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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. This is really early for me to be totally awake but I just saw my guys off for the first AP exam. Fingers crossed. We were exposed to the flu Sunday, as in spent the entire evening with friends who all became very ill within an hour of our departure. Dh and I keep joking it may have been kinder not to tell us. Ds has another exam Thursday so we have a stressful week ahead. I finished the new Faith Hunterhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25759452-shadow-rites Shadow Rites yesterday. I think Robin has already read it. I really enjoyed this one. I will be honest and say I probably liked it because it was a bit milder than some in this series and seemed to concentrate on characters I already know and like. I also finished my first audiobook Elizabeth Peter's Crocodile on the Sandbank. I was glad to be able to enjoy a book other people love but I had been unable to manage to read. I have already checked another mystery out that my best friend loves but I keep abandoning to listen to while I quilt. Overall I enjoyed listening but the last hour or so was so boring. I knew the ending and just wanted it over with. I am considering checking an ebook out to go with audiobooks in the future, certainly if I listen to more in the Amelia Peabody series!
  2. I noticed Eliana's Goodreads also. I have been trying to remember if she was absent last spring for awhile or not. I hope all is well. Welcome to Faithr and fastweedpuller! I am one of the Dorothy Sayers fans. Murder Must Advertise was a good one but a bit different. I had to laugh about the Overdrive comment, my Dh (he is generally library rules oblivious) actually told me just to turn the wifi off this morning because Overdrive was going to reclaim my current book momentarily. Can't believe he knew that! :lol: I am still reading the latest Faith Hunter, only a third of the way through with the wifi off. I am also finishing Crocodile on a Sandbank as an audiobook. I am enjoying it while quilting. I find it a bit odd to know exactly how long I have left to read. My kindle tells md by estimation but is always wrong because I leave it on frequently while doing other things. I am used to it's time left being sort of a worst case with lots of interruptions. I did read and finish a couple of Grace Burrowes novellas. Good fluff. Before I forget....Welcome back idnib. You were missed. If part of your vacation includes a trip north let me know. ;)
  3. Audible would take more technical ability than I possess I suspect. So I might as well try free first. I haven't listened to an audio book for me since they came as tapes.... I thought I would give an update. I still can't find the mp3 that I downloaded on my kindle but the listen in my browser feature is working really well for me right now. Obviously this method has some big negatives because it reauires good internet but it is working. I listened to about 3 hours of Elizabeth Peter's Crocodile on a Sandbank while quilting today. It's a book that I have tried to read many times but never made it beyond the first pages. I am enjoying it although I still thought the start was slow. ;)
  4. We used Minquon as a supplement (Sinapore was our main math) when the dc's were little and looking back one of the best things about Minqoun was it offered a bit of creativity. They really enjoyed the freedom of it and loved playing with the crods. I bought several other crod books to play with also. Yes, I eventually had Annotations but was originally told I didn't need it so we started off just interpreting the directions ourselves. My dd, now 17, was an early reader and one of the best things I did as a homeschool mom is have her read those directions and look at the page and tell me what she needed to do to complete the page. It was a great self confidence booster for her and carried over into her other school work. When I finally bought Annotations we discovered some of those pages had been done incorrectly in the sense that they weren't used as intended by Minquon but the math was right for how we meant to use them. Ds followed in the same way. We only looked at Annotations when a page was utterly mystifying to all....Minquon was fun for my kids and helped make math something that both my kids consider to be fun not hard.
  5. I am finally attempting to use an Overdrive audiobook on my Kindle Fire. I have never used the fire for anything except youtube and prime movies. I am not a techy. So I have checked out my book and can play it in my browser.....do I need to sign into the library every single time I want to "read" my book? I have supposedly downloaded an mp3 but can't find it. Any advice????
  6. I think they normally come out in the spring. I just took a look at Hearne's blog https://kevinhearne.com/writers-grove/ and Oberon has a book coming out this fall about poodles. :lol: There will also be some novellas. No date given for the next in the series. I get to comment on the book now. ;) It was very different from the last few in the series which I considered a good thing overall. I have been getting bogged down in the middle of most of the recent ones in the series. Love the beginning and the end but the long running scenes are a bit boring in the last few books. I liked the fact that this one continuously moved on instead focusing on one part of the storyline forever. I am really sad about some of my favourite characters. I am reading the latest in the China Bayles series Blood Orange. Not sure I like where it is going....I am also quilting pretty intensely right now. Trying to get the hexigon one sandwiched together so I can quilt it. The main problem is not enough floor space! Also the back wasn't large enough. Hopefully that part of the project will get finished today.
  7. What a coincidence we just got home from visiting the states also and are still adjusting to the time changes. I wonder if it might be anxiety because he can't fall asleep easily at the earlier time. Instead of putting him to bed at his normal Swiss time maybe let him stay up until everyone else goes to bed. Less time to worry.
  8. Abeka has lovely writing style and nice books. Dd is always complemented on how lovely her handwriting is and she is an Abeka girl.
  9. Probably not a huge surprise but I don't know if I have read any of these all the way through. I know I abandoned The Glass Castle. I know I read at least some of Angela's Ashes and Out of Africa. That's it.
  10. Just wanted to second the Community Center idea. Dd goes to Art classes weekly and has had a great time. She also attends local patchwork club with me. The members have made sure she has had opportunities to learn a huge range of fabric art skills.
  11. Congratulations on the jobs!!!! I think you will be great at special events at the bookstore. They are super lucky to have you! I know I like working in the library as a volunteer. It can be fascinating to see peoples taste in books. In BaW we kind of know each other by our books. At the library I already know most patrons from other things. It's fascinating to see what books they pick. And I get to chat about books!
  12. I don't think I have posted these books yet. Evans Above by Rhys Bowen https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17565228-evans-above. I have checked this book out multiple times over the years and never even opened the pages. I think it probably should qualify as a library dusty. I finally started reading it and learned I have been missing out. These are well done village cozies set by Snowdon in Wales. We had a lot of fun talking about Snowdon when I sort of (sunburn and heat forced our family to quit) a couple of years ago. Negin and Jane might enjoy your he of these just for the setting, although really not your type of book. This is a short MC Beaton novella for her Hamish MacBeth series that I ran into last night. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28361707-knock-knock-you-re-dead. It was a less than 15 more nuts read but I enjoyed it. Comes right before Death of a Nurse in the series. This was a great historical which I am sure Kareni has read, The Heir. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8696975-the-heir. In the back it implied it was Burrowes first book. Not sure because a couple of characters are from other series. I've been busy tracking down the prequels. Good fluffy escape. Adult content. I spent quite awhile this afternoon trying to get my reading life in order. Figured out my bingo card. Because of travel I have just been putting things on a bingo shelf in goodreads. I have one row completed and several holes. :lol: I did some requesting and dusted off (literally) my planned Dusty. For those looking for birth year books Christie has one most years until the 70's. I was amazed.....http://www3.nd.edu/~rwoodbur/christie/chrono.htm
  13. Well, ds is preparing primarily on his own for his AP exams, Computer Science and Calc AB. He thinks he is ready and they are both subjects he already knows just not the format. I plan to make him do the sample exams this week. We have a super busy weekend so need to get things done during the week.
  14. Jane, Love the kilt and baseball cap! :lol: ;) Looking forward to more pictures. Glad you had fun on your adventure.
  15. I haven't. I thought about it but the title was just too similar to another book that was a bit eye burning for me! Somehow it scared me. Looking forward to your review. Can I read it without rereading Brave new world? I reread 1984 a few years ago so if it's not too detailed.
  16. Likes aren't working for me, so consider everyone liked. I finished Harlan Coben's Fool Me Oncehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26109394-fool-me-once this afternoon. Not sure if Kathy or anyond else has read it yet. I am curious about how others who normally read his books feel about this one. The ending felt abrupt to me, it probably had to be....anyway not my favourite of his books. Eta, My likes just reappeared. Weird.
  17. I finished the first Mrs. Malory cozy by Hazel Holt. My copy was called Gone Away but apparently it was first published with a different name.https://www.goodreads.com/series/67474-mrs-malory-mysteries. This is possibly my favorite of the cozy mysteries I have been trying lately. Nothing really special to be honest just a nicely done cozy. Limited characters and one of them actually did the murder....I hate it when some odd person did it. British without hitting you over the head with it. On the short side, roughly 180 pages. It was a really good fluffy read.
  18. Busy day today so I am marking the thread. Hopefully will have a chance to read everyone's posts later tonight. I will finish The Eight in the car this afternoon. Katherine Neville's book is a good read, I really loved this action packed style when I was younger. It isn't the book that I remembered with the heavy big eight involvement. This is simply a book where everything is eight. Everything.....I did read it before. Lots of chess which I don't play. My dc's played chess seriously for awhile so those scenes probably mean more to me now than they did in my twenties. Also reading the first Mrs. Mallory mystery by Hazel Holt. Great so far.
  19. Kathleen, Happy Birthday to your dd!!!
  20. I thought of you when I was mentioning Laura Kinsale. I just went and checked out My Sweet Folly. It was meant to be apparently since out of the 12 books that library has for that author it was the only one available. I also puthttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/802153.The_Hidden_HeartThe Hidden Heart on hold. Have you read it? It is the first of the Victorian series plus sort of (huge huge stretch) fits the exploration Darwin theme. ;) Rose, Congratulations on your Bingo Card!
  21. Thanks for checking everyone. I knew Kareni was probably putting in requests but when others who tend to be library users also seemed to be finding them I started wondering. I admit they are reasonable on kindle. Can't believe I am saying this but when I buy books I like hard copies. :lol: I think I am programmed to consider my kindle reading to be free. I think I will give it a bit longer because my main overdrive library keeps adding bulk author purchases each month....not sure what else to call it but pretty much every book written by Laura Kinsale, for instance, showed up on their new book list last week.
  22. :grouphug: Marbel I finished the Revisionary this morning. It is the fourth book in the Ex Libris series by Jim Hines.https://www.goodreads.com/series/67567-magic-ex-libris. I didn't like this one quite as well but my memory of the series isn't the best. Much action with people from past books popping up constantly is work! I loved the books at the start of the serie so much I think they made my favourites list. Noseinabook, you would probably like these. :) The Captain Lacey books....out of curiosity does anyone's library actually carry them? I look periodically and never find them. I even looked through bf's library once.
  23. If I want to bake right away I use self rising flour. Softer crust. I normally make a thinner crust when doing this. I still use the yeast.
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