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Big Buckin' Longhorn

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Everything posted by Big Buckin' Longhorn

  1. It was a great episode. JT sounded really good. I love those Wild and Crazy Guys!
  2. I probably wouldn't say anything to her as she won't change and you'll ruin what little relationship you have with her. I would spend many hours ranting and raving to my spouse in private at home. But eventually that would get old, and I'd stop that too. Ask me how I know.
  3. That's sweet. That poor blog is so neglected. I'm sooooo blog lazy these days. I've been going through a really b!tchy period and I hate to rant *too much* on my blog. So I just keep quiet. There's enough negativity on the internet. My spouse put me on some new supplements about a month ago and it's starting to take the edge off my perimenopause. I'm feeling better. Maybe I can get a post in next week. It's spring break here, so I'll have a little free time. Of course, I'm supposed to be writing a 10+ page research paper. I guess I need to schedule a library trip on one of those days. Procrastination is the spice of life. Mine is muy caliente!
  4. Just to give all of you a "what. the. what." moment in your day. I was raised in a full-on, bonified religious cult. We lived in a church run building and I attended 10+ years of private christain schools that included . . . Abeka, BJU, and ACE curriculum. Uhmmmm and in case I haven't mentioned in before, I'm black. So are my parents. So is my sibling. But I did spend the majority of my school years in a constant state of suspension and being called into the principal's office. If my teachers could see what I've turned into, they'd retire on the spot. Maybe I should give one a call. :001_rolleyes: I have spent sooooo much time on therapists couches undoing the INSANE upbringing I had. But I'm better now. Now I believe in science. It can be undone. But it takes a LONG time. A long time. I was screwed up for years.
  5. I think I must be insane. I don't cry at funerals or really in any situation regarding people. I dont cry when I'm sad or mad. Actually, i rarely get sad or mad. I'm just . . . Here. I'm pretty unemotional. Now I do cry easily and often at any sad event involving animals. I tear up when I see animals dead in the road, when I see animals in cages at the zoo, I can barely watch any shows on Animal Planet. I don't really like animals more than people, but I know I come off that way. Animals make me emotional. Oh, well.
  6. I'm just so very sorry to hear this. I'll be thinking of you. Many, many hugs.
  7. The doctors were a hot mess. I'm also worried about Wal Mart's wife. She should have done C25K or something before going on the show. If she thinks she's tired now, it only gets worse.
  8. Oh, yes. I do see. Well I probably did offend back in the day, because I have one of those "in your face" personalities and it was amped up to 100 all the time when I was younger. Now I don't even know where the heck my son is half the time. I think he's probably somewhere doing a happy dance and telling his friends that he's "Mom FREE."
  9. Not to poke at you while you're down, but why do you hate that phrase? I remember using it from time to time when mine were younger and spending the weekend with my parents or something . . . I didn't realize I was pissing anyone off by saying it.
  10. Congrats! I'm at UT now . . . Actually RIGHT NOW I'm procrastinating as I have a paper due on Friday and haven't even put pen to paper. SHHHH . . . Don't tell anyone. ;-)
  11. I live near Austin and this is very true. My son and I were part of a great liberal secular homeschool group for 7 years or so. All of our kids are in college or graduated and working now. They all still keep in touch and get together very regularly (almost weekly) as an alumni group and we moms have made a book club, movie, out for drinks group out if it. It's fabulous. There's a lot about Texas to . . . Dislike. But Austin and the burbs around it are fine. I'm a big, fat, out of the closet gay in an interracial relationship, Afro wearing hippie, and no one bats an eyelash at me. At least not to my face, but I'm the kind of girl who'd nip that in the bud, lol.
  12. I have a Deffender, which I am grateful for because I too have broken 2 of them and I am on my 3rd. Without it my phone would be HISTORY. It's big and ugly, but I don't know what else to use. If anyone has any ideas of anything that offers equal protection, but looks a little more stylish . . . I'm all in.
  13. LOL. I use a runner's armband. I don't know how they did it before iPhones. This is my first attempt at running. I'm usually a walker, but I've been walking over an hour a day to get the amount of exercise I need. I think I'm ready to graduate to running. Maybe someone else has an idea?
  14. Do you have an iPhone? There's a free C25K app that gives you audible cues when it's time to walk and/or run. You can also listen to playlists while walking and running. I'm starting Monday. Wish me luck!
  15. I totally love his Christmas CD. It's sooooo good.
  16. I totally ran errands today in a sundress and chanclas, barbequed this afternoon, and am now sitting around barefoot with the A/C and ceiling fan running. Yes, it's a very warm winter in Central Texas this year.
  17. Most of the off site hotels have free shuttle rides back and forth to Disney.
  18. Tree is up and decorated. Outside lights are going up this weekend. I hate wrapping gifts. I'm not sure when that will happen, LOL.
  19. I saw it on the ACC homepage a few days ago and thought it was silly, but now that I hear a few posters' input, I guess it does have some merit. Still . . . I don't know, LOL.
  20. Also it would be great if we could see who started a thread without having to open it. It would be great if we can see either signatures or post number count. When I'm on my phone (always) I feel like I'm posting in a vacuum.
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