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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Gosh, I could give you tons of titles, but the ones that initially came to mind when I read your question are the Holling C Holling books. We're thoroughly enjoying them here. They're books to be savored, imho. Pagoo Paddle to the Sea Minn of the Mississippi Tree in the Trail Seabird Anything by E.B White is also good. For middle schoolers, I love The Giver, House of the Scorpion, Night, The Diary of Anne Frank, Holes, and The Incident at Hawk's Hill. Some of them may be considered controversial, so you may want to review content before adding them to your library.
  2. Pens & pencils - especially the pencils though... I swear, someone eats them we lose them so often! Also, socks - I lose at least one half of a pair each day. It drives me nuts!
  3. In looking up this book, I found the Unofficial LEGO Builders Guide. http://www.amazon.com/Unofficial-LEGO-Builders-Guide/dp/1593270542/ref=pd_sim_b_2
  4. Ahh... good point. I will have to check this. I have a 2007 car too, and I would never have considered the possibility of it not working. Thank you!
  5. Thanks to a few wonderful ladies on here, I've been able to purchase some of my supplies used which is how I prefer to do it. So far, I've bought: * SOTW vol 2 and cd's - just need the AG * Song School Latin * R.E.A.L Science Odyssey Earth & Space, including some supplemental books I already have Singapore 2A & 2B incl. texts, workbooks, IP and CWP books, WWE 2, and FLL. Today I placed a big order with AAS to hopefully cover next year. It's a good thing the program works as it's expensive! :tongue_smilie: I still need to order the Queens Cursive Primers and our art program. Wow... I guess I'm almost done! Yay!!!!
  6. First grade according to the author, Jessie Wise. We're using it now for 1st, and ds is really enjoying it.
  7. We are doing first grade this year following the WTM recs as closely as possible and using workboxes. Ds loves the boxes, and they have provided a smooth flow to our day. Here's an example from today's schedule: Box 1 - Math: Singapore 1B. On his book, I had a sticky note that says, "Do pages 66-67". His pencil and eraser are in the box as well. When he's done this box, he puts it into the big bin located on the floor next to him. I will check the box shortly to see how he did. We will review/reteach/go over the pages tomorrow if there are any issues. Box 2 - AAS. In here is the index card box for AAS and the teacher manual. On the front of the box is a velcro card that indicates he's to work with mom. Box 3 - FLL. Again, there's a "work with mom" card attached to the box. We use personal whiteboards for some of the lessons, so today, there were 2 whiteboards and 2 dry erase markers in the box with the FLL book. Box 4 - Break. A card which reads "Break & Snack: 15 minutes" is in this box with a digital timer. Ds sets it, gets his snack, relaxes, and comes back to the boxes after 15 minutes. He then moves onto the next box without issue. Box 5 - SOTW 1 - Another "work with mom" card is on this box. Inside is the SOTW reader, ds's history binder, the AG, and a pen. I read the pages, we go over the review ?'s together, and then I copy down his narration into his notebook. Box 6 - Bible. Inside this box is a pencil, his Bible, and the memory verse sheet he needs to complete for Sunday school at church. I've already underlined the verse in his Bible. He needs to find it and copy it as neatly as possible - I put a sticky note in the box telling him this. That's just today. Tomorrow he'll have an FLL box with paper, scissors, magazines, and glue sticks in it to create a season's book that corresponds with the past 4 lessons. He'll have an SOTW box with colored pencils and the map for this week in it. He'll also have a box with our Math Dice game in it and a "work with mom" card on it so we can play together. Each day you change up the needs in the box based upon what the particular lesson entails. It's nice to have everything already laid out, especially for independent work. It truly has taken away the procrastinating and losing of the pencil stories. :) I use the box system grid Sue Patrick created to go along with the workboxes to determine what goes in each box. It also serves as my schedule and record-keeping for the week. Adding workboxes to our day has truly blessed us and made homeschooling more manageable and fun for both of us. I hope it can do the same for you!
  8. If I were to download an mp3 audio book from a site where I have permission to make a copy, can an mp3 file be transferred onto a cd? Would I just use something like Windows Media Player? Will I have to convert the mp3 file to a different format?
  9. I allow my boys on the computer as long as I am right there next to them supervising the entire time. Their time is limited: youngest gets 15 minutes, oldest gets 20-30 minutes. They are only allowed educational sites (youngest uses sesamestreet.com & oldest uses starfall, cool-math, or some of the educational yahoo games). We don't have game systems such as a Wii, etc. and we don't watch much TV, so I don't see it as a problem.
  10. I KNEW the Hive could help me!!! These ideas are fabulous!!!! I've put the thread in my favorites, so I can review it repeatedly as we plan. I'm excited now!!! Mrs. Mungo - that cake link was amazing! I wonder if I could pull that off?! :001_unsure:
  11. Ds, turning 7 in just over a month, wants an arctic-themed birthday party. He never comes up with something easy! :lol: He wants it to focus around the arctic animals: polar bears, seals, orcas, foxes, hares, etc. I know there are some extremely creative moms on here... I'd love any ideas, please!!!! I'm not very creative, so I'm already stressing about it. FYI - It will be about 12 kids, ranging in age from 9 to 2.
  12. I will have to check this out... Ds's floor is currently covered with Legos and over 20 fighter jet planes he's created from them. Legos are VERY important in our house! :D
  13. When I started researching it and tossing it around as an option, Dh was hesitant; however, he was willing to learn more and give it a chance. He knows I over-research everything, so he trusted I had my facts straight. I was also a ps teacher before, and he knew from stories exactly how bad it was. He initially wasn't sure if hsing was THE answer to our concerns though. We began with the notion of taking it year to year. We're in year 2, and just last night we had a conversation about how our boys aren't attending school until maybe (and only a maybe) high school. The words came out of his mouth, so I know he's 100% sold. He also trusts my judgement and allows me to choose the curriculum, field trips, outside classes (art), and any other resources we need as long as I stick to my budget. I am so grateful that he supports me. It may not come in the form of academics, yet he's very generous about making sure my planning time is protected, and that I have time to myself to have a break since I can't leave the work environment.
  14. Currently, there's my Bible and our Couple's Devotion book. Also, Teaching the Trivium, Hold On to Your Kids, and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. I haven't picked up Hold On to Your Kids as often as the other two, however.
  15. We actually had Solar Oven Day when I was in 8th grade. We had a partner, and we made our ovens. It was a huge hit to be outside all day and to see whose oven worked fastest, didn't fall apart, etc. I think my partner and I made hot dogs and a frozen pizza. My friends made chocolate chip cookies that stayed pretty gooey :) I think it's great that you can actually buy a Sun Oven now!
  16. Just the hospital gowns for me. I think they're pretty comfortable, actually. Oh, and a robe over it when I was walking the hallways during labor.
  17. :iagree: Well stated! I can already see the families who would be a part of the school we'd need to open.
  18. This is what we're doing also. Ds & I are really looking forward to it!
  19. They were practically hidden at my local grocery store in the baking aisle.
  20. Thank you! I should have checked singaporemath.com before posting. :blush:
  21. I'm so confused. I'm trying to order some things from RR for next year, and I can't figure out which guide I need to use for Singapore 2A. We'll be using the US Edition, so do I order this HIG? http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Primary+Math+2A+Home+Instructors+Guide/004382/1266630036-1487192 Or do I order the 2A Teaching Guide ? http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Primary+Math+2A+Teacher+Guide+U.S.+ed/008039/1266630036-1487192 Is there even a difference? If so what is it? I can't tell from the site or RR catalog. Thanks!
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