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Everything posted by cajunrose

  1. Oh no :( I don't know what I would do if something got to one of our girls. It would be devastating and I would NOT want to tell my dd. (((hugs)))
  2. My dd has always loved coloring books. We were up to like 40 at one time. We went through them and now are down to 3 at a time...we only get the style she likes. It works great for us!!
  3. My dd is in the early stages of puberty and was having some crazy wicked nightmares every night (my mom thinks hormone related bc it happened at the same time she started getting a little filling out in the chest). A few days after that started, she started with the nightly tummy aches. After a few nights of that, I finally figured out it was anxiety over her 'anticipating' the nightmares for the night. What cured it? More exercise and a nightly call to Granny. Seriously, my mom can cure anything with just a phone call...want her number? ROFL
  4. We have 7 hens in a neighborhood. We LOVE our girls. My husband estimated they would have to lay something like 5000 DOZEN eggs to pay for the coop/early starting costs. The joy we get from them well makes up for the cost though. We sit outside all the time and just watch them peck. They each have their own personalities. We even have a 100% blind one that is as spoiled as she can possibly be. Yes, there is poop but it's manageable with just 7 girls.
  5. Ok she just coughed like it came from her toes. VERY VERY deep cough. Ugh.
  6. She IS coughing..I just missed that one. This is a gradual sickness though...she just keeps getting worse and it wasn't like a semi hitting her. I forgot that about the flu.
  7. My dd never gets sick...not the kind that requires a doctor. She has allergy related runny noses, etc, but not like this. This is what she has: Sore throat but can still swallow raging headache fever hovering around 101 for 3 or 4 days now..sometimes off and on. (no fever all day yesterday but she still felt bad) nausea (no vomiting) very very very stuffy nose exhaustion but not able to sleep General fatigue. I don't think she has ever had the flu and I haven't had it in probably 10 years. If she has it, does she need to go in? Would you bring her in at this point?? Fever started on Friday.
  8. I live in South Louisiana where a lot of rice is grown. We eat it 3-4 meals a week. The new report does not scare me. Watch this news release in relation to that report. http://www.katc.com/news/experts-say-study-finding-high-levels-of-arsenic-in-rice-is-nothing-new/#!prettyPhoto/0/
  9. Keep at it..does she enjoy the stories? Keep reading them. Don't worry so much about what she's remembering. I was the same way with my DD...but she will hear a country that we talked about on the news and her eyes light up. She remembers things even though I don't think she 'get's' it. She can't answer the questions either. We are on book 2 and history is her favorite subject...so we are sticking with it.
  10. I have lived in a 'fixer upper' for 12 years. I'm done. We finished fixing it up about 12 hours before we listed it for sale. The next house will be move in ready.
  11. Macbook!! I also do graphic design and make soap and labels, etc. I do it all on my 13" macbook. I am sitting right next to a 21" computer screen that i can hook up to but the macbook is enough for me.
  12. My inlaws did that one time. That was the LAST time they did it too. You need to speak up.
  13. I have a severe heart problem and my meds changed suppliers/makers. The pill changed size and color. I didn't think anything of it..sure enough, about a week later, I ended up in the hospital and they could NOT figure out what happened. I backtracked and traced it back to when that pill changed..that's when I started having heart problems again. I now have bright stickers on my chart saying NAME BRAND ONLY...but I fight the insurance company/pharmacist every.single.time I get it filled. I'm sick of it. Yes..sure...I want to pay $120 more a MONTH for the name brand just for fun!
  14. That's what my husband says...as long at it's not filthy and an attempt was made to get it clean. I'm getting it pristine....that home sellers commiseration thread has me paranoid..rofl
  15. That's the other thing. ALL of our homeschool stuff is in storage..only books that we NEED this year. I made a quilt map so that we would even have a world map and I can fold it up. 95% of my daughter's toys are in storage..she misses her dolls terribly. Ugh.
  16. Not to mention trying to keep the kitchen cabinets all cleaned off (the faces of them), the windows clean...all of the screens need to be removed again to clean the outside. Keeping the carpet clean...I am just ready for this to be over.
  17. My house has been on the market since June 2nd. The market here is slow right now but may be picking up? We have had 7 showings I think. I'm getting discouraged. I am having a tough time keeping my home clean clean. I have 2 BIG shedding dogs, 1 shedding cat and 7 chickens out back. People treck in and out of my house all day long..leaving muddy footprints everywhere. When we show the house, it's very very clean. Don't get me wrong, but it takes me forever to get it to that point and they have been giving me less and less notice. We are down to 1.5 hours. It's ROUGH to pull it together and leaves me just drained. I am cleaning baseboards in the house today..and OMG the dog hair. Like I said, I get it super clean but it's so hard. I have had new people in my home just to see what they say about the smell, cleanliness, etc and those people say that it smells great and looks perfect so I know I'm doing a good job there. My daughter is heartbroken b/c I'm not putting out fall decorations and minimimal Christmas. My decorations look hillbilly and not 'show' worthy at all. My daughter cried all morning over that. I'm also trying to run a home business out of the house...making soap...and I'm concerned about the super scented room that I use. I am going to put a business sign on that door so they don't think I'm just trying to cover smells. I can't just stop that business either...I'm just getting it going and it's just starting to fly fly. Still haven't gotten bad feedback even with that, but it worries me. Just needed a quick ear...I need to get over this being discouraged and just move on and do better.
  18. My husband built my daughter a 'zoo'. It works great. You can see a picture of one similar here: http://toyreport.org/toys-for-kids/gift-ideas-1-year-old/wonderful-stuffed-animal-storage-options/ She can toss her animals in it and get them out when needed.
  19. Make sure they know they need to get out NOW. They are opening shelters in Hammond and surrounding area's. I'm keeping them in my thoughts!
  20. Ugh..they are expecting a dam to break/breech in Mississippi. Immediate mandatory evacuation orders listed. Read here: http://www.wwltv.com/news/local/Tangipahoa-Parish-orders-immediate-evacuation-after-potential-levee-breach-167994886.html
  21. Ha!!! First world problems..lol Hopefully she can find some glitter....rofl Glad she is generally ok though. My daughter was bored out of her mind and we had power!! She's used to being outside though.
  22. I'm here. We got lucky and stayed on the west side of the storm. We have a mess to clean up but nothing we can't handle. We only got 5.5 inches of rain..no levee breaches, etc. Yes, this storm rocked everybody's world. Crazy. I think that the powers that be have been great at getting everybody safe very quickly though when the levee's breached. We have had storms stall out before, but this one, man...he's just not leaving! Trees can only take so much beating and saturation before they come down. Wishing everybody my best. I hope everybody faired well and stayed high and dry.
  23. I reword things all the time so I don't have to use one...lol
  24. Can you believe that???? The "Landmass"??? I was mad FOR Mississippi!!!
  25. Yes yes yes, they have made me paranoid about it. I have ALWAYS been bad at proper use of apostrophe with possession and plural. I have no idea the right way to say this.
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