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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Well, having too much on her mind or too much going on at one time can cause that...but so can brain tumors. A Grand-mal seizure can happen in many different ways. I remember reading about a woman who would just "zone out" at meetings. When she started realizing that she had missed something, she got concerned and got an MRI. She had a brain tumor. If you are truly very concerned and this does not seem to just be her nature or this could not a be a product of too much stress, then I would encourage her to go have it checked.
  2. I have a 9 year old that had lived his life in a similar way. However, we have cut and cut and cut and he is finally getting used to no cable TV, limited video games, limited sugar, healthy diet, etc. :) For school, we do his History on the computer. We do CHOW and there is a CD ROM that is just great. He loves it. He also does technology lessons on the computer, plays math games online, and does Spelling on CD. This makes up very little of his schooling, but does keep him interested and he really enjoys the interactive stuff. I say, just start slowly and then eliminate more and more as you go. It will be tough, but the changes you are bringing to his life will be wonderful and will last a lifetime!
  3. We school year round, but we also just hit the basics in the summer to keep those little brains sharp. Since we grow a garden, Science is all around us in the summer...but we do not set aside those for just summer learning. My oldest loves history WAY too much to only do it 3 months a year. ;)
  4. We lost our 17 year old dog on my husband's birthday 3 years ago. Butch was always predominately my dh's dog and had been in his life for many things - the most important being after the death of dh's dad. I know all too well how this kind of loss feels and I know all too well the sting that it leaves for years to come. My prayers for your family tonight.
  5. This is how I feel too. Praying for your family. :grouphug:
  6. Take the break and take the time to re-collect your thoughts and plans. We all need a good break every now and again!
  7. I would stay as far away from that situation as possible. If $100 was motivating me to do that kind of thing to someone, then I would have to sit down and really re-think my morals!
  8. 1. Twilight 2. New Moon 3. Eclipse 4. Breaking Dawn 5. Ink Heart 6. Eragon 7. The Shack 8. Interview with a Vampire 9. Outlander I started Eldest and just got 200 pages in and could not finish. As much as I loved Eragon, Eldest just LOST me. Too much traveling and talking for my taste. :( I will catch up though. :)
  9. Yes, because Barbie (the PLASTIC toy that she is) has gotten so far on looks alone. What a terrible role model she is. I mean, soon, little girls everywhere will be covering themselves in plastic trying to be more like her.... Sorry....couldn't stop the sarcasm this time.
  10. I don't have boys, but I did have Barbies as a little girl. Are those dolls really any worse than the size 2 supermodels that young girls see all over the magazines and TV? Should they not also outlaw Britney Spears and humans of the like? Come on! How absurd.
  11. My blog is private...but my WW picture is not. So much fun to live in the country...
  12. Well, while I think the boy was being picky, I can say that if I was a child and sat down to red lettuce, I also would have wondered what I was eating. Which, by the way, I do not find it rude for a child to ask what something is. As for the soup, apparently he didn't like it and really, that is okay. I think the dramatization was probably a bit over the top and probably somewhat rude, but I also think it ruining the whole dinner for you leans more toward YOU being a bit on the picky side. I have one very, very picky eater. If it is not PB&J or chicken nuggets or the like, he is appaled. I don't love that this is the way he feels, but it is. We have tried to get him to eat other things and he will actually vomit at times when he does. He really tries, but he is just very, very picky. It is not his fault - maybe it is mine. I don't know. But when someone puts something on your plate, you feel you HAVE to eat it. It is not unfair to ask what it is if you are not sure. If I had been at your house that day, seeing as I detest the red lettuce (baby greens are good, but I always pick out the red lettuce) AND the soup you made, I would have politely told you I wasn't hungry, but thanks anyway. So, yes, the kid could have at least done that. Just think a bit about your expectations as well. Not everyone is going to eat the same...and not everyone will view his behavior as "rude." IMO, you were kinda snarky with him asking how his mom would feel when all he did was ask what the salad was...
  13. I should have known that - I mean, we grow corn and what we have left over we allow ranchers to harvest for feed. Kind of duh, but I had never thought of it before. Hey...it is in the veggie section at the supermarket. That is what REALLY matters. LOL
  14. I would find a rescue group OR take him to your local humane society if you need him to leave immediately. Please do not euthanize a healthy animal that is affectionate and loving and YOUNG. :( Most of the time, a good humane society will not euthanize a health animal as long as they have room. You can tell by walking in (IMO) which type they are. Hanging a poster at the vet is another good idea - and even telling your vet the issue may help. I know some vets will take on the responsibility of finding the animal a new home themselves in those cases. If I lived in TX, I would take him off your hands. My dh would kill me, but I would take him in a second before I allowed him to be euthanized. :(
  15. I am not a vet, but I do have experience with this. Most of the time, it is gingivitis. My cats had it BAD and I didn't realize it until Blue lost one of the big front teeth. :( Unfortunately, we had to have his teeth cleaned after this and he lost 7! We didn't know any better and had fed him wet food only for about 11 years. His teeth and gums were so infected, he had to take antibiotics for a bit even after the teeth were pulled. Now we brush all of the animals' teeth. It is not FUN, but it must be done. We also have them cleaned professionally under anesthesia every 3-5 years. Again, not fun...but necessary. I am sorry this is happening to your dog. I hope it is not as bad as my cat was.
  16. Personally, um, no. Not because of the job, or the cool beach front thing...but because you could not pay me enough to move to Malaysia. However, you could hop over to Singapore and pick up some Math supplies while you are there. ;) That is just me personally. I am a total farm girl from the USA. If it interests you and is something you WANT to do, then go for it. You only live one time!
  17. Oh OH Oh...my husband's cousin's first name is Candida. Her mom didn't know it was the name of a yeast infection until AFTER she named her that! Can you IMAGINE the ridicule she received as a teenager?
  18. I had a friend who wanted her kids to be boxing champions, so she named them "Cody Blade" and "Jory Boss" so they wouldn't have to change their names....when they became champs, that is. :(
  19. I have had people ask me if I am a teacher before...and also had a few ask if I was a nurse (mostly because of what I know in the medical field rather than what I look like). Prior to being a stay at home/homeschooling mom, I was a technical writer. My dh does not dress in any way that would make you think he does what he does. Honestly, he looks like he works in an office somewhere. He does...he is and engineer and is currently the director of product reliability and safety engineering.
  20. I actually buy them from 1A up. Mostly I do so because I like the extra activities and the mental math/suggestions in the schedule at the front of the book. I just prefer to have it close by incase I want to refer to it. :)
  21. My dh and I have this mindset when it comes to finances. We have paid down a lot of our debt and have a lot left to pay. We keep telling ourselves that we are working toward the day when we do get that 10K bonus and don't use it to pay off bills...a day when we get that 3K tax return and can save it for a vacation. The day will come, but that day is NOT today. That day is in the future. We had our haydays - that is how we ran up the debt to start with. Now, we have to be smart and secure the future and THEN we can enjoy the fruits of our labors. Sweden will still be there when you have the money to go.
  22. Personally, I think this would BORE children. I don't even mind that internet porn is talked about personally. I just think that a man struggling to know God and save his marriage is a bit above what a child understands/grasps being as they have never been married. This movie speaks to adults. While kids can surely watch it with no harm done, I just think it would be boring and over a child's head.
  23. I have had some rough times buying curriculum too. At least the woman is contacting you. I bought something recently and had the seller tell me she mailed them, then not answer my e-mails, then about 3.5 weeks later, they finally show up and they were mailed 3 days before they got to me. I thanked her for them and she never responded. It was the strangest transaction! But at least the books did finally come. :( I have also had one person (not on this board) totally rip me off and just never send the book. That was from Vegsource and VERY disappointing. :( I hope she will mail your books soon!
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