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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Yes, and you are VERY lucky to have survived it. There are cases of Stevens-Johnsons where the skin literally dies on your body. I knew a child who died from this at the age of 8 after taking motrin. Feel fortunate, please, that yours was no worse than it is. (and it looks just terrible)! Prayers for a quick recovery! P.S. I am allergic to sulfa too. One dose when I was 3 and I had a rash from head to toe in about 10 minutes. The pediatrician will not give sulfa to my kids because I would have to handle the pills with gloves. :(
  2. Considering that I hardly even recognize the classical style in my curriculum anymore, I hope you can stay! LOL
  3. LOL - aren't we sad? I feel like I am stalking the Sonlight catalog! LOL
  4. LOL - okay, I get irritated when the kids have farting competition to see who can stink up the car the worst, but I wouldn't suspend them from riding in the car for 3 days or HAVE THEM ARRESTED. LOL How interesting.
  5. We are loving CLE and switched to it just for the reason of doing a grammar repeat. We have not been disappointed at all at the 300 level. :) I am also going to start their reading program in the fall with my oldest DS.
  6. I think I would have said, "no...this is my BACK YARD. I can park MY vehicle in MY back yard." And slammed the door in his face. But that is just me. I am not nice.
  7. Read them, love them, will let my kids read them when they are a bit older. :) I agree that the last books *starting when Voldemort returns at the end of Goblet of Fire* get "darker." I could care less about Jenny and Harry kissing, or Harry and Cho kissing. Big whoop. LOL I don't mind the "themes." I mind the deaths of popular characters, the major shift it takes with Dumbledore and then Snape and...well...it is just not the happy fun HP we grew to love in the first 3 books. ETA: I am a God loving Christian. :)
  8. LOL - I couldn't get rid of that crazy textbook fast enough! LOL Actually, most of this year my oldest has done NOEO Physics I. He just gets bored with reading/nteboking/experiment/repeat. KWIM? And since Science was never my *thing,* I do them a great injustice by just not getting very involved. :(
  9. If you had to combine a 1st (ish) grade and a 5th grader, what would you use? We are using NOEO now and had planned to use Bio. I next year, but I am waffling. I want to know what other options I have for combining them. Also, if the program wasn't super expensive, I could do something for each of them without combining. My issue is that we are all NOT science lovers. I loathe it (other than Biology) and my kids just have other interests and Science is not their thing. I really am thinking of doing WP SSBB, but it is geared toward 1st-4th grades...do you think I would be short-changing the 5th grader by doing it??? BAH!
  10. I disliked Writing Strands. It seemed to go way too fast from simple to complex. My son hated it too. We tried twice to like it. :( I have just ordered WWE, but it looks like EXACTLY what we are needing. :)
  11. I think there are also TONS of people who wait until after this "year" is over before they buy. It is just us "have to have it planned out" types that do it this early. LOL
  12. I have been actively buying for the last 3-4 weeks. Still searching for the best deal on 2 items. That, and I changed my mind with English after thinking I had it all planned out.....
  13. Sounds like this is where God is leading you. If it were me and my family, I would consider the job offer extended to my dh as "decision made." :)
  14. My best friend has a daughter who is honestly one of the prettiest little girls I have ever seen. She is 1/4 Chinese, so she has dark skin, but she has bright green eyes and blonde hair. She is very "exotic" looking. Anyway, a girl across the street told her that she was the ugliest girl on the block. It made my best friend's daughter just bawl. Of course, now she thinks she is ugly. :( If only she could realize and see with adult eyes how beautiful she really is! I am sorry this happened to your daughter. :(
  15. This is a good choice...for $1 more at CBD, you can get BOTH CD ROMs. Weird! http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=413708&netp_id=505454&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW&view=covers#curr
  16. One word for you...Electric. The body is so much smaller. I am not particularly round and my booKs are pathetic little A cups...and I still can't really get myself around an accoustic. Electric though, no problem. FWIW, no, I don't play...dh does. But I have picked them up and attempted a chord or two now and then. ;)
  17. Those are some tough questions. I can answer what I think I would do...but you just never know until you are in that situation. I think your questions need to go in reverse order... Would you even be tested or allow your child to be tested for a match even if you weren't sure if you'd actually make the donation? No. I would not toy with such a delicate situation. This person is WAITING for help...and if I were not 100% dedicated to donation (if I were a match), I would not be tested. donate or allow your child to donate? This is not up for discussion with my children. No. If this were a member of my family and I felt called (by God) to do this for them, then I would not hesitate (I hope). But it sure would have to be a conviction of the Holy Spirit before I would consider risking my life while I have young children to raise (i.e. anesthesia always poses a risk...etc). What about if you were a match for a stranger? Again, I would have to be convicted and would not even be tested unless I felt the call to help.
  18. Oh my! LOL Wonder if the Leprachaun will bring you some Irish Ale?
  19. Forgive me if this has already been asked. I did a search and couldn't find exactly what I needed. I just would like to see what others plan to use/did use for their 5th graders for Science. And...did you like it?
  20. Are the Phonics cards imperative for the Fast-track program? My ds5 is reading pretty well - small paragraphs, sounding out most words but with about 200-250 sight words. Just not sure if I need the cards or not - I don't want to skip them if they are important to the teaching of the phonics in the way WP does it. Advice?
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