his life while everyone else creates a television show. Amazing.
  3. Oh, King Doggy of the Universe is not spoiled at all, lol. I'm not sure why I won't let my grown son get a job because I don't want the hours to interfere with my classes. I would just hate it if King Doggy had to be home alone for 5 minutes. He also refuses to sleep unless I swaddle him like a burrito at the foot of my side (only) of the bed and lay in there with him with my legs all scrunched up so he can get his beauty rest. He turns up his nose at anything except organic grain-free lamb kibble. He will stare daggers at the poor fool who doesn't hear/recognize his loud *SIGH* when his water is too tepid for his enjoyment. His little tummy only tolerates ice cold water. He also refuses to enter the house after his morning "business" unless someone wipes the dew from his paws. He wouldn't know what to think of a kennel because he goes everywhere with us or stays at the homes one of his two grandmas, who both fawn dearly over their grand-doggy and re-arrange their lives while he graces them with his divine presence. No, not spoiled. Just loved dearly.
  4. I'm so very sorry. Your family will be in my thoughts.
  5. Oh, man. I wear thick black liquid eyeliner with wings AND powdered in eyebrows! None of my friends even wear makeup. I don't care. I like drama in my look. She may just be finding herself. I went through a LOT with my mom over makeup. Now she and I both wish we'd done things differently, but really she was so very negative towards me and it really hurt. Sometimes it still hurts when I think about it. Just leave her alone. She will mature and grow and learn. Try and work WITH her; don't fight against her on this. It'll protect your relationship in the long run.
  6. I have nothing to add. I just wanted to say HI, REBEL!!! Long time no see. I didn't know you'd moved to Austin. It's so great to see you.
  7. I didn't see this before. I see I am not alone, but I can't stand making phone calls or answering the phone.
  8. Talking on the telephone. Stupid, I know, but YIKES! I hate it.
  9. Generally the student who provides the media explains how it is relavent to the class and/or leads the class discussion. There have been times where the general consensus of class is that something doesn't apply or is inappropriate (or boring) and we are allowed to express those opinions, as long as it's done in a respectable manner. I guess it could be considered lazy. I like it. Plenty of my classes are soooooo dull, I prefer the spontaneous ones.
  10. The only concern I have with the idea of the "trigger warnings" a week or so in advance is that it would dampen the spontaneity of some classes. My favorite classes are the ones where the professor has so much passion that they are actively seeking class material all the time. The syllabus is a general outline, but the twists and turns of the course are determined in a fluid manner with the professor and students participating. I have been in plenty of classes where professors bounce into class with new research/media that they've just discovered. Also I've had classes where music/media/research is actively solicited from students to bring to and share in class. This info is not screened beforehand, it just gets "sprung" on us during class. Some of it is more tasteful than others.
  11. I'm a student right now. In a few classes that use media (power points, movies, NPR audio excerpts) professors will announce "trigger warnings" regarding graphic violence, sexual assault/rape, or extreme hate speech. I have never witnessed "trigger warnings" for literature/reading material. Also if you choose to leave/turn away during any "triggering" material, you are responsible for finding a way to digest that material in a palatable way for yourself, because everything that happens in class is fair game for exams. Now I did take an abnormal psychology class that relied heavily on video clips of therapy sessions with mentally ill people as well as controversial therapy practices such as rebirthing, shock treatments, and actual labotomies. A lot of it was HIGHLY disturbing and even gave me nightmares, but my professor didn't issue one single "trigger warning." I guess it is all up to each Professor's discretion, but this entire course, which covered two semesters, was one big "trigger." I don't know how anyone who couldn't handle uncomfortable subject matter would have lasted one week in that class.
  12. We don't use it at all in my home (I'm black) and I feel extremely comfortable in thinking no one in my social circle would say it either. My son is a young black man and he does not use that word nor does he run with a crowd who would use it. I know he does listen to some music that probably has that sort of language, but he's an adult and as long as I don't have to hear it, I don't worry myself with that. I personally don't enjoy music where the artist feels the need curse me out in appreciation of me spending money on their music. Now, my Dad and some of his brothers, friends, etc . . . from the older generation do use it when referring to each other while playing dominoes, cards, etc . . . especially after a few drinks. But they do that in their own home, not in mine, and not in public. Fortunately they don't own any major sports teams, LOL. My Dad knows how I feel, but of course I cannot control him or what he does in his own home, nor would I want to. I know some young people feel it's cool to use it to refer to each other. My spouse has a sibling that is 12 years her junior and every now and then one of their friends will slip up in our presence, but we never hesitate to inform that we find the word unacceptable in all instances and will not allow it to be used in our presence. I find the word highly offensive.
  13. We have some of these in my family as well. My Aunt Jean's real name is Emma - no, Jean is not her middle name. My Aunt Ruth's real name is Pearl - once again Ruth is not her middle name. It makes absolutely no sense. I have been having a devil of a time trying to put together a family tree. It takes hundreds of phone calls to find out anyone's actual birth name. LOL.
  14. My family is full of nicknames. Weird ones. Boobie. Fat Sam (his name is not Sam). Pooh. Pookie. Ne Ne. Speedy. They get called that from cradle to grave. The majority of them, I have no idea what their real names are.
  15. Not me, but my son. They did an endoscopy and colonoscopy to make sure nothing was damaged. They switched him to a different med and also put him on an iron supplement for a while to settle things down. He had slipped into anemia when he had the active bleeding. The medication he was switched to is in the same type/class, but no bleeding. Some meds just seem to agree with him better than others.
  16. OH NO!!!! I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. Many hugs.
  17. I'm no help because I've been known to wear capris and glittery (i. e. dressy) flip flops to college graduations. Most of the universities around here hold graduation outside and late May - early June is HOT.
  18. I haven't taken any kind of standardized test since the 1980s and managed to get my kids into college without them having to take any either, for better or worse, so this is all new to me. I'm going to start with the free prep materials on the Princeton website. If I feel I need "more" then I know there are several prep courses around here. I live smack-dab in the middle of a bunch of universities so there's no shortage of college related offerings. I think I'm just going to focus on taking as many practice tests as I can. As part of my research assistant job, I proctor tests to children. It's amazing how much better one can do just by making a second attempt.
  19. I have one more paper to write by Friday and then I'll officially be on summer break. Naturally I haven't started it yet. I have one more semester and will graduate in December. I'm going to grad school so I'll be prepping for and taking the GRE over summer break. I'm a retired homeschool mom as my kids are graduated. My grand babies live with me, plus my son still lives at home and we are self employed and I help out a LOT administratively with that. My challenges are carving out large enough pockets of time to get anything substantial done. And when I get those pockets, not procrastinating or playing around on the Internet and actually getting work done. I'm the worst with procrastination. Good luck to all of us Mom/Students. It's a challenge and an adventure, for sure.
  20. Me too. I had never really thought about it before. I'm in a small book club and all but one of us have only child adult children. Our kids are about the same age and we homeschooled them during the same years. Our friendships have endured all of our children growing up and going their separate ways. It's kind of funny. We're a great group of old broads!
  21. Caroline said they have not been banned, so I guess I was misinformed.
  22. It only measures movement exercises by itself, but you can key in your strength training (what you did - how intense - how long) and it will calculate the calories burned and add it to your daily stats for you.
  23. I am not an only child, but I feel like one because my younger sister and I never got along as children and now we do. not. speak. at. all. My spouse is technically not an only child, but sort of is. She has one brother 6 years younger and another brother 12 years younger. I actually never intended to have any children. I'm a selfish introvert with limited patience. I got knocked up at 20 and the rest is history. One is enough. Due to some strange and unusual circumstances, I have 3 little girls with me now, and it just reaffirms that I was never really meant to be a mother, although I love them dearly. They will be here as long as they need to be, but I'm glad my son is already an adult. My son says he enjoyed being an only child. He is the center of my universe and my parents' as well since he is the oldest and only male grandchild. He's sufficiently spoiled, but not quite rotten. He does consider the dog to be his little brother and they do have a sibling rivalry going on. It's quite hilarious.
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