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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. As soon as my dd could read she started working independently. That was age 4 or so. This also meant she could and did read quick directions for ds if he needed help. Each day we had our SL time. I was fully there and totally engaged each and every day for that. Both dc's liked workbooks. They also enjoyed variety. We had at least 3 or 4 math programs always going. Several language arts workbooks. You get the picture. Each day I made "stack of stuff" for each dc. What I wanted done most went on top. I opened the workbook to the proper page and circled thd page numbers to be done. Each book was meant to take 10 to 15 minutes. Puzzles, coloring, art all mixed in. They loved really big piles. I was always availiable. But generally not hands on unless a project was going to get messy. I definately directed their days. Manipulatives were ready if needed etc. It worked well. We rarely did the whole pile. We did get sidetracked. I generally had a stop time planned for outdoor activities or indoor play. Honestly my ds hitting puberty and losing his ability to concentrate has made me more hands on then I remember being then!
  2. We have that book and have enjoyed it! Also sheppardsoftware has great free fun games. Dd has really expanded her knowledge quickly using it. Ds doesn't care for it. Honestly probably because dd got there first and memory work is super easy for her so he would have a rough time catching up. I am assuming that you are talking about the 9th grade abeka world geography course. We just bought it. It is organised by regions but finishing it in 3 months....not sure how without devoting a great deal of time. Not sure if it will stick going that quick. I am planning a leisurely trip through it. I have picked up a college level cultural geography text to supplement with. Also a book called "Maps of the World" by Emerald Books which I plan to use for intensive review as we go. This time it will stick. This is going to be a full year high school credit for both dc's. I started thinking somewhat along the lines you are. Went with abeka instead of bob jones because it looked more open and shut. When I saw it I knew it deserved more time. Then the other resources kept appearing. I hope this helps in some way. If I wanted to fit as much as possible in by June I would go with sheppard online and get some good outline maps for quizzes. Probably the most efficient. Culteral maybe some read alouds from the SL list-- used to be level 5 now e or f. Not sure of the new system.
  3. Definately with mono. It sounds more mono related but not sure. I have always thought I would try pcn if best cure. I do fine with keeflex. I will ask about being tested. I think the rash started 2 or 3 days after starting the script. My mom brought me home from college for the weekend and took me to doctor. Monday morning had me screaming at my roommate because I thought I had been bitten by bedbugs! Life went downhill from there. Hives were definately the worst on my thighs but I think all over. I know they were gone 2 weeks later but this was 30 years ago and I was so sick.
  4. That was me -- huge red welts all over. No dr. Has ever been willing to give me penicillin since. They tell me probably not allergic but lets be safe.
  5. My first thought was a year of Singapore with the algebra and geometry integrated might be great for your son. Both Discovering Math and NEM are good challenging programs. If you want him doing both that is how I would do it.
  6. Dd has been using Wheelocks for the past couple of months while visiting the US. The local library had a copy so we did not carry her Henle over. She has been meandering through it at her own pace -- I think she is on chapter 5 in 6 weeks. So moving fairly quick. She has a website with quiz and test questions that she really likes that has helped her move through with confidence. Based on 6 th edition. I can find out the name if you need more info.
  7. It is something I have planned for dd too. I can't remember seeing anything about it on the boards. She is planning to do their material logic course this summer/fall and start that next winter. It arrived last week. She has enjoyed the TL materials and has learned much. That is all I can speak too.
  8. You might want to look at the GPB website ( Georgia Public Broadcasting). They have a chemistry and Physics course. You would need the teacher cd which some have been able to order from gpb directly by calling. You can try an episode there!
  9. The same basic thing happened with our dog years ago. I spent a lot of money to learn that he had in human terms broken his toe. Nothing could be done except time. He was back to normal in under a month. I would wait.
  10. We read quite a bit of the Story of painting a couple of years ago. Maybe 10 minute chunks at a time. We collected famous painting postcards when they were little so we would sort out the cards pertaining to that part of the book maybe once a week. Review a bit. We all enjoyed it. I think your idea of going to the museum after reading the book sounds great. I have since discovered that many AP art history courses have great websites complete with pictures of the various time periods. I would probably use those if I was doing it again.
  11. Are you sure you want to do this? If I understand right she is living like an hour away. Do you really want her that close having access to your and your kids lives? You don't know her and what you know about her is not a great recommendation. This is being said in kindness and from experience. I made a big mistake and reconnected my family with my father's cousin in order to fill in a geneology chart. My father said not to contact them. My mom ( my father is deceased) living nearby, has paid the price of unwelcome, sometimes frightening visits. Not the most stable bunch. I am not saying that you should not try to form a relationship just maybe an occasional email would be less informative (no pictures etc) if you choose to sever the ties.
  12. Lots of really nice seafood -- lobster, crab, scallops.......yum!
  13. Just checked in to see what was happening. Apparently quite a bit.;) Thinking of you and am praying that they make some descisions soon and that all goes well. :grouphug:
  14. I love Myron Bolitar books. I read that one already. I used to read Anne Rice. Somewhere along the line she lost me. Maybe I need to start reading her books again. What should I start with for the more current ones? When I was a teenager WH was my favorite book ever. I thought it was sooo romantic now it is just dark. Dd just finished it. Liked it. Thought it was romatic. Maybe it depends on our state of mind for this one.;)
  15. You have gotten some great advice. I am just going to add a bit. Another good curriculum with great solutions manuals is abeka. Not a favorite here at WTM but we just went back to it with ds for a variety of reasons. Easy to look at samples in person this time of the year with live meetings. Go to their web site and plug in your zip. We have one by us in a couple of days. Dd loved the second stage of Singapore and I recommend it highly. Although she prefers NEM because she started with it-- I recommend Discovering Mathematics because it is so much easier to use. Clear what book next. I think that is part of ds needing to go back to abeka for now. LOF is great. Probably a good suppliment for your dd.
  16. You do get all the answers if you buy one dvd but I think the $50 sounds like a better deal. Quizes etc are good.:)
  17. Several years ago a friend ran a pilot program with teenagers who were many years behind in math. He used a computerized curriculum ( never published state sponsored ) and all the students made great strides. Many reaching grade level within the year. I would look at something on the computer. Maybe something like khan academy with the mapping function. Another idea that came to mind is Professor B. I had the privilege of talking to the author a few times and he loved to use his program as a seminar to greatly improve math ability. I have only used his books but there is a computer option that might be more appropriate.
  18. Ended up that the library's versions are packaged as one and two together with number three separate. No idea why things don't really add up. Looking forward to trying them after all this effort! Sorry the English copy is so expensive there. What is a TL dollarwise if I may ask?
  19. :grouphug: No real advice other than to be kind to yourself during this stressful time.
  20. Glad that your interview went well.:) Also finding your book in English. I think my 1Q84 problems are solved as well.
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