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Everything posted by cajunrose

  1. My daughter's AG doll went with us to Paris and Singapore. She made day trips with us via a doll carrier that was worn. It was really cute and she got lots of comments about the doll.
  2. So glad you got new pictures! It's a very cute house!
  3. We listed our home 3 weeks ago. NOTHING is moving in our area. Haven't had any showings. We are in the area we are moving to trying to find where we want to live (city wise) and they showed it last night for the first time. The family (not english speaking) had to go and get a relative that could translate so they came back a couple of hours later with them. They REALLY like my house, thinks the structure is great and are in love with my chicken coop. They even asked for our chickens (NOT happening..they are pets, but we did tell them we would buy them a flock of egg laying hens..lol). They have one more house to look at next weekend. I feel like we have a good chance because of the coop. After the first time they saw it, they wanted to know where we stood money wise. My realtor expected an offer to come in last night but it didn't happen but he is still very hopeful because they really liked it. The realtor thinks that the other house would have to be PERFECT for them to not make an offer on our home. We won't know anything (probably) until next week. I know this is bad to say but I'm not mentally ready. If they had made an offer last night, I would have likely had a panic attack. We have no place to go right now...that's the reason we are up here looking. We are ready for a 6-9 month selling period because that's about how long it's taking in our area. We are in absolute shock that we are close to an offer and that it's a possibility. As my husband said "You know, if you put your house for sale, you have to expect to sell it." ROFL
  4. No problem at all....in fact 2 years ago I took my 7 year old to Paris. We went to the Louvre and she was pretty bored with most of it. My brother in law got her interested in the art by pointing out the nudes...she giggled and giggled. For her age, I was ok with that. In fact, when I downloaded the pictures from her camera (flash off), most of them were close ups of all types of body parts. It was rather amusing.
  5. Gosh..this brings back a terrible memory...I had a seen a distant friend at the grocery store...knowing that about 2 months before, she would have had her baby. She was checking out and I said "Oh hey! How is baby boy doing? You had him in June right?" She turned away, shaking her head 'no' with big tears in her eyes. I had NO idea that the baby had passed on. We didn't have any mutual friends and it was in a neighboring town so I never saw it in the paper. I felt HORRID. I later found out he died a few weeks after birth from a severe birth defect that they had not detected through ultrasounds. It was a shock to them. Anyway....beside the point but I remembered that when you asked what to do. With that in mind, I would call her up and just ask her how she's doing and if you can drop a meal by. I'm sure the baby is fine, but on the off chance that it is not, this cover's both circumstances.
  6. What about setting her up on Etsy? That might be easier for her!
  7. How wonderful!! I actually have tears in my eyes. As a soap maker, I know how much hard work it is and how much face to face time it requires at market's and shows. So amazing that she broke out of her shell to make money. She got more out of talking to people and marketing herself than she ever did out of the money she made. Well done mom!!!
  8. It has never happened with us. One thing we (my husband and I AND my parents too) absolutely do every.single.time she changes 'hands' is make sure that all parties know who she is with. My mom started the "she's on your shift" thing when she was a baby. When she changes hands, or crawls in a different car than the one she came in, or walks with my mom to a different part of the store, we call out "She's on your shift Granny". That way, we are all clear who has the kid..lol This is less important now that she is 9 than when she was 2, but we all still do it just to be clear who she is with. It really has helped us over the years. Now DD will do it herself "I'm on dad's shift mom, going to the hardware store with him!"
  9. I have no advice but I wanted to say that I love love love your siggy line...polyatheist...that's a great one!!!
  10. We have watched that process over and over again with Painted Ladies, Monarchs, and Swallowtails. It is so neat watching them go into the chrysalis!!
  11. Whelp.....it's listed. Sign in the front yard and everything. No internet list just yet but in a few days. I'll post the link here. I'm sad, nervous, and hopeful all rolled into one. My husband? He's ready to pack up the entire house today and leave...to where? We don't know. Funny how lives turn around huh?
  12. Putting our house on the market tomorrow. It has been a LONG 12 years in the making. It's a bit surreal. Here is an album to show you just how far we have come. Hopefully you can see it.
  13. http://www.shopjustice.com/girls-clothing/skirts-skorts/tie-dye-maxi-skirt/7551831 http://www.shopjustice.com/girls-clothing/skirts-skorts/floral-stripe-maxi-skirt/7551851 http://www.shopjustice.com/girls-clothing/skirts-skorts/floral-maxi-skirt/7551885/666?clearance=1 http://www.shopjustice.com/girls-clothing/skirts-skorts/colorful-maxi-skirt/7551898/643?clearance=1
  14. We have found great gypsy style long skirts at Justice of all places. My tom boy girl lives in skirts and we got several there.
  15. The beauty of it is is that my husband will be working down here still. He'll be down here in South Louisiana every 2 weeks. I'm already planning on him bringing back crawfish fixins at least 2 times a year! I will definitely stock up on what we use daily though!
  16. We FINALLY got word that we are definitely moving to Northeast Oklahoma. I have been up there 3 times, my husband none..lol We are going up in 3 weeks to 'town hunt'. Try to find a general area we want to live. My mom and dad live in Inola. I LOVE Tulsa as my 'main town' so I would like to be no more than 45 minutes from Inola and Tulsa..a bit closer would be better. I love the Claremore area. I also need a good sized lake in short driving distance (we are avid fishermen here..lol). I like hills after living in super flat land my whole life. We are looking to hobby farm on no less than 20 acres. Where do I need to be looking up there? Do you all have suggestions on towns to add to our 'must visit' list in 3 weeks?
  17. I'm so sorry it failed. :( We are listing our home on saturday and you reminded me to add a couple of things to our 'must do' list. I sure hope you can get the stuff done!
  18. I also thought of this idea. I'm not opposed to changing them up a bit just as long as I have a place to store my supplies. I'm running out of storage..rofl The library books, they are likely going to go back soon anyway, but more will take the place. Hopefully we can cut down on the number. This is a very nerve wracking experience!
  19. I will go look at Michaels tomorrow to see if I can find something more neutral. We have already spent SO much money on this that I hate to spend more..lol I'll try though. I'll try to think of what I can do to stage the desk itself too.
  20. The neighborhood we live in and the price point we are listing at, people will expect SOME work needing to be done and we have most everything else in the house completed, so I'm not looking to do more work by removing bookcases. Almost everybody that has seen them in person tell us to leave them and we have already remodeled this room. That was one thing I asked everybody BEFORE we remodeled so that we could work on the removal in the remodel but were advised to leave them. The problem I'm having is where do you draw the line between staging a house you *live* in and functionality? Those baskets hold supplies I need to run a business. I have removed EVERYTHING else in the house that can hold my business supplies...every single one of those baskets are holding supplies I need to use on a daily basis. If I remove those, I have no place left to put things. The books can go (they are library books b/c we got rid of ALL of our books..lol) and I can stage the bottom shelf they are on. The flowers are only there because my daughter just had a dance recital..lol I can replace them with something else when they die though. My husband is having a really hard time wanting to do away with HIS computer desk though....driving me nuts. It's cluttered and on one of those cheap stands, etc. He's standing his ground on it though..lol I can remove it for pictures, but it will remain for showings though. We may go to blows over it..lol
  21. The shelves and desk are built ins. Most people...even the realtor...says to leave them and the people can remove them as needed which wouldn't be too big of a problem for them. At this point, we don't have time to remove them anyway so they stay for now.
  22. We are listing my house in 5 days. I'm trying to get pictures taken now to get ready. I need to buy one more curtain panel for the window and new lamp shades for the fan and I need to clean the wall under the desk. Other than that, how does this look? What do you think of the books on the shelf? My mom said they are fine, I'm not so sure..lol I'll have more pictures as we go I'm sure..lol http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/cajunrose/diningroom-1.jpg
  23. Oh gosh..we are listing our house in a week and a half. I'm panicking here!!! I want to post pictures here and get suggestions on what to do. We have removed ALL the cluttery (about 95% anyway) stuff, most of the books, all of the knicknacks, removed pictures, repainted every room in the house, scrubbed grout, etc. We are exhausted!!!! Good luck to you guys! When are you listing?
  24. I have tried to read Into the Wilderness over and over again but I just can't get into it! I love historical fiction. I don't know what it is about that book!!
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