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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Kareni, Glad to hear that your mom is doing better physically. :grouphug: about the memory issue. I doubt if you remember but a year and a half ago my mom was admitted to an Alzheimer's unit after a severe fall damaging her vertebrae. I was on the phone with her when some pain meds were administered in the initial diagnosis for the back, she spiralled into to memory loss rapidly while I was on the phone. I did not have another vaguely coherent conversation with her for over a month. I kept asking for her to have her pain meds changed/reduced due to past issues. I react badly also. Finally a nurse listened and agreed. Within weeks she was in her own home again with help. It took roughly 6 months for her to be back at about 90%. Take a good look at what has been perscribed and her behavior throughout the day in regards to the timing of her pills. That was why the nurse went to bat for my mom. I went through memory loss with my dad and mil also. Theirs was real so I really understand. :grouphug: On a bookish note I am currently reading and enjoying MC Beaton's Death of a Nurse. It is the new Hamish Macbeth.
  2. I still have my cores also. Even the ones we didn't like as well. I liked the books Ds hated and someday I will finish all the books in the core dd didn't care for.
  3. Only two countries in the entire world require citizens to pay taxes while living overseas, the US and Eritrea.
  4. While I was reading the start of your post I thought of MUS. I have never used it with mine but have helped with a friend's dc's who do. Considering many people apparently (per friend although her kids have their own workbooks) only do every other page (saving the clean page for sibling when they do the course) I think there is probably plenty of practice available. I believe there are two spiral lessons at the end of each section, I think a section is five lessons but not sure. The worksheets are clear and not cluttered which is a plus also. The sequence is different. One thing at a time except for the spiral reviews. So a year concentrating on multiplication etc.
  5. The UK is very easy, friendly. All done online. Quick, far easier than the EZ form.
  6. Loesje, Just wanted to send some :grouphug: I "saw" you on another thread this morning so know you are fine. I finished Moonshifted by Cassie Alexander https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13539457-moonshiftedwhich is the second in the Eddie Spence series. These are good if you like paranormal books. Not particularly special like Kevin Hearne but they seem to be rather engaging even if I do hate the covers with the white nurse uniform (the character wears scrubs in the books). I probably wouldn't be willing to be seen reading them without my Kindle! The stories originate in a world/city where there is a significant population of paranormal creatures who are unknown to the general population. They need medical care which is provided on a special floor of the inner city hospital by human employees who are protected by the shades (paranormal being who feed off emotion so like hospitals). All the floor employees have to be there because the shades have obligated them via a loved one.....Eddie is there because the Shades keep her drug addict brother alive for her). This book was essentially the story of a very old werewolf king hit by a care and the widespread effects.
  7. Thanks for the gel pad idea. We are on a slab and standing in the kitchen bothers me even with linoleum with padding under. Regarding condensation/mold, consider buying a good portable dehumidifier or two. ;) We live in a humid area and I prefer to dry most of our clothing on racks if I can't hang things on the line due to rain. The dehumidifier means many things dry overnight and dry nice and soft. No more condensation and our home is much more comfortable overall, warmer in winter and it seems to be more comfortable in the summer also. Great results for around $200.
  8. I tried to use one of the middle school curriculums and a high school one. Neither were overly successful, neither ever got finished. We loved the lower grades. The book choices for middle school didn't seem to work for my ds at all. He suddenly hated SL time. Dd found Church History to be repetitive. She had already read several of the books. The course just wasn't exciting her. It's a topic she loves generally but the fit wasn't right. I think the forum mystic is part of it. I finally wanted to use the forums when they were changing. Huge disappointment and I continually had access problems which took days (sometimes over a week) to resolve. I have bought enough cores for a life membership to those forums and consider it useless. I don't think I ever managed to gain any useful info there. I also think that all the choices actually make it harder for people to figure out what they need. It is confusing now. When I first bought it it was for ds for his kindergarten year, one item number as I remember for bible, science, basic readers, read alouds etc. Easy. I didn't love everything but we used 95% of it. Dd actually insisted on doing his SL too so I supplemented out of the RR catalogue. The accelerated readers (whatever they are called) would have been too easy for her and that would have made me feel like it was the wrong core. My kids are two years apart and were relatively easy to combine at the start. Also that lack of book descriptions in recent catalogues. The catalog print was also super hard to read online for a few years.
  9. I love St. Augustine. We used to go for the day frequently when the dc's were little. Dolphins always seemed to be playing right off the fort. We also stopped at Marineland on the way. Fun memories.
  10. When I have extra potatoes I mash and freeze them in carryout boxes, 2 large portions. Really easy side dish to have ready and frequently makes a leftover type meal enough for all four of us.
  11. Your dh needs to go to thee funeral. I would send a sympathy card also.
  12. My dd would be horrified at that response! I think she plans to vacation with us for life. Jane, I had wondered if you would like Dying in the Wool because of the similarity to Maisie Dobbs, which I thought you weren't a fan of. I find them more hopeful. Btw, I am currently sitting in an airport in a city you know well. Flying back from a visit with family in to to my mom's. She has made good progress recovering from her fall a few weeks ago. Which leads me to.... Kareni, Have a great time with your mom. Jenn, Pretty spring picture. Very different from Jane's Tulips. I did finish a Kate Daniel's Magic Strikes? book in the car today. It was good. I started Moonshifted from a different paranormal series.
  13. My ds needs to know exactly what he needs to do to be considered done with classes he doesn't like. Exactly. He really likes it when my answer is be able to pass blank exam (something standardized) with this score.
  14. For French we used Practice Makes Perfect Books which worked great.
  15. Dd can't seem to be bothered to schedule the lessons. She says she is too busy. :lol: Public transport is available and she is fine with that. I suspect Ds will get it taken care of before Dd. He isn't old enough yet.
  16. We were never big Richard Scarry fans either. There was a cartoon, Busytown? maybe, that they did watch occasionally. Now Dr. Suess we liked in board book form. I read Mr. Brown can Mooo several hundred times! :lol: When we moved to England we had a year of home schooling from the library predominantly. We found some great books including this series for math. http://www.murderousmaths.co.uk/ Browsing takes me forever right now so you guys can look, but there is a geometry one that I hated put me to sleep, so figuring it out for my 7 yo was really hard. Naturally he was obsessed with that book. Algebra 2 put my son to sleep too.
  17. I started my Green Cover book today also. I have had Jane Yolen's Sword of the Rightful King sitting around for years. Neither dc ever wanted to read it for King Arthur so I guess I will use it for my bingo square.
  18. We always pack an assortment of bandaids(especially the nice waterproof ones) and a cheap tube of antibiotic cream.
  19. Loesje is right! The book a week part is more of a name. We do have several people reading from the Well Educated Mind list and a read along for History of the Renaissance World (I know at least one person is doing Ancient World) is currently being scheduled. We are a pretty easy going group that simply trys to provide encouragement for all.
  20. We do buy an REA review book when they are preparing for the CLEP exam just so they have exactly what that exam wants but the classes have made their actual prop time pretty short.
  21. I know I am not up for joining you at this time but you would be very welcome to join us over on the book a week threadhttp://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/592141-book-a-week-2016-bw11-happy-st-patricks-week/. We have a wide range of books being read always.
  22. Thanks! Faith, I hope you have a wonderful celebration. You guys deserve it!
  23. Since you all are giving pulled pork advice. Roughly how much bbq sauce? I assume you shred it and throw it back in the crockpot minus fat part of liquid. Assume shoulders from Costco.
  24. Just wanted to add that we did several intro type classes through Coursera that we converted into credit hours with the CLEP. Coursera also has a great AP Calculus review that dd used successfully last year.
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