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Karen in CO

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Everything posted by Karen in CO

  1. For my very, very bad migraines, the postdromal phase often lasts longer than the migraine itself, which is typically 3 days for me. I lovingly refer to it as the "kicked in the head" phase. I try to wean myself off medication during this phase to avoid a rebound headache. Migraines that last more than 3 days are considered status migraines and should get more treatment - this is typically administered in the ER as a combination of pain killer, muscle relaxant, and antiemetic medications. Heal Your Headache is a repulsive and patronizing book that contains some of the best information available about getting rid of migraines. I highly recommend it even if I despise the book itself. Sorry you're going through this.
  2. The loose kind instructions to learn about something would be too much for my kids. When my ds was in middle school, I'd take him to the library and require him to pick out a number of fiction and nonfiction books each week then read them and discuss with me. He hated it, but it forced him to start thinking about what he would like to know more about. Two years ago, my middle dd studied history or science for an hour each day then presented what she learned in the format of her choice. I gave her a spine for each to work through, but she was free to take as many trails from there as she wanted. She ended with a passion for medieval language and mythology. Last year, she started at a charter classical school. She made a picture book about an animal - she spent two weeks researching, a week writing and a week putting the book together. She had to use an animal at our zoo, and she had to use at least 5 sources. She had very strict guidelines about what to write and how to write it . It was her first formal research project. Here is the guide her school provided The strict guidelines gave her the structure that she needed. She loved her project. This year, her project is based on medieval history. The report is longer and the guidelines are looser, but she has the confidence from experience that she can complete this. And back to your questions. My kids have learned to love research but have benefitted from having output required along with structure. I think of it as swim lessons. The kids will do better and progress faster if there is structure to their lessons instead of just dropping them in the deep end and telling them to swim out.
  3. I always get my mother a pretty pendant to go with some of the nice chains I've bought her over the years. She loves amber, and I've spent a lot of years searching for unique pieces. Does your mother like a specific gemstone? I also get her books, warm gloves, soft slippers, or a pretty sweater. My kids also make her something. Is your mother spending Christmas with you?
  4. Good morning - We have snow this morning after having 60's yesterday. Gotta love the moody weather. Today, the kids are on their first day of winter break, and I'm trying to work through my second day of a three day migraine. Christmas. That is the big question. Last year we spent a good portion of Christmas in the ER (middle had mono that presented as an acute viral infection long before it would show up on blood tests). This year, beyond hoping to make it without illness, I am hoping to go skiing and tubing a couple of times. Oldest will spend his first Christmas in Japan which is kind of hitting me hard. I think being out of the house and having fun will help.
  5. The only time I have sugar is in my coffee. Of course, I notice a difference. Actually, I'm hypoglycemic, I avoid sweets and simple carbohydrates because they make me gittery then make me feel terrible. I only have a half teaspoon in each of my three cups of coffee daily. My only other sweets are a small bits of dark chocolate. If you think it might be a problem, drop the sweets AND the simple carbohydrates.
  6. Patchouli give me a migraine - I didn't know my friend started wearing it until I hugged her. :(

  7. Laura, My son left years ago, but it seems he's still leaving little-by-little. He and I decided that the process feels like a long break-up. We both know it had to happen and we're ready for it, but it is hard to let go. This will be his first Christmas away from us after graduating in spring. I still don't know what to do with myself many days. I love the man he has grown to be, but I miss him. I haven't found a book that makes it easier. I have girls leaving in a few years, but it won't be the same as my ds leaving. I'm sure you're a victim of your own success. You worked hard to raise a good man who doesn't need you like he used to.
  8. I'd make sure all of the sides are vegetarian. How about stuffed acorn squash? Or something nice like this. It is easier to think of the dinner as vegetarian meal with a meat side dish than to think of it as a meal with an extra vegetarian dish. The vegetarians will know they only have to avoid one thing.
  9. A painless way is to use the LeapFrog Talking Letter factory video. No stress and no fuss. We also have a Melissa and Doug alphabet train puzzle that has an animal for each letter. It is just play and no stress. It's a nice compromise between waiting for him to be interested and being worried.
  10. Something you want Something you need Something to wear Something to read That's what we do.
  11. Free Time. Sleep late, watch tv, play board games, visit with friends. For Christmas break, we go skiing too.
  12. You already know how to make great writers, and you know it takes time and practice. You don't have a lot of time. You probably need to increase how much practice they get. My older dd's school scores top in the state for writing (and other things). They do not do any writing test prep. They just have a great writing program that focuses on expository writing and strong grammar. They learn to write good sentences then they learn to write strong paragraphs using supporting evidence. After that they learn about sentence variety, sound variety and word choice. Later, they will learn more, but she's only in seventh grade. They write in every class. They write full sentence answers to questions everyday in history. They write complete paragraphs for history quizzes. They take notes from their book daily in science and in class from the lecture. They get their notebooks checked daily to make sure they are taking notes. They write in English class and take notes. They write out translations in Latin. They write definitions in math along with descriptions of processes and problems. They write speeches for public performance class and give speeches in assembly to the whole school. Last year, my dd's hand frequently hurt from all the writing. This year, she doesn't even notice how much she writes.
  13. Two weeks - Dec 23rd and returning Jan 6th. Easy, relaxing and some skiing.
  14. We saw it last night. My girls were critical of the changes in the first movie although they enjoyed it, but they loved this movie. They both smiled, jumped and laughed through the whole thing. I do like that they gave Smaug more lines to take advantage of Benedict's voice. The ride home was full of Smaug impersonations.
  15. Here is a true story. My sister is two years older than I am. When we were little, she told me that "gullible" was not in the dictionary. I believed her for a long time. When I told my older dd that story, she gave me a sad face and said that she's happy that I've always been a trusting person.
  16. Hello - Happy Friday. I am serving chocolate, gluten-free, nut-free birthday cake with a buttercream frosting. My middle child is 13 today. We're going to see the Hobbit tonight. Sunday, she and her closest friend, whose birthday was yesterday, are having a HP birthday party. They've been busy for a month making horcruxes and stuff for the party. I have spent the day cleaning the carpets and trying to get work finished early so I can go to the movie. I think those two goals are mutually exclusive, but I'm trying. I have a funny for you that has been cracking up the girls. If you say "gullible" really slowly, it rhymes with "orange".
  17. Nope - she would not. She would wear something more like this http://www.amazon.com/Columbia-Sportswear-Ice-Maiden-Weather/dp/B004LP2REW/ref=pd_sbs_shoe_2 or this http://www.amazon.com/Kamik-NK2004-Womens-Brooklyn-Boot/dp/B0036FSZ4Y/ref=pd_sbs_shoe_3 but she really wants taller boots. My dd likes the hunger games books/movies - so I am supposed think of what Katniss would wear or what Veronica Mars would wear - those are her fashion inspirations.
  18. I'm glad it stunted my ds's growth - he's 6'5" And for the lady, Bless her heart.
  19. We just did a lot of problems on grid paper together. I'd make up problems then we'd both do them then compare answers. My dd eventually got to be faster than me.
  20. Black Beauty is one of my dd's favorites. She also loves the David Tennet How to Train Your Dragon audio books, but they tend to keep her awake. She still enjoys the Winnie the Pooh audio. We also listen to Story of the World.
  21. My third grader hasn't had a test yet. I'm pretty sure there won't be any classroom subject tests at all. They will have to do the state's test plus one national test, but I'm not sure which they do as it is the first year for the school. She goes to a charter Waldorf school. My seventh grader goes to a charter classical school. They have tests in each subject about once a month. At the end of the year, they do a comprehensive oral exam. They also do the state test plus a federal test along with some math level testing throughout the year. Last year, my youngest was in the neighborhood public school for 6 days of which 5 had testing before I withdrew her to homeschool for another year.
  22. Fiction: Rebecca Non-Fiction: Adrift
  23. My ds, his girlfriend and her roommate are staying in Japan for Christmas this year for the first time. They graduated from college last May and all have jobs in Tokyo. I want to send them presents, but am at a loss. I mostly know what I'm getting my ds (I've been updating his wardrobe with more professional things for a few years), but what do I get 2 twenty-something working young women that will be small enough to ship?
  24. All three of mine were surprises. After a bit of denial and panic, I always came back to the simple fact that babies are always welcome in my home. Congratulations.
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