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Everything posted by cajunrose

  1. My husband wears them to work around the house. I put my foot down when he wants to go out and eat in them..lol
  2. At any rate, this doctor was my only option. I guess the nest next step is finding a neuropsychologist.
  3. I don't recall any visual processing work. What would that have entailed? She can read most any wOrd she wants. Just doesn't understand it in context.
  4. I asked my daughter what she wanted to do...try to wait and see if she picks it up someday or get more help now so that she can read with more understanding. Hands down she said she wanted help and if that took a doctor to do that, she wants to go.
  5. See, that's what I thought we were doing when we went through VT. Was all of that time and money spent for nothing? Did I chase the wrong rabbit hole? Yes, I'm kicking myself. I just don't know where to turn. I have a daughter that LOVES the idea of reading..loves being read to and her favorite place to be is in a library or bookstore. I don't want to kill that. I'm so scared of killing that want to read by chasing another diagnosis. Will she hate me for all of this testing and stuff later on? Can you see the internal battle I'm having?
  6. We used AAS but only got past level 2. There was no retention in it. She could pass the tests but would spell the same words wrong 3 hours later while writing her book (yes, she writes books and does quite well with the storyline but spelling/grammar are a whole different ballgame).
  7. I am on the fence on further testing. When is enough enough and it's just a maturity thing? When do you put your foot down and say 'we fixed one problem, maybe there is another?' I am REALLY torn. We spent thousands and thousands on VT and are still at square one. It's a battle I face daily...further testing vs letting her grown into it. One thing is...isn't this why we homeschool? To give them wings to fly when they need them (my daughter is VERY good at conceptual math, science and history) and stepping stones when they need them instead? BUT the other reason we homeschool is to catch problems when they arise. This is a problem. Finding my daughter crying on the floor of barnes and nobel because she is heartbroken she can't read the 7 and up books is a problem. I just have no idea what to do. I know that math facts is just one part of the problem. From my understanding, math facts, spelling and reading comp. are all part of visual memory. I need to work on improving that I think but don't know where to start. *sigh*
  8. She has not been diagnosed with dyslexia. Her eyes are fine now but she is almost 9 and has the reading comprehension of a 1st grader...makes it VERY frustrating for her. We are using horizons math and she does VERY well with it...she just needs to memorize math facts...her not knowing is making the fractions hard and the division, etc. Makes me want to pull my hair out. Is sequential spelling working well for you? When I look at it, it scares me...I don't think my dd would do wel with it at all.
  9. My daughter has Convergence insufficiency and a few other things with her eyes that have been fixed. She still has a ton of trouble with memorizing things...spelling, math facts, etc. We have been working on the 2's, 9's and 5's this week and she still looks at them blankly. I get so aggravated because she can have them memorized one day and then forget the next. Would be completely off base to give her a chart with the answers so that math can go faster? I don't know what else to do. We drill all the time!!!
  10. Please don't be so quick to judge. I got married to the love of my life at 20. My parents spent more money than I wanted them to on the wedding (I would have been happy at the court house). My husband went off to Bosnia (military) and came back a changed man...came back physically and emotionally abusive. I had to get out to save my life. Not everybody knew that..in fact, most people didn't know. My marriage lasted a little over a year. My parents were paying for it for a lot longer than that, but they had me...alive...and they were thankful for that.
  11. I wash garment fabrics but don't wash quilt fabrics. After you quilt it, you wash it and everything shrinks and moves into place and it becomes so puffy and wrinkly and absolutely fabulous to crawl under!! My DD wants a horse quilt too...must get on that.
  12. My 3rd grader has trouble reading...she comprehends on a 1st grade level. I know that writing/spelling/reading all go hand in hand. She's writing a fantasy 'chapter' book for a friend. I know that ultimately, it'll need to be edited. We have learned all about punctuation, quotations, etc, but she doesn't use them at all. Her spelling is deplorable. Do I edit for her? Do I edit with her? She's doing this on the computer. Do we edit on there or on paper and transfer to the computer? Do we/I edit as she complete's a chapter or when she's done with the book? I don't want to kill her want to write. Every time I read it, I fight the urge to rip it apart. I have talked to her over and over about using quotations and punctuation but she says it's too hard to remember. She just has this fabulous story in her head and she wants to get it down on paper. I don't want to mess that up. How do I handle this?? I can copy it here so you guys can see what I'm talking about if you would like. Thanks Stephenie p.s. I'm horrible at apostrophe usage..please don't judge me for that on here...rofl
  13. This won't be a popular answer but I find those Pledge wipes work well for getting kiddo's to dust. I like them because one lasts a while and an entire can doesn't get used to dust one room when my 8 year old does it..lol
  14. The secret ingredient is low and slow. It takes me a good hour to make a roux. You want it to get to be that nice dark caramel color before you add your veggies. I do it just like the above poster said...add veggies when it's nice and dark. Oh, and NEVER stop stirring. You have to constantly stir it with a flat something. I use a 'roux spoon' that has a flat edge to it so you can scrape the bottom of the pan easily. If you stop stirring, you will burn it quickly. I sometimes get help from my family to give me breaks...lol
  15. Thanks guys! I went to my local hardware store (love that Place) and told them my delima. They set me up with that paint on a little roller thing. Seems like it'll work great! Whew...such a relief! Stephenie
  16. I will go look at my local hardware store to see if they have it!
  17. Will it just clean the grout or take it out all together?
  18. We are about to list our home for sale. My bathroom is clean but the bottom two rows of grout are stained dark grey. I have used mean green, bleach, comet/water paste, wire brushes, tooth brushes, etc. Nothing is getting it white!! Am I missing some wonderful cleaner that I have never heard of? HELP please!!! Thanks Stephenie
  19. Good luck to everybody here that are in contract or showings, etc. I hope we are there very soon. We are in the last 2 weeks before we list...maybe even sooner?? I have 2 rooms that need painted and one of them needs carpet but that's not a problem...it'll all happen at the same time. We plan on having all of the painting done by maybe Tuesday. I'm doing the final 'deep clean' on the rooms that haven't been recently painted/cleaned today. We aren't touching the garage just yet. It's a 'toy box' for my husband's motorcycle collection. I think...THINK people will be able to see it for what it is...a double garage. Hopefully. After we list, he will work on getting it a bit neater. I think it's more important to list right now than to waste time on that. *whew* This is tough, nerve wracking work!!!
  20. This proposal concerns me because we are about to jump head over heals into our own farm. Is this proposal stopping my daughters best friend from earning a few dollars helping us around the farm? Will it stop my daughter from going to the farm next door to scoop horse poop for a little extra cash and experience? What about going to Grandpa's house to feed cattle for a few extra dollars? There are a whole lot of children that grew up getting extra cash by helping out neighbors and family outside of their own home.
  21. I have not seen the community center. I was looking to see if they had a YMCA there and came across the CC webpage. They want a pretty penny for the use of the gym there though! I have loved what I see of Claremore. I need to explore more on my next trip back. We are trying to rush to get our home on the market at the moment though!
  22. I keep telling my mom about that Dairy but she hasn't been. I see billboards when I'm up there. I want rolling foothills, etc. I know places in OK have them. I'm moving from FLAT land and want some nice landscape this time. Do you have suggestions on towns 45ish minutes from tulsa on the east side? Claremore isn't set in stone. I just like the town and it's fairly close to my mom and Tulsa. I think my husband will be ok once he visits. He has NEVER even been to the area we are talking about moving! He has only ever been to Western OK. Talk about a leap of faith! LOL
  23. We are looking at moving to Eastern Oklahoma (Claremore area). My parents just moved there too. We live in South Louisiana now. My husband has strong concerns about tornado's and also draught (we plan on buying a farm) but more so about tornado's. Every time I mention anything having to do with storms or tornado's he says "And you are SURE you want to move up there?" Yes, we deal with hurricanes here, but we have advanced warning. I know he has a valid concern but is it one that should stop us from moving closer to family? His job is not a problem...we can move anywhere we want to. Would you move there to be closer to family (my mom and dad, grand parents, aunts and uncles, etc) despite the severe weather they have? His joke is...ok, tornado's, hail the size of baseballs, line drive winds that rip tree's down, draught, ice storms, wind storms...and you STILL want to live there huh?
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