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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I'd wait. I give NOTHING till they have gone like 2 hours without vomiting. Then, I give a syringe full of liquid. If they keep that down, I try again in 20 or 30 minutes....and so on.
  2. That was great!!! I despise people touching my belly. And oh yeah, she should add this one in: When a pregnant woman walks into a maternity store and is greeted by an employee asking how far along she is, and the pregnant woman answers "10 weeks", it is not polite for the employee to announce "wow, you are early." Yeah, she said that to me. So I need maternity pants at 10 weeks!! So what!!?? :glare:
  3. No, they don't play school. But DD6 is adamant that she's going to be DD4's teacher and not me. If I talk about what I'm going to use in the near future to teach her phonics, DD6 gets mad and informs me that she want to teach her. :001_huh:
  4. All those circumstances put together.....I'd stop having kids. It's very important to me to be a good mother to my kids. A lot of those things would stop me from being the mother that I want to be.
  5. We're a family of 4 (soon to be 5) and it has worked for us. Although we have about 1900 sq ft.
  6. I know what you mean! I've been married nearly 11 years, I have a house, my own belongings, 2 kids, and one on the way. And yet, sometimes I still look around and think "What in the world happened? I still feel like I'm 16!"
  7. My sister is a vet tech who's worked at a vet for 10 years. They've moved from Frontline to Comfortis. I had the same worried about Frontline. Comfortis is an oral med that works almost immediately. Fleas are horrid down here in FL right here now too and my sister's dog had a lot of fleas on her about a week ago....she gave her Comfortis and within half an hour she literally saw ticks falling off of the dog. I'm very nervous about my kids and chemicals.
  8. If this were the case, I wouldn't be staying for the reception either, whether children were uninvited or not. Yes, I'm a prude. And if two of my kids were in the wedding and two were not, I would hope that the other two would be invited as well. You can't pick and choose members of a family to invite. I see you mention it doesn't begin until 9??? I'd question the sanity of of the bride asking children to be in a wedding beginning at 9 LOL.
  9. Personally, I'd rather not have babies after 35 or 36. I dont want to be elderly when my kids are grown.
  10. If the kids are IN the wedding, I would be irritated if they were not allowed at the reception....I mean, what are you to do? Bring them home? ETA: I don't attend weddings that don't allow my children.
  11. My girls (6 and 4) have loved the following for the past few years: trains of any kind Schleich animals Trio blocks They play for hours with those things.
  12. I'm a little late getting DH's birthday gift....it's on Sunday. :001_huh: I want to get him a nice wristwatch, as his is dying. He works in a professional environment as an accountant, so I want it to be professional looking...not just a sports watch. We prefer silver to gold. Nothing too expensive....around $50 is the limit. Possibly a bit higher. What would be a major plus is if it can be found on Amazon. I have free 2 day prime shipping....so it wouldn't get here too far after his birthday. :D
  13. Can you make a time out chair in the corner of the room? And have him actually face the corner with no turning around?
  14. I actually love this year! I was ready to cut the show since Simon wasn't going to be there, but I think they did a great job at casting the new judges. I don't like Stephens mouth at times, but be seems like a good guy. As for Thia and Pia...I didn't care for them. When they performed is when I took my bathroom breaks lol. And Paul is my favorite! I haven't been voting but I made sure that I voted about 40 times for Paul last night since he was in the bottom 3 last week.
  15. I have no idea, but I just wanted to sympathize. My DD6 is just like this. Very BIG emotions. With her, everything is dramatic. But I disagree with the poster who said to make the sister share the paper. If the notebook is the sisters, then I don't believe she should be forced to share. She should be talked to and encouraged to share....and I talk to her about the Golden Rule, how Jesus would want us to share, etc, but I don't make them share their personal belongings.
  16. I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread....I'm always on the look out for the perfect, organized purse. I like LOTS of pockets.
  17. I'm with you. I haven't a clue as to what's going on and there are WAY too many threads out there for me to even start digging. I give up.....I think I'll stay in the dark on this one unless someone hits me over the head with what's going on.
  18. I see nothing wrong with what the authorities did. I mean, the kid was throwing television sets and threatening people with sharp objects. The police chose a way to rein him in that would cause the keast amount of force to be used. Yes, pepper spray hurts but that feeling will fade. The kid was totally out of control.
  19. Wow!! I hope that his streak of bad luck ends today! Poor guy!
  20. I have major all day sickness and have for the past 6 weeks. Nothing has sounded good the entire time. I force myself to eat a diet of yogurt, bagels, toast, milk, and popsicles. I hate eating when nothing sounds good.
  21. Where did you find that? I've been looking for a list of workshops and talks....I can't find it. The link on the FPEA site is not active yet.
  22. I describe "middle class" as having all of your needs met, as well as some of your wants. Not extravagant wants....but reasonable wants.
  23. What?? Umm wow, that's just crazy. I think I'd do just the opposite....delay the vax instead of breastfeeding.
  24. 6 weeks is still early for a heartbeat. I'd ask the doctor if they can do one in another week. I have heard of stories of women bleeding and then finding a heartbeat soon after. I went in at 6 weeks and the doc could not find a heartbeat. I thought for sure my dates were right. A week later I went back and they found the heartbeat....I was about a week off. I'm hoping the best for you!
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