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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Yep...it's the only way (google). :) Most of the time, if it curriculum I am looking for, I don't even have to type the forum in...just the text names and this forum almost always pops up somewhere.
  2. I was wondering about the yesterday as well. Please check in when you can Swellmomma!
  3. Yes, there is a workbook for WWE, but it is optional. http://www.peacehillpress.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=28 We do a few pages at a time 3 days a week and then do the online ETC 2 days a week (he has to have 3 blue coins to stop). However, that is for a 5.5 year old. I would be giving and older child a bit more per day - especially one who is a good reader.
  4. I am not sure. I think you should have been made aware of the possible interaction. However, I take a drug that is metabolized in the liver as well and when I take Tylenol, it elevates my liver enzymes. As long as I am careful and don't take too much, I am fine. However, I KNOW this and that makes all the difference. So, yes, you should have been told. I put it on the sholders of the doctor more than the pharmacist. The dr prescribed it. The pharmacist should have had the info there, but he is the second line of defense, not the first. The doctor made the possibly dangerous mistake here, IMO.
  5. I am sorry. I feel ya...and mine is not even a teenager yet. :grouphug:
  6. Bible 100 is a 1 page story followed by an activity like coloring, connecting the dots, etc. It is perfect for my 5 year old with a short attention span.
  7. We are using CLE Bible 100 and it is EXACTLY what I had been looking for. :) (We also use CLE LA 300 with my older ds and I am considering it for my younger).
  8. My young 4th grader did NOEO Physics I this year and learned tons. It is not about anything more than reading level, according to the website. If your child is an above average reader, then Physics II might be better for him (read "keep him more interested"). My son was just an average reader when we started and the level was perfect for him. Even now, being a more advanced reader, he still enjoys and gets a lot from his NOEO.
  9. 1st grade....Anyone use both and have a preference? Mind to share why you prefer one to the other?
  10. I am going to be using FLL and WWE with my 1st grader in a few weeks (already using WWE) and we are also using Spelling Workout. It is a good fit for us. :)
  11. Are you doing 5th grade this year with your ds? My ds is 9 and we are ding 5th next year. How about you take one post at a time and tell me what curricula you are using for each subject? You know - post 1 English Post 2, math...etc. :)
  12. Yeah, that would be frustrating if you were a regular who just hasn't been on much since the boards changed. :( I'm sorry. Well, I wasn't around when you were a regular, so NICE TO MEET YOU! :)
  13. I liked the movie okay in the theatre. However, I re-watched it last night on DVD and Bella's stammering drove me MAD! Oh my...she was not such a stammering "wh wh wh whatever" kind of person in the books. Of course, I loved the romantic scenes because the chemistry between the actors that portrayed Bella and Edward was great. But But But But the st st st stammering was just just not cool. And she mumbled all the time too. I guess I just do not care for the actress that played Bella too much. I WOULD HAVE BEEN A MUCH BETTER BELLA (let meeeeee kiss Rob Pattinson...LOL)
  14. We have tried both. CLE is excellent for grammar, but we still do our own spelling, writing, and reading programs. My son is a struggling speller. A good speller could use CLE and do great, I think. Writing is not really part of CLE in any major way (other than a few days in the schedule for "creative writing" of the teacher's choice. We use WWE instead. Reading, we will be using DITHOR but CLE does have a good reading program as well. Right now, we are finishing up with LLATL's readers, but this will be our last year with LLATL. My review of LLATL is that I don't like the layout, my son learned very little grammar from it this year, and we still had to supplement spelling and writing. I would call LLATL "Language Arts Lite."
  15. May those sweet memories last you a lifetime. God bless and my condolences to your family. :grouphug:
  16. We did the chip for $50. I do not do the yearly thing...but I did register my name with the company that made the chip so it would come up as my animal if anyone scanned the chip. Ours is through Home Again as well.
  17. Yes...and I do not vaccinate for MMR or Chicken Pox, but Meningitis is a series I will NOT miss with my kids.
  18. Hoping and praying for the best for her. And I commend you for asking for prayer on her behalf. I can only hope my dh would do the same for my oldest son's dad if something like this were to happen.
  19. I totally agree! Little fella is good today. He does have a small cough (just a few times today), so maybe this was some really mild virus. Fingers crossed for that!
  20. I am so glad you are feeling better. My initial reaction of "omg, this is just insane" still stands though. I do hope that, if they make an arrest, you will get to a new home while he is in jail. I am just so shocked someone is this NUTS over a splash of water when you were driving. OMG. :(
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