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Everything posted by cajunrose

  1. This injury is 3 months old!! Still hurting so I went in to an orthopedist. MRI showed broken hand. :( I'm not wearing a splint or anything..I plan to when working with moving boxes mainly to remind me to baby it and not overdo it.
  2. The realtor has a copy and will give us a copy tomorrow. Good thing to know you need a copy of everything
  3. Makes me feel a TON better!!! On the termite front...I have the termite company we are under contract with ready to come out and give us our certification. Just waiting on realtor to give me the go ahead there. I have no idea when appraisal will happen. Will ask realtor when he is here tomorrow.
  4. I wasn't aware of all of that with the appraisal, etc. Good to know. My husband is a handy man...he is a jack of all trades. I'm not worried about any requests they make..he can do most anything. I only worry about them requiring a professional. My realtor said that that rarely happens here though. Inspection is tomorrow...I want it over with so I can breathe a little easier.
  5. No other place to live YET but we are going up next week to find a house...hopefully
  6. I believe my mom sets her turkey out on the dryer a few days beforehand...not the proper way to do it but I've never gotten sick. I've never cooked a turkey..I'll continue to look the other way over her thawing practices and she'll continue to prepare the turkey for my dad to smoke...we have a good system..rofl
  7. You know, I'm not sure about the due diligence. I'll ask. Good to know. Stuff is going from one storage unit here to a storage unit up there. No big deal really. Yes, I know we should get rid of all of the 'stuff' but this is stuff we cleaned out of the house to declutter to sell..and my husbands antique truck collection (real trucks..lol) and motorcycle collection, and a few pieces of furniture and odds and ends.
  8. We haven't bought a house but know where we are moving. This stuff in the storage shed has to get moved one way or the other...and it's not stuff we use day to day..it's just a lot of 'stuff' that has to get moved. We aren't moving anything in our home yet...that'll be at the very end..or as close as we can get it. We are going up next week with a load and my parents are hauling one too. While we are up there, we will hopefully find the home we want to buy and make an offer contingent on our deal closing. This is SOOOO stressful and I'm doing it 90% on my own..and my van broke down today and is in the shop, and I just found out about my broken hand that might need surgery. I think I'm going to loose my mind.
  9. We are officially 'under contract' on our home that we are selling. It's a LONG closing date...December 29th is the tentative date right now. We are going through the inspection on Wednesday. My husband and I can't think of anything that would cause problems. I KNOW stuff will come up b/c that's just what happens..but nothing major..no termite damage, new roof, no plumbing problems that we are aware of, etc. Buyers are pre-approved for over the amount that they are getting this house for. My husband..from now until the time we close, will only be home for 2 weeks and 2 days. We have a LOT to do in those weeks!!! We are moving 12 hours away. I made the comment to my realtor that we are taking stuff from my storage shed and moving things up there. We have a LOT in storage...probably several trailer loads for sure. If we don't get started now, we will never get moved in time. He won't even be home for closing! *panic* Anyway...realtor said "I really wish you wouldn't start moving yet..I would hate for you to get disappointed if something happens." I KNOW stuff can happen, but if we don't start now, we won't get out in time. If we get through inspection ok, and get through appraisal (will appraise at well above what they are paying), then would it most likely go through? When can I start breathing easy? If you can't start moving when you have a contract, when CAN you move??? It's so hard with my husbands work schedule. I can't do this on my own (did I mention I have a broken hand too???) and he can't take off of work. 2.5 weeks isn't a lot of time to pack up a house and haul several loads 12 hours away!! Starting to panic...can you tell? Talk me down please.
  10. Last snow we had was 2005 on Christmas day. I remember the ice storm now...seeing pics of Lafayette. We didn't get any of that.
  11. My grandmother gives my DD $100 every Christmas/Birthday. for a couple of years, she spent that money on an AG doll...She has 6 now, I think. She bought them all with HER money and she is quite proud of that fact. SO, my vote is you let Grandpa give her the money and let HER buy the doll.
  12. Haha...when I first started reading, I thought you were talking about Oklahoma! I was thinking to myself...man, that sounds just like Louisiana and I KNOW OK is colder than this there! THEN I saw you say North of Alexandria...haha Yes...we grow gardens all year round and we have 6 weeks of winter IF you are lucky enough...you WANT it to kill off the bugs. We weren't so lucky last year!
  13. Oh, and in reference to buying some for next week, I DO need clothes regardless of the trip up there..but I don't have any long sleeved things and only one pair of pants. So yeah, I generally need warmer clothes. Last year when we went up for thanksgiving, I about froze my rear off..lol
  14. Both..lol It's much colder up there than it is here. We didn't need coats at all last year. We don't get snow down here, and you get it up there..and ice storms, etc. None of that at all here.
  15. @ Scarlett...yes, we have talked about my move before. We are looking in Inola primarily. My parents are there..it would just work out better...although Wagoner has a ton of houses for sale. We close by the end of the year. My husband is still working down here so the food part doesn't bother me too bad. I'll just send him with a picture of what to buy me and where to get it. He'll even haul crawfish to OK for us!! SCORE! I'm scared about the clothes thing...I need clothes badly and this is NOT the time to move when you are lacking on clothes. I'll be buying some this week b/c we are going up next week to search for a house.
  16. I am in Louisiana...in Morgan City. :) We are moving to Oklahoma. As somebody that lives down here..you know what I'm leaving. It's bittersweet (or sweettart as my 9 year old is saying..she can't remember the word bittersweet) for us. I have ONLY ever lived in South Louisiana. This is tough. Part of this is easier..the packing..because about 70% of my house is already packed up b/c we did that to sell it (and that's what sold the house actually). Most of what is left is the necessities.
  17. We sold our house! YAY. I have NEVER moved like this in my life. I need some guidance. There are SO many 'You're going to move' books on amazon. Are there any you suggest? Any that helped YOU through a move? Thanks!!!
  18. I think the appraisal will be fine. We just got it appraised 2 years ago and have done many upgrades since then and we are still listed well below appraisal. Now I'm just waiting on the 'accepted' phone call. Ugh.
  19. A closing date in 6 weeks would be SO much better for us. I do NOT want this dragging through Christmas. However, we will take what we can get..lol
  20. We got an offer on our house finally..it is in negotiation now. I hope to hear something back this evening. Anyway, it's a VA loan with a tentative closing date of December 29th...ACK. I can't think of anything that the inspection will bring out...I know that they are sticklers for the inspection aspect. Our home is renovated..the roof is new, bathrooms are newly renovated and sound. I know that they can always find something though! What can we expect from it all? Is there a chance it'll close sooner than 60 days? (I'm hoping for that..would rather get it done BEFORE Christmas) We are also planning on getting a VA loan when we buy our new house. Speaking of which..we are moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma with no home prospects! I'm in panic mode!
  21. I didn't read other posts, but on a whim, right before Hurricane Andrew hit Louisiana, my mom filled up every bowl in our house, pots and pans, buckets, sinks and tubs with water. Thank goodness she did...we lived off of that water, bathed with it, cooked with it, for 6 weeks. Our water system (city water) was down for 4 weeks then we had 2 more that we couldn't do anything but bathe in it because it was contaminated. Now, for hurricanes, I hoard water.
  22. Have fun!! I love my mother in law too!!! Yay for great inlaws!
  23. Not that you need any more input but I'll give it anyway. I'm atheist..through and through. I have been known to ask for "Positive thoughts, prayers, whatever you have to give" for loved ones and myself included. My thought is that while I don't really believe that there is anything to pray to, I do believe that the act of prayer is one that has a person thinking and sending positive energy about the person in need...and that is enough for me. You did nothing wrong by asking for prayers. That is what your friend wants.
  24. I have secondary infertility...I cried for 4 hours when my bff told me she was pregnant with her 3rd. When she told me she was pregnant with her 5th? I had a HARD time being excited for her...hard hard hard and I'm not sure I convinced her. She's a great mother and I'm happy she gets her large family she always wanted. I'm just sad I didn't get mine. My family size is perfect for me now....but I still get sad. I understand. Just wanted you to know that. Give yourself a break
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