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Ruby Rose

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Everything posted by Ruby Rose

  1. I'm heading back to school next semester to finish some prerequisite courses and hope to start nursing school in the fall. I am applying to a night program so I can be with the kids during the day and only need a sitter for a few hours a day during the transition from my leaving and dh arriving home from work. I know it will be a demanding schedule, but I would like to continue HSing during this time. I'm considering various "self teaching" aka less Mommy intense programs so the kids can continue to progress and I don't feel like if I don't have a lot of time to hold their hands that day that they are still learning and progressing. Anyone used Time4Learning to fill this gaps or as main program? Any other recommendations? TIA!
  2. Chickens are out??? Off with their heads! Just kidding. Store bought eggs will never be in for me. :)
  3. This calculator may be helpful in seeing if they are eligible for subsidies. http://kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/
  4. I'm new to this recipe, but my suggestion would be to add all the dry ingredients with butter in a bowl then add all the wet ingredients into a second bowl and refrigerate over night. Then in am just do a quick mix, pour, bake. The reason I suggest adding butter to dry is because you cut it into the dry and it's the most "labor intensive" part of the recipe. HTH.
  5. Peer Pressure!! I now have a batch in the oven. I used 4 eggs because my chickens give me plenty and I'm always looking for ways to use them. :) ETA Don't use that many eggs. It leaves the bottom mushy.
  6. All Mommy Makeovers aren't for aesthetics although that is a perk. Some have large breast that need a reduction to relieve back, neck, shoulder pain, headaches, etc. tummy tucks a re sometimes needed to fix muscles that are compromised during pregnancy and cause the person to have terrible lower back pain. Also, hanging, saggy skin can cause sores and irritation in surrounding areas. So, don't be to quick to judge those that make the decision. It was something done under great consideration.
  7. Another idea for a working dog is to have him wear a weighted vest on walks or more often and carrying stuff becomes one of his jobs.
  8. Exercise is key. Does he listen to other commands? Don't get in a yelling match with your dog. It only encourages him. To him he barks, you yell, he barks, you yell. Now you are team barking. ;) I would walk him in the yard first and then once you have in a steady forward motion you can move straight out of the yard. Might take some work. Walk with purpose, not sniffing around but active walking. I would also put him on a short leash and give it a tug and an assertive "shh" when incessant barking begins. This will mean he will need to be close to you so you can give immediate feedback to unwanted behavior and redirect his attention. Try to break his attention to what has him worked up. Like if there are certain times he barks, occupy him with a game of tug a war. Good luck.
  9. I have my eyes open as to what nursing is because both my parents are nurses, as well as, about 4 cousins. I have been researching this for years. There is a lot to nursing besides just bedside so I think as I age I could take one of those paths. Honestly, my long term plan was to HS forever. So at least 12 more years. My kids would probably do duel enrollment those last few years. I know a few nurses that HS their kids. So I was thinking even a part time job would bring in the money that we need. I've considered CNA (not required here) and pharmacy tech because those could be hospital jobs with flexible shifts. Most hospital jobs here are 3-12s or 4- 10s. Which to me is doable with HSing. I also have clinical experience as I did a year of X-ray school a million years ago so I know what it's like to work with sick people. Nursing has always been the thing I wanted to pursue but never have because I was afraid I would fail at the coursework. But every time I walk in a hospital I get the itch again. My dream would be to get my RN, then MSN (already have BA) classes would be online to become NP. BUT...I also want to be with my kids. BUT, BUT...money IS an issue and RN gives the most bang for my buck. I also now that CNA is tough, nasty work with very little pay. There are some Unit Secretary positions I am going to apply for as I also have transcription experience. I'm just worried that if I put them in school they won't want to come back home. :( And it will mess up all we have worked through and established. Plus I would miss them an insane amount. Woe is me. I'm so torn. Why can't I just be rich!?!
  10. No. You. Didn't. Wow! What a blast from the past!
  11. No waiting list per se. Top scores get the spots. There are no guarantees I'd even get accepted. The great unknown...
  12. I obtain a BA back in the day, but after 8 + years of being home I doubt there are any jobs for me. I've considered getting an RN more times than I care to admit. And here I am again trying to figure out if its the right time or to wait longer. I need 3 non-nursing classes that I could take at night, but once/if admitted to the program it would be long days and the kids would have to go to school, basically for at least 2 years (4th/5th and 1st/2nd). :( That's the part I don't like. My plan would be to find a 3-12s job and continue homeschooling. So, would you go now or wait until they are a few years older (middle school maybe) and can stay alone during the day and do a lot of work independently? A big concern now is lack of money, retirement, and savings. If a higher paying job turned up for dh this wouldn't be an issue.
  13. I don't know if I'd trust a $3000 car to be reliable enough to drive long distances to visit friends.
  14. I'm currently singing the praises about Miquon. We used MM in 1 and 2 and dd was miserable and frustrated. She loves math now and has picked up multiplication with ease. It's a miracle in my book! We started in book 1 and are blowing through the material at a super sonic pace and understanding. My ds is also using it, but at a slower pace obviously. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
  15. You can also use dried Lima beans from the grocery store to grow beans. I remember growing them in a milk container in school. Cool project with big reward and little effort.
  16. I use it as a visual bookmark. That way I can put all my sewing, schooling, cooking, gardening ideas in one place to peruse at leisure. Anytime I fine something on line that I want to remember, I pin it. I don't usually go looking for things on Pinterest. However I do repin some of my like minded friends pins because I think they are good ideas.
  17. RR isn't allowed to put it on their website, but they sell it. You can call to order it or call to get the item # and order online. It's also listed in the catalog if someone has one handy.
  18. FLL3 That is what I am using for my 3rd grader. I also got some Scholastic workbooks to make things more "fun." I've been able to incorporate the book "No Boring Grammar" (fairy Tales, I think...I can verify if your interested.) into many of the lessons. Wwe2....is this enough for composition/writing at this age? Yes. I bought 2, but we are doing 1 this year. This is my 3rd year trying it. DD had no problem with narration, but has been writing phobic until now so I didn't push it and set it aside each year. Slow and steady wins the race IMO. Singapore math 2b/3a Sounds good. We did MM for 2 years and it was a nightmare and made DD hate math. We are rebooting math and using Miquon at an accelerated pace. I think even if it takes 3rd and 4th to finish it she will have the skills needed for 5th. Also starting my Ker with Miquon at a slow/moderate pace. Spelling (3rd grade)...could use some direction on this one We have done Spelling workout with little retention. Tried AAS but it wasn't a good fit for us (probably because we never got to the right level). We are now using R&S. it's not DD favorite, but it gets the job done. I like that it has some phonics built in. Like instead of the word fish it has a picture and ask what word starts with the same sound. And it's fairly independent. It could be completely independent, but that's something I'm working on with DD. we've only complete a week so I know it will improve. Cursive ( could use some direction here too) We are using ARFH for cursive. Classical conversations for history and science We are using SOTW 1 (another that we started and stopped). Now BOTH my kids are LOVING doing this together. And it includes narration and copy work to help with writing. We are all very happy with our choice and timing on this one. We are doing BJU Science 3 plus a Science class at the children's science center. Haven't started yet, but I was able to find Magic School Bus videos to go with many of the science chapters. What about reading comprehension/literature? I purchased BJU Reading 3. There is a lot to it! Not sure if I will use all the parts. The readers seem interesting thus far. Honestly some good readers or books on level and some of the reading comp workbooks from Scholastic would have been fine. However, although my dd is a good reader, I have to make her do it. I've also chosen to do The Chronicles of Narnia with ROAR lit guide this year as our read aloud. Hoping it will be a hit. Good luck with your choices. As you can see, you don't have to marry your selection. Try it and do what works. You can always try things at a different time. My kids are both very intelligent, but also very artistic and creative. I don't want them to hate school or learning so I am flexible with how we learn. What I am finding with this approach is that they want to learn and find out about things that interest them. I am equipping them with the tools of HOW to learn as we'll as what to learn. Don't be mistaken, there are many things they HAVE to learn regardless. But, my favorite thing to hear my son say is "Let's look it up!" My dd has become very resourceful at research, especially when it is something she is interested in. This week it was the lizard they caught. She was able to research and find out how to determine sex, species, that it was cold blooded, needed a heat lamp, what it ate, what type of environment it needed, etc. THAT'S the stuff that makes me proudest! :)
  19. My biggest freak out in the beginning was wondering how I was going to teach them EVERYTHING. For some reason I thought I had to teach them everything RIGHT NOW! Ha!
  20. I think your kids are really young and there is no need to freak just yet. There is also no need to pigeon hole yourself in 1 set category. Do what works for you and yours.
  21. I would recommend a ruler and a wet erase marker. That way you can draw it to you specs.
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