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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. This sounds great! I am now on a wait list for it. While I was at it I put Jane Steele on hold and a book called Reader, I married him. The Goodreads list I was working from also had thishttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23845799-plottedbook of maps from books. Looks fun. I thought some of our map people might enjoy it.
  2. Mom Ninja, We read the Children of the Lamp series also and enjoyed it. The only animal book that came to mind is Kildee Househttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/334811.Kildee_House. It was qa read aloud that we all loved. I can't really remember but think it had a relatively happy ending.
  3. I am having internet problems and can't link but UK universities do accept ACT, SAT, and AP's for admission. Generally a minimum of three. Relatively high scores. A U.S. High School diploma can take the place of 5 gcse's. Some uni's weigh the AP exams by difficulty so need to look at where you plan to apply.
  4. I just wanted to say the like was in support. :grouphug: Last fall my mom went through most of a round of chemo for reoccurring breast cancer. It was really hard on her and me. :grouphug:
  5. Butter, I hope the fever breaks soon. If it's the flu (both dc's had the highest fevers they have ever had with it this year) I hope no one else comes down with it. :grouphug: Stacia, My mom is pretty much the same. Looking forward to better weather I think. I am almost done with the last CA Belmond Penny Nichols book.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10723355-a-rather-remarkable-homecoming. This is the first one that actually is a British Village Cozy. The others have all taken place in France for the most part. This one has it's mystery centered around William Shakespeare's life and where he actually lived. Not expecting them to really solve anything but fun in Cornwall. I have really enjoyed this series! Dd is actually reading them now. I also finished Jenn McKinlay's Death of a Mad Hatterhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18667885-death-of-a-mad-hatter. I enjoyed her library cozy mysteries and was looking forward to this series set in London. While I really enjoyed the cozy parts, this one could have been plunked down anywhere. If I wasn't looking for authentic settings....If more of these become available I will probably read them but not expect authenticity!
  6. :grouphug: I wouldn't buy and expect to be refunded any money. Seriously if internet was listed as available. You might be able to get internet via you phone line. You could also experiment with hotspot devices and see if any work at the new house. Ours will not work at my mother's house at all. Very disappointed teens. ;(
  7. :grouphug: Stacia. I will send prayers.
  8. The Droon Series by Tony Abbot.https://www.scholastic.com/droon/series.htmthere is some fun bonus material here. Both dc's loved them.
  9. Sparky, Here are links for Ace http://www2.acenet.edu/credit/?page=transcriptsand Charter Oakhttps://www.charteroak.edu/prospective/admissions/index.cfm. Ace transcripts are far cheaper I believe. Basically they give you a place to centralise your credits if you or your kids are using many different tests and institutions. For instance Dd has an AP, she has several CLEP, she was able to do a Coursera Calculus for Engineers for credit (program no longer exists) but her credit lives on, and she has a few other odd test credits. They add up to a significant credit total for her. It is nice to have them all at one location with an accredited school.
  10. Per my dh Clep will satisfy the 24 credit distribution as long as you have the distribution. He suspects it is easier if you have them put on a transcipt somewhere like Charter Oak but an ACE transcript may work.
  11. Rosie, I also want to thank you for you new moderator role. I suspect I am one of the people who will benefit from your work the most. I hope your visit to the chiro has brought some relief! :grouphug: Now to my Countryhouse loving friends.....I just signed up for thishttps://www.futurelearn.com/courses/country-house-literaturecourse on futurelearn (it is the UK's version of Coursera and very popular among the home ed people). Not sure how much of the reading I will actually do but am looking forward to the videos. The course description one was filmed at some of the country houses I know best Brodsworth Hall and Hardwick mainly. I also signed up for the Shakespeare one starting next week......
  12. Angela, I hope you start feeling better soon and that your little girl manages to avoid being ill. :grouphug:
  13. Cleps are generally 90 minutes. My dc's haven't had a problem finishing. For the record they were able to finish the 60 minute Subject exams also. Subject exams are scored on an 800 point scale and Clep exams are on 80 points. The scale is quite similar in terms of excellence, over 700 SAT and over 70 Clep are great down to 500/50 a pass. I have found examples various places and have decided that is the apparent grading scale. I consider the exams to be fairly similar but I would never interchange the study guides. A few exams have been taken by the dc's in both the Clep and Subject exam form and the scores were similar on each. They had both prep books so not sure how much different they really were. For instance the lit exams are very similar except you are expected to know some specific Author/book information on the Clep and I think the SAT was all passages. But scores were close. Dd did Western Civilization I but that is our only history exam so far. That was one she did really well on. She had taken the course a couple of years ago so just used the guide to review. We considered taking the Micro AP but couldn't find a test center. When we switched to the Clep I remember thinking the questions were a bit harder imo. The dc's never got as far as the prep book for the AP so no opinions from them. We like the REA books. Flashcards can usually be found on Quizlet if the subject lends itself to flashcards. We have also found this website really helpfulhttp://www.free-clep-prep.com/.
  14. Actually it's The Fire. The Eight is a reference to the BiG Eight accounting firms which were a huge deal back in the Eighties if you were an accounting major (I was). The sequel would need to be the Three, maybe Four. I haven't kept up were who merged with who. :lol: I keep running into Jane Steele on new book lists and have considered adding it to the stack. Glad to know you are enjoying it, maybe someday. :grouphug: I hope things start going better and the headaches go away.
  15. You aren't stalking at all. I am just really glad to be able to occasionally be able to help someone find a book they enjoy. The Anna Lee Huber series was actually recommended to me by my best friend, who also found St. Cyr. I can't take full credit but I have enjoyed the whole series and recently discovered a new one in the series is due out soon. Can't wait! Your mention of The Eight sent me searching. I am positive that I read and loved it years ago. Finally found a copy at a library. Unfortunately it's a paper copy but willing to go with that. :lol: Did you know there is a second one in the series written much later, 2007 I think? Have you read it? That one is on kindle and on my overdrive. :) I hope you enjoy it!
  16. Currently reading A Rather Charming Invitation by CA Belmond. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6606453-a-rather-charming-invitation?from_new_nav=true&ac=1&from_search=true. The story/series simply continues from one of last week's books. Enjoying even though the second in the series had to be skipped.
  17. We used this online for exercises to go with Wheelockshttp://web.uvic.ca/hrd/latin/wheelock/index.htm
  18. The Mistress of Alderley by Robert Barnardhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/513840.The_Mistress_of_Alderleywas an entertaining cozy. I liked it and will read more by this pretty prolific author. I also think it can be safely classed as a modern day village cozy. The setting was centered right I the area where I live. The village is made up (doesn't google and while sounding familiar, isn't) but most of everything else is spot on. I was impressed that the Opera North is right, I have been on a backstage tour with a friend who preformed there. That made the story fun for me. The story itself is an old one for mystery lovers in the sense that we have all heard elements of it before. An ageing actress falls in love with a married "in name only" successful man. Since his wife doesn't mind they set up housekeeping in a manor house he "buys" for them. He visits his new family on weekends. Layers are added, but that is the essential story until murder happens.
  19. In regards to having a Clep exam and retaking the course at University I suspect you would generally lose your Clep credits towards graduation because it would be considered a duplicate credit. You can only do College Algebra once for instance. Something like Humanities (6 credits some places- Lit, Art, and Music History basically) might be weighted as an elective differently if your DC takes Intro to Art History for instance. Because the art component mighty be considered duplicate. The other thing everyone needs to remember is AP simply is not available to all easily or cheaply. For our family a morning AP also costs a hotel room. With back to back days, two kids etc the whole situation just spirals out of control. We are doing the AP exams that are important to each DC. Some subject exams although we do three a day if possible because hotel room costs again. Using Clep for some others. Clep is great, one afternoon.
  20. I think it probably is fine since she wants to go and has a built in friend for fun. Just in case you decide against it look at test prep books for the calculator strategies. I can't remember which math exam (we did ACT and the SAT subjects all lumped together) but I think Princeton did the calculator bits best imo. We had several prep books from the library for old exams.
  21. Mom ninja, I finished and liked Staked by Kevin Hearne. No spoilers but as Kareni said yesterday regarding Mercy Thompson, the more series history you remember the better this book will be. I was still trying to remember different characters in the last chapters. I would read it sooner.....I definitely liked this one better than a couple of the more recent books in the series.
  22. Most are 90 minutes long. I don't think my kid's have ever had a hard time finishing in time. We generally return to get them in an hour and sometimes we wait and sometimes they wait for us. It depends on the exam and the student. DD takes about ten minutes more and generally scores a bit higher. ;) Some libraries have the Complete Study Guide for Clep referred to herehttps://clep.collegeboard.org/study-resources. We bought our own copy and generally they run through the exam in the book a couple days before taking the actual exam to see what they consider to be their predicted score. I tend to take a look at the book when I am preparing thed study material for the exam.
  23. My kid's have done several both for the credit aspect and a relatively cheap verification of a mommy grade. One of the huge advantages is we haven't had to schedule a month plus in advance like SAT Subject exams or prepare for months like AP exams. When they feel ready we have been able to schedule within the week. For my ds, the exams have made him be responsible for his own study habits. I find him the study material which generally includes an REA review book and hand responsibility over. Dh and I give him a target date for the final and he goes to work. He knows exactly what is expected and seems to thrive on the challenge. Some of the exams like micro and macroeconomics were done after a Coursera class had been completed. I will be honest and say the best part of the Clep experience is I no longer have to be the one to make ds do his work. These have forced responsibility on him. I am willing to help. Happy to get different study materials if needed but he is in charge. Too be really honest in most exams dd goes first and she helps us adjust for her brother. Remember some exams like Analysing Lit and Humanities are sorth 6 credit hours which are a whole lot credits for roughly $100. The foreign languages are also great value...depending on how well you do either 6 or 12.
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