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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We have used it a lot. Only paid for one certificate but they earned several by completing all the work.
  2. The 6:41 to Paris sounds interesting. I plan to do a good search for it when I am reunited with my normal internet provider. I had to go to a library to look at Stacia's picture yesterday. I am really looking forward to just clicking and enjoying again! I hope you enjoy the Frances Brody book. Even though it's not a village mystery series in the sense that all the books take place in one village. I have found that my vision of British Village cozy books is pretty much non conforming. :lol: I tried to make it work! Each of the books in this series do take place in a village (or small town) and stay pretty true to the villages. A good friend lives quite close to the setting for Dying in the Wool. We visit and walk in that area a few times each year so the scenery descriptions are bang on.
  3. Stacia, Thanks for sharing the parade photo. I loved seeing the tall girl...... Jenn, Glad you were able to have college boy's birthday celebration together. My ds has decided to reschedule his bday for St. Patrick's day. We are looking forward to a celebration where we are all healthy! I have had quite a bit of reading time because the kids are finishing some school work. I finished the latest Anne Bishop. It was good. I don't want to do any accidental spoilers because several people here will be reading it. I also started a new Jo Beverley historial romance series about the Mallorens. There are several of them. I read the first in the series, My Lady Notorious. It wasn't spectacular imo but my BF has read and enjoyed several of this series in the past few weeks so I will try a couple more before giving up.
  4. Chris, I hope you feel better soon! I finished the new C.S. Harris When Falcon's Fall and thought it was really good. I am already looking forward to the next book. Dd has been busy reading this series and really likes it so far. I started Anne Bishop's Marked in Flesh this afternoon. I was surprised how seemless starting this book was. I haven't read an "others" book for a year and was able to connect with all the characters instantly. My memory just isn't that good...... Jane, Glad you had a good time on your island vacation!
  5. If you look at the the Collegeboard's teacher pages for the AP you sre interested in suggested textbooks are listed near the sample syllabus section. It's a good place to start. Here is the teacher section for AP Macroeconomicshttp://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/teachers_corner/2120.html. Whichever exam you pick to work towards I recommend getting a copy of a good AP review book to use as reference. Libraries frequently have them.
  6. Not sure if this exists in the US but I carry a travel debit card in my wallet that has no personal identification and is preloaded with however much money I want on it. Not tied to any specific account so £200 or whatever is the limit. Everytime I use it dh gets an email immediately saying how much and where spending is occurring and can theoretically top me up if he felt I needed more money. We have the same cards set up for the kids. Easy to use. I admit dh getting the emails freaked me out at first but they have ended up being sort of humerous because he makes some pretty silly assumptions regarding what I am buying......
  7. I just got back from one of the best library trips ever. I picked up two books on hold that I have been waiting for since I read the last books in those series. Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop......The Others When Falcons Fall by C.S. Harris......Sebastian St. Cyr I have spent the last hour trying to decide which to read first, St. Cyr won. ;) Everyone is doing better today. Tamiflu seems to have really helped the kids. For dh and I it was too late but Dd never really came down with it beyond a fever and Ds is recovering quickly when you consider how sick he was two days ago.
  8. LoF Trig was a semester. We have never completed an AoPS book but have used them for exam prep instead. I just want to make sure you know about Alcumus online. My kids have really enjoyed that.
  9. My son started with Codeacedemy also and he was about 11 at the time. It was a great environment for him to learn in. He went on to do quite a few other courses online including python on coursera.
  10. Thanks for the great article. I found a couple of interesting potential series. I feel bad I couldn't locate the werewolf Cinderella. :( :lol: Things are currently looking up on the flu front. Ds just ate some solid food. Such a relief!
  11. Not much reading happening today due to lack of concentration. We are all down with the flu. Dh (fortunately dh is in the recovery phase) took the kids in to a clinic to confirm and get medications. Ds is really ill and it is his birthday. Poor kid. He seems to be doing a bit better with the anti nausea meds. Festivities are postponed until he can function.
  12. Just finished Death on the Downs by Simon Bretthttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1912523.Death_on_the_Downs. It was a good village cozy but one of the clues left me scratching my head. If you had been previously married to someone who left you and wasn't the parent of your children would you display a framed photograph of your wedding in your home? When that was mentioned in the book I had a "seriously" moment...... Oddly enough that is the subject of a family joke. A couple of years ago dh and i finally got our wedding photos out of storage so a formal one is now displayed with the other pictures in our living room. Dh had hair in the wedding photo but you can still tell it's him. One of the kids good friends came over and took a look at the photo and seriously commented to dh that it was a nice picture of me and my first husband. Well, it is because dh is my first husband but that wasn't what she meant. We have had several chuckles over her comment but both of us wonder why anyone would display a photo of a first husband, prom date etc unless they continued to be significant.
  13. I was going to pm you but remembered your pm box doesn't work. Are you coming via Hull or using a different entry point? If coming through Hull it would be easy to meet on your way south. Dh is ill so I have been up much of the night. Basic cold with a cough but trying contain it. I jeed to go to my mom's one more time and hard to go if I get sick. I read another Lynsay Sands vampire book.......easy to put down and go to sleep with.
  14. I read Sputnik Sweetheart at the beginning of the year as a read along with crstarlette....New Year and Murakami are sort of go together now in a baw way. ;) We both liked it overall. Obviously Murakami, not as good as 1Q84 but way shorter.
  15. I thnk another trip to the UK is order for both of you....next time I hope to be there!
  16. I can't believe you are actually reading it! :) Glad you are enjoying it.
  17. :grouphug: I can only imagine how hard it must be but glad the placement is a good one. I have to admit I am wondering which vampire series irritated you. Normally our taste is similar....... Finished: Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews.....A Kate Daniels series book. This one is probably my favourite so far because it was rather romatic..... A Bali Conspiracy Most Fowl by Shamini Flint.......Inspector Singh Investigates.....This is a fascinating series. The topics are huge, this one dealt with terrorist attacks in Bali, but done in an interesting manner. Not cozy but not thriller mystery either. A rather safe in between place where reading was interesting and informative if you have practically no knowledge of that area of the world (me). A bit of armchair tourism that I could handle. Inspector Singh is a rather sweet main detective....older Hindu policeman from Singapore, who the political system would love to remove but can't, so they sent him out as a liaison to other countries expecting failure. Instead while trying to solve a comparatively small piece of the overall puzzle he clarifies larger pieces. No Cats Allowed by Miranda James....A Cat in the Stacks Cozy...This series is an all time favourite. Each book is a wonderful escape into a Southern US college town with nice characters and an interesting but not overly contrived mystery. As many of you know I read quite a bit of fluff and these are really good fluff. Currently reading....I have a stack and have been weeding through. Utterly Charming (Fates #1) by Kristine Greyson is currently being enjoyed. This one takes Sleeping Beauty and puts a new spin on it. The main character is a human lawyer who gets caught up with custody of the glass case and what to do with her newly awakened client who doesn't want anything to do with her handsome prince. Total fluff but entertaining. Not as funny as the other one in the series was.... I also have some Simon Brett cozy mysteries and a Mary Balogh inthe stack. Waiting on the new Anne Bishop. Hopefully I really am first in line....
  18. We are self studying for AP exams but not doing many, just taking the exam for Calculus and Comp Sci. We don't have approved classes for our transcript. You can get your own syllabi approved if that is what you wish to do. WTM has threads devoted to that or adopt one of the samples online at CollegeBoard. You need to have you "adoption" approved by College Board befotre you can call your home ed class AP. We used the Barron's book for exam prep last year.
  19. We have been visiting South Carolina for a few days but are heading back to our base home away from home this afternoon. We have had a lovely sunny time with lots of great internet, so much internet that no reading has happened. Lol. My kindle is bursting with new books so I am ready to go back to internet at the library etc. Haven't finished Death in Berlin by M.M. Kayehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10221.Death_in_Berlinyet but probably won't have a chance to post about it later. Good nice mystery set in the period post WWII when Berlin had occupied quarters. This takes place in the British sector. Different characters this time. I did get a hard copy of Kaye's The Far Pavilion from a library. The copy is huge and ancient yucky stained not old and basically clean. I have my limits! Going to return it and buy a copy when I get back home. I think I will be happier that way. Also reading the next Linda Label Miller vampire romanced. Will probably finish that one too.
  20. If we need extra cell phones overseas we take pay as you go ones with a limited amount on them. That way we cap the expense, no one can mess up several hundred £'s worth. We put a copy of how to use in whatever country in the case along with the rest of the family's numbers on the trip.
  21. For years I requested the large print version because I preferred them on car trips (I thought there was a correlation between print size and car sickness) but my kindle has phased that excuse out. Now I just get them because they are easier. ;) I wonder about the more than one square too. Several of my books could be more than one. For a couple I have just used a weaker choice for the other square. I pick most of my non series books by their cover if not recommended by people here. There is a reason I return stacks of books! So for that one I just counted the first book of the year where I started reading it without reading the description. It felt wrong after the times Robin has posted several odd covers but so far I have used the first mystery, historical(I used a romance) etc. So my list isn't particularly thoughtful or clever. I don't think these romances will appeal to you at all but years ago I got a kindle freebie titled Wickedly Charming by Kristen Graysonhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9633279-wickedly-charming. It was hilarious about rather dissatisfied fairy tale characters living in our world because their fairy tale had gone bad. This one centers on Cinderella's Prince Charming meeting her Wicked Stepmother. The behind-the-scenes observations regarding the fairy tale were snarky snicker worthy. This was a book that I happened to click on during a really sad week that made me lol. Anyway several in this series are available on overdrive and I have wondering if they would qualify. I am planning to read them this year but a bingo square would be nice too. :)
  22. We always pray for our Queen. I love Evensong and go every Sunday. I am sure it would have been a Sung Evensong at St. George's which is what we normally have. I love the organ music. Glad your trip to Liberty was fruitful. I have some very similar yarn to the variegated blues and greys in my stash. I used some of it for one of my mother's chemo hats last fall. Btw she is getting around pretty well again, uses her walker because she can't risk another fall.
  23. Different plug shapes. I haven't stayed at a hotel yet without a dryer available. Sometimes you need to ask at the desk. We buy plug adapters at the Pound Store frequently, so easy to get after you arrive if you want more.
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