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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Yeah, I don't worry about "if you get them a Touch now, what will you get them when they are older?" There will always be something they will want when they are older. And when they are teenagers, I'm sure something even better will already be available.
  2. Oooh, good idea ereks mom! I don't have time to incorporate it this year, but I'll definitely be incorporating it next year. But at our homeschool group on Wendesday, we are doing a "Christmas Around the World" type thing where the kids will be learning about other country's Christmas customs and making crafts. So I guess that will work for this year. :D Cat, how could I forget letters to Santa?? I have to include that as well.
  3. But see, if a dog can live in a place like this, then I think that they can be happy outdoors. If they are just stuck in a small suburban backyard, then I just do not think they would be very happy. If a dog had somewhere to run and play and explore, then I think they would need less one-on-one attention. But a bored dog in a backyard all alone can be more trouble than it is worth. They will make their own entertainment and it may not be the kind that you like LOL.
  4. This is our first year homeschooling so I'm trying to establish things we can look forward to each year. So I'm declaring this week as Christmas School Week! We're foregoing the regular schoolwork in favor of Christmas themed things. We'll be learning about reindeer (both DD's are just obsessed with reindeer this year), we'll be learning about snow and making our own snow (we do not get real snow down here in sunny FL LOL). We'll be making up little bags of reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn on Christmas Eve night. We'll be making bags of snowman poop and reindeer poop to give to family members (awesome, huh? LOL, Reindeer poop is Whoppers candy and snowman poop is mini marshmallows). We'll be learning about how the greatest gift of all was Jesus Christ and we will be making our own baby Jesus doll. We'll do some Christmas crafts. And I'll also do some Christmas phonics and Christmas math too. I'll just incorporate something Christmasy into it LOL. DD5 is sooooo looking forward to it! Okay, I am too LOL.
  5. DD5: iPod Touch big box of craft stuff table top easel scooter board Lab in a Bag kit a Webkinz Pug and Zumbuddy Ant farm and a book about ants big book of "scary" Disney stories 2 Zhu Zhu hamsters and a bed for them a few outfits DD2: iPod Touch block people scooter board a Webkinz Llama a few Little People Animalville figures 2 Zhu Zhu hamsters and a bed for them a few outfits big book of princess Disney stories Go Diego Go shoes Wedgits shape sorter Together they are getting: some DVD's a domino race set Zingo game Plus, some small stocking gifts. I also got to "pick" what gifts our family members get them. They come to me asking, so I tell them and they usually get whatever I mention to them. My family spoils them and it is hard to come up with gift ideas to get them. I don't want them to have a ton of toys!! I keep saying things like gift cards to do activites, tokens to Chuck E Cheese....but no one listens to that LOL. They listen when I tell them actual things. So for my 5 year old, family members are getting: a Build A Bear gift card, Playmobil Pet Clinic, Robin Hood DVD, Up DVD, Leapster game (Amusement Park), Nintendo DS game (Dora's Puppy), scrapbook paper. For my 2 year old, family members are getting: a Build A Bear gift card, Animalville Town Center, Fisher Price Trio blocks, Pinocchio DVD, another Disney DVD, books.
  6. Can you get a allergy-free dog? I personally will never get a dog that I have to keep outside. It is too hard to go out there and spend enough time with that dog. Plus, for us, outdoor dogs have always been more trouble than indoor dogs (we only had outdoor dogs when I was a kid). They dig holes, try to dig out of the fence, try to run free once they get out of the fence, howl, bark. They were a pain. Our indoor dog is great!
  7. Ummmm.....2 years old? LOL. We are getting DD2 and DD5 and iTouch each. They don't need anymore My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shops, stuffed animals, and stuff like that. So I decided to go with something bigger. They both LOVE playing my iPhone. And I get tired of giving it up to them LOL! So I loaded each iTouch with things they will like. For my DD2 I loaded it up with preschool games, photos of our October Disney trip, a few home videos, some of her little songs about Jesus that she likes, the movie Dumbo (Up will also be added after she gets it for Christmas from my parents), and some TV shows that she enjoys like Martha Speaks, Go Diego Go, Max & Ruby, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. For my DD5 I loaded it up with kids Jesus songs, some Laurie Berkner songs, some Disney songs, games that she enjoys (plus some new ones that I found I think she will like), lots of photos of Disney and birthday parties and cousins, TV shows like Scooby Doo and Martha Speaks, home videos, as well as the Dumbo movie (and she will get Up on hers as well). I think they will really like it!! I just know that the first thing they are going to as is going to be "Is this a phone?????" Heck no LOL. I also got them each a nice thick rubber cover to go over it, plus a screen protector. DD5's cover is purple since that's her favorite. DD2's cover is pink. This way they will know which is which. Also, this will not be an item that they can do as they please. I'll be keeping it when it is not in use. It will not be taken outside to play and stuff like that either. Like you, I knew my two year old would flip out if she saw her sister get an iTouch and she didn't. She's very mature for two years old....she thinks that she is five. :D
  8. Of all the crazy Amazon things I've seen, this is my favorite: http://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Three-Short-Sleeve-Black/dp/B000NZW3KC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1260762074&sr=8-2 You have to look at the customer photos and read the reviews too.
  9. My SIL's last name is Butts. When they were pregnant with their son, they joked about naming him Seymour. LOL. They went with Caleb instead.
  10. I love going around in circles....the kids think it is funny. My dad used to do that to us as well. However, my husband starts saying "Stop! Stop! I'm going to get carsick!" So that takes a little of the fun out of it LOL. :tongue_smilie:
  11. My 2 year old DD's name is Sailor. :D I'm not a celebrity, but I sure do wish I had their paycheck LOL.
  12. Of course my husband and our two kids my parents my two sisters my sisters boyfriend DH's dad and stepmom DH's mom DH's sister and her husband our 3 nephews my paternal grandmother my maternal grandparents my aunt/uncles (2 sets) get something small my cousins - 3 of them DH's cousins (only 3 of them, they are good friends with my girls)
  13. Oh my gosh, you must have been terrified! I'm so glad everything worked out and you did not choke. Take it easy today!
  14. The only thing I can think of would be douche. I know two boys called Deuce and no one called them douche.
  15. So glad it is not broken! A cast on vacation would not have been any fun! When are you guys going to Disney? I'm jealous!! We went at the beginning of November, but I'm ready to go again LOL.
  16. I love my iPhone. LOOOOOOOOOVE it! Seriously, did I mention that I love it? I use it ALL the time. I use the calendar to put events/appointments. I use the camera/video camera for all those cute moments when I don't have my big camera. I use the internet when I'm bored, when I want to look up reviews on something I'm about to purchase, when I need information, movie times, pretty much anything. I use the Facebook app to keep up with friends/family. I use the weather channel app all the time to keep track of the weather. I even use it for school quite a bit. There's a voice recorder on there and we are learning about the five senses with my 5 year old DD. I'm recording lots of different sounds using the recorder, and when it comes time for our lesson on hearing, I will play a sound and she will try to guess what it is. I use my occasions app to remember birthdays/anniveraries. I use the notes app to jot down everything from grocery items to pick up, to birthday lists for the kids, to things I need to do around the house. When I need to do something, I let the kids have the phone to entertain themselves. Seriously, I love my iPhone LOL.
  17. Sorry, I just read you were inviting her friends from church....so obviously you go to church LOL.
  18. Do you go to church? If so, does your church have a fellowship hall or gym or something like that? When DD#1 turned one, we used our church's gym. I set up tables in there, they had a kids play area, etc. It was free for church members. If you have nothing like that, how about a community center? Sometimes you can rent those for fairly cheap. I always have birthday parties around 2 PM so that I can avoid lunch or dinner foods. I put out finger foods.
  19. LOL!!! The abbreviations used on Facebook and texting drive me completely nuts.
  20. You know me, the worry wart. :D I'd take him in. Only because you emphasized how huge it is. But seriously, why in the world do kids always get sick/injured right after the doctors office business hours are closed? :confused:
  21. I just recently went through Kohl's smelling every man's cologne possible LOL. I settled on David Beckham. So that's what he'll be getting for Christmas.
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