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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I would *love* to have a kitchen that I could close off. If I happened to not have the dishes washed, then I could just close the kitchen if company dropped by.
  2. Oldest DD is in second grade, so I'm okay for now. However, I'm terrible at math, so at some point my accountant DH will take over.
  3. We stopped vaccinating a few years ago (we have our reasons, but they are not relevant to this thread). However, that was *after* my youngest was already past the newborn/early infant stage. Now I'm about to have DD#3. So I'll have a newborn. I've never *not* vaccinated a newborn so I'm treading new waters. I'm going to bypass all vaccines.....but I'm really on the fence about the pertussis one (I'd have to with the dTap, I think...pretty sure our ped doesn't offer the ones that are split up, but I can ask). I'm terrified of whooping cough, especially in newborns/infants. But I've read about so many people getting whooping cough who are supposedly vaccinated against it. Do you think the vaccine really helps? I'm really on the fence about it and running out of time to make a decision. DD will be born right there at the beginning of cold/flu season too (mid to late October). Please don't make this a vaccine debate....we've already made our decision in regards to that. It's just whooping cough that I'm worried about.
  4. We're 3 hours away from the closest Ikea. I usually get there about once a year. It may be a good thing though.....my bank account is probably thanking me.
  5. Oh, what a great idea! My girls love princesses! I think we'll take a week or two and learn about them as well. I just followed the links and got 3 of the 4 Young Princesses books (got two from paperbackswap.com and one used from Amazon). The Cleopatra one is still a bit too expensive...I'd like to find it cheaper. I think I'll mix a few fairy tales in too and discuss the differences between real life and fairy tales. And we'll do some princess type crafts. And discuss the life of a real princess. Thanks for the great idea!
  6. Yes, we tried it last year and got about 6 or 7 chapters in. Some of it just seems over her head. And then I tried the audio CD instead (this year) and she just doesn't seem interested in it. Maybe we'll just give it another try. It's not history she doesn't seem interested in (we've studied the medieval times and such and really got into it)....I guess it's just the way it's presented in SOTW. I think I'll look into ways to make it more interesting. Maybe we'll do an activity first to spark her interest and then read about it.
  7. Yes....I'd spend my anxious worrying time packing a few things just in case. That way you are not just sitting around worrying, but being productive. And like someone else said, I'd probably have DH try to go to sleep immediately. I know that men are probably able to sleep easier in these situations than women are. I think that men can turn off their minds.
  8. Thanks! My 4 year old loves the Disney version of the Little Mermaid....maybe she'd like this too. We may try it out. I think I saw it on Instant on Netflix.
  9. LOL!! Yes, we have a Dick & Jane book, but I just cannot bear to have my beginning reader read it to me because I'd be tempted to laugh....and then she would ask what I'm laughing at LOL.
  10. Exactly *what* is Ponyo? Would my girls like it? Would *I* allow it? We do not really allow shows that call names (loser, stupid, dumb...I feel it just encourages children to do the same). What is it about?
  11. Us too...I just ordered it and it's shipped out.
  12. I'd *definitely* want her to get checked out with those complaints coupled with being out for 6 hours.
  13. I *really* want to to SOTW with my kids....but honestly, they are just not interested right now. I know that you need to start it in first grade to make the history cycle three times. We're already behind since DD is in 2nd. Do you think it would be okay to do SOTW for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades? Or are the middle school years too old for SOTW? Then move on to something more in depth during the high school years? And for the time being, just go off on some interest-led rabbit trails for history from now through 4th grade? Is that do-able? Or no?
  14. If she was out for 6 hours, I'm not sure that I'd trust her to make her own decisions at this point. I honestly think I might would go there since there's really no one that can be there for her. Six hours is a LONG time to pass out. Did she hit her head on the way down?
  15. http://makingmemorieswithyourkids.blogspot.com/ http://eighteen25.blogspot.com/ http://www.ucreatewithkids.com/ http://allthingschildren.blogspot.com/ http://www.thecraftycrow.net/ Those are the ones that I frequent often and I also look on Pinterest as well.
  16. I despise car shopping. And my husband puts on his "you are not going to con me" attitude, where he won't even smile at the sales person, won't laugh at any joke they make, etc. Between his attitude towards the sales person and being badgered by sales people, it's enough to drive me nuts. And then the "game" they play when you sit down to talk about prices. "Oh, I have to go run those numbers by my supervisor." So they write it down, take it to their supervisor, and then come back with another number.....and this happens about 10 times and takes about the same amount of hours. Yeah, I despise it with a passion. :glare:
  17. I thought that most hotels would only rent to people 21 and over?
  18. We're doing Explode the Code (she's on book B) and some number recognition worksheets. With both kids I'm going Positive Action Bible, First Language Lessons Level 1 (DD4 totally gets it), Abeka Health, and we'll start Apologia Science next week (not sure if DD4 will get it or not....hopefully so).
  19. Yikes!!! Yeah, that would be been a bit scary to open the door to in the middle of the night. Glad that everyone is okay!
  20. I ordered something from CBD on Wednesday....I'm still waiting on it. :glare:Amazon Prime has me *really* spoiled LOL.
  21. We never had cats growing up...only dogs. A few years ago we decided to get two cats. Bad idea. Turns out I'm very allergic to them. I was miserable in my own home for a year and a half before we got rid of them.
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