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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Wow, that is like my dream place!! Too bad we're down here in FL and have no plans of leaving the area (DH and I were born and raised here, all my family is here, DH has a great job, etc). Can I ask what is prompting you guys to leave? It looks like you have such a wonderful place.
  2. I would be VERY upset. I'm very conservative about what my children watch and my parents (the only people my kids stay with) know that. DD6 pretty much knows what they are allowed to watch and my parents usually run it by her first to see if its okay. If they were consistently having them watch things that were not okay and they refuse to listen to you about it, well then, I'd have to question how much longer my kids would be allowed over there.
  3. Thankfully my 3 year old has been a breeze. She plays alone very well and will play and imagine back in the playroom while DD6 and I do school. Now, my 6 year old is another story. She acts more like a 3 year old going through the terrible 3's quite a bit of the time. :glare:
  4. Very cute show! My girls used to watch it and they enjoyed it. I don't think it really helped them with letter sounds, but I'm sure it helps some kids!
  5. We had a very simple rehearsal dinner....nothing fancy. I don't think it needs to be. We had our dinner in the fellowship hall of the church where we had our wedding. We just had some Italian items made by different family members. A few made spaghetti, a few lasagna. We had some bread sticks and bagged salad. And sodas/lemonades/water to drink. I know a girl who just had a wedding last fall and they had theirs in a pavillion on some picnic tables. I believe it was just a cookout. Ordering pizza definitely sounds fine! With all the preparing for the big day, the night before should be very low stress. ETA....I definitely would only have the wedding party and singers, pastor. It would be too much stress to invite out of town guests. I don't know anyone who has done that.
  6. Shows that DH and I have enjoyed watching together over the past couple of years..... House Lost Fringe Army Wives Jericho (but it was taken off the air and ended quickly without wrapping up well) The 4400 Prison Break Lie To Me Parenthood Friday Night Lights
  7. I wouldn't think that it necessarily has to have an experiment. I mean, there are history fairs that obviously do not have experiments. Our homeschool group does a combined science and history fair each year. Last year my daughter participated in the history portion. This year we'll be doing the science portion. We are not doing an experiment. She's learning about different ecosystems and presenting some things about that. We'll have one of those backboard things with pictures, facts, etc. And she has created a tundra ecosystem 3D model to display as well. I'd think that as long as there is research and a display involved, then it would be fine.
  8. No, I would not have. I wouldn't want to get into other people's business....especially not a client. You want good word of mouth.
  9. Just sitting here, as I've done for the past month, not leaving the house, feeling icky with morning (actually all day) sickness. But now I have a sick kid to care for. My youngest was sick earlier this week and now it's my oldest's turn. Sound fun? Ugh, I cannot wait for this first trimester to pass. I want to feel (halfway) normal again and be able to do fun family things!
  10. DD is turning 7 next month and wants an American Girl party. I have the invites all made up and I put for the girls to all bring their American Girl dolls. We'll have 3 little girls, plus my two girls, ranging in age from 4 to 10. DD is getting Kit from us at this party. I'm usually pretty good at planning parties, but I'm kinda clueless on this one. I thought about having the girls make mini scrapbooks so that they can put photos of adventures with their dolls in them. But then again, I've looked around and a small scrapbook for each girl looks like they will be $5-$6 each. Plus papers and stickers....yikes! Maybe they could make frames instead and put a photo of the girls with their dolls in them. Other than that, I'm not sure. I'd like to have two or three activities or games to do. For party favors, I'm giving each girl a shirt for their doll with matching headband. I found those on Etsy. Anyone have any ideas? Or had an American Girl party of their own?
  11. Wow, incredible song! I'm off to download it onto my iPod and share it with a mommy forum that I'm a member of.
  12. I think that you are just fine. My children are 4 years old and almost 7 and have only stayed with my parents. NO ONE else. Not at all. And I don't leave them there until they are around 2 years old. Not because I don't trust my parents, but because I think a baby needs their mommy more than anyone. As for the church nursery, I don't leave them there until around 2 years old as well. I trust our nursery....they do background checks and even have cameras in the rooms that can be viewed from the front check-in desk. But like I said, a baby needs their mommy. And below 2 years old, little babies have no idea if/when mommy is coming back.
  13. Can the bag be slid underneath his bed or something like that?
  14. I gotta tell ya....we did this one time. We caught a caterpillar outside, put it in a jar, and waited. It spun a cocoon in no time and went inside. We watched for about 10 days, when it finally emerged. Well, I took one look at the thing and thought that nature had gone horribly awry!! It was malformed!! And ugly!! There was the body of an ugly grayish moth - but it had no wings!!! I thought something was wrong. Then I looked it up.....it was actually a female moth whose only job was to hatch, lay eggs right outside the cocoon, and then die. :001_huh: Hence, no need for wings. LOL! And no mouth either because they didn't have the time or the need to eat. Freaked me out at first! It was a white marked tussock moth, by the way.
  15. I put a lot of faith in places like Trip Advisor. I mean, it's the customers themselves talking. If it's a random bad review here and there mixed in with a ton of good ones, then I'd go with the hotel. Those random people could just have a bad experience or be extremely picky. But if there are consistently bad reviews, then I definitely would not stay there.
  16. You do know that you cannot post something like this without adding pics. :D
  17. Do you have a room that you can completely toddler proof? Put him in there with some toys....maybe some kitchen items. Have nothing he can climb and injure himself. Would that work for a little while? Or would he rather be with everyone else?
  18. If it's strictly for working out, I'd definitely go with the Shuffle or Nano and NOT the Touch. It's too bulky for working out, I think.
  19. It's very important to stimulate them to go to the bathroom....their mother usually does that.
  20. It's very standard for a photographer to ask for no one else to take photos. The extra flashes and such throw off the photographers lighting and it interferes with taking a good photo. I can't believe they are just refusing to get back with you! I hope that you'll take any necessary steps to get those photos. Wedding photos are definitely important to any girl.
  21. I hope that you went to the ER. Your kids need you around. I'm not sure why you would ask if you should go to the ER, have every single person tell you yes, but not go? I hope that you are okay!
  22. The one in Orlando is in late May...always Memorial Day weekend. There's a much smaller one in Jacksonville that's in July. I think that's too late.
  23. chester drawers Someone on another message board wrote that. I'm thinking that either they meant a chest of drawers....or someone named Chester left their drawers lying around somewhere. :D
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