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Chrysalis Academy

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Status Updates posted by Chrysalis Academy

  1. "Mom, what is plastic sidewalk for?" "Whaaa? Oh, you mean rubber cement!" LOL

    1. kentuckymom


      Is the child who said that dyslexic? My dyslexic makes funny mistakes like that all the time.

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      No, she isn't - just casts her web of associations widely! I was so tickled once I figured out what she actually meant

  2. 40 lb tomatoes = 14 qts of sauce. Booyah!

    1. Luckymama


      Dude, that was me last week. I don't want to see a pile of tomatoes that large for, well, another year (blech). Enjoy the bounty in January!

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      we will! I've got 34 qts so far, I want to do about 10 more to get me through till next tomato season.

  3. Apparently, I have to actually teach geometry. Blech!

    1. Roadrunner


      The thought of figuring out how to evaluate proofs terrifies me, even though I love geometry. Should I be tempting you with online options? :)

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      With anything!! I don't think in geometry, and apparently dd inheireted my brain. . . poor girl!

    3. Roadrunner


      Hugs to Shannon. And you of course.

  4. Being a mom requires doing a lot of therapy. I never realized how much till I had two tweens. Maybe I need a license?

    1. KathyBC


      You're working on your practicum as we speak. ;-)

    2. Chrysalis Academy
    3. idnib
  5. Big girl got to sleep in - little girl spent the morning nature journalling her observations of our newly-planted garden. These are the days I remember homeschooling is The Right Thing To Do for my girls.

  6. Darn all of you on spring break who keep starting such interesting threads! Very distracting for those of us who are supposed to be teaching today!

    1. Roadrunner


      what did i miss?

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Gil is posting interesting questions again!

    3. Roadrunner


      Off to look!

  7. DD just found out she was cast as Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream! I have a feeling school plans will go out the window today!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. quark


      I don't know if this helps any. Kiddo watched MSND on Shakespeare in Bits last year, about 4 times I think, and memorized almost the whole play that way. He did the same thing with Hamlet and memorized that too. Not intentionally. Just loved watching the animated plays and naturally absorbed the words from watching so many times. Thought I'd mention it in case she wants to learn the lines faster.

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Cool! I'll check it out!

    4. SunnyDays


      Congrats to your DD... very exciting! :)

  8. Dd just let me read a short story she wrote. It made me cry. Damn, this girl is good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Yes, they've come a long way from where we all began, haven't they?

    3. 8filltheheart


      Love watching them group up and thrive in what they love!

    4. quark


      I have been trying to comment since yesterday! The boards finally allowed it. Go S!!!

  9. Dd just won her first writing competition! I'm bursting with joy for her. See General board for a link to the story and the review

    1. quark


      Congrats to S! Hurray!

    2. SparklyUnicorn


      Yay! That's so awesome!


  10. Do you ever feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? I figured I wasn't the only one.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Um, thank you?? LOL


      Great quote, RootAnn. Where is it from?

    3. RootAnn


      Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

      It was my way of saying the same thing as the others - that we've all been there & eventually, it, too, will pass. (Do I have too many commas in that sentence?) Most of the time, it isn't as bad as the quote above - which puts it all in perspective. Hug your kids. Kiss the husband. Enjoy the weather. For us, that means reveling in the chill & rain this morning. *hugs*

    4. Soror


      One of my dh's nickname for me is Atlas, so yes I certainly do at times!


  11. Feeling unmotivated today. Need a kick in the seat. Mine, not the chair's.

    1. quark


      Hugs. Put on some music maybe? Or watch a Ken Robinson Ted talk?

  12. Feeling very proud of my family. We navigated what could have been a difficult family reunion with grace. Everyone was willing to forgive and take the high road. These are really good people, I'm lucky to be connected to them.

  13. Finally finished cleaning the house. Out-of-town guests arrive tomorrow. Now, once they leave, how many more dinner parties can we get in . . . before the house needs cleaning again???

    1. saraha


      I know, you don't want to waste a good clean, right?

  14. Fun first day with my younger dd! Man, homeschooling one kid is a breeze! Do you think I could get away with teaching them alternate weeks? ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I'm sorry - I hope tomorrow is better!

    3. RootAnn


      I know - only one (especially if I could pick which one) would be SO MUCH easier! Glad you had a good day with #2.

    4. Roadrunner


      My older DS commented. "Mom, it wasn't a very good day. First day on the job and one of us is already fired."

  15. Gotta love cool, foggy, dark fall mornings. My early riser is still asleep at 9 am. As for the teenager, fuggedaboutit!

  16. Guys, I'm not ready for another dd to go through puberty. I'm just not. The drama!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RootAnn


      I don't know if I should give you a hug in loving empathy or giggle at all the exclamation points which paint a picture of their own. Each one has their own special way of graduating to womanhood. It is really exhausting sometimes.

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Yes, the each do it their own way, for sure. My happy, sunny child was a bear for about 6 months. My "difficult" child will no doubt find a way to take things even further - that is her thing. I will strive to maintain a sense of humor. And grace.

    4. RootAnn


      Rest, food, exercise, shower. Don't forget the Jessie Wise solutions during puberty. Each one of my kids has required more of two of those- just different two - so far.

  17. Happy Birthday to Me! My girls have promised to wait on me hand and foot today. Hmm, I could get used to this!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luckymama


      Enjoy your day Rose!

    3. Roadrunner


      Happy Birthday!

    4. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Sushi . . . champagne . . . flourless chocolate cake. Bliss it is!

  18. Happy Birthday, Sweet Morgan! Thanks for 8 wonderful years so far!

    1. Luckymama


      Happy birthday :)

    2. Kfamily


      Happy Birthday!


  19. Have I mentioned lately that I adore my DH? We started the day with homemade sticky buns. Now he's in there doing a turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, the whole works. Love!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. quark


      Good idea WMA. Rose I'm in NorCA so shipping shouldn't be expensive (hee hee).

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Ha! Nice try. But if you come over, I will warm you up a nice plateful of food!

    4. quark
  20. Heartbroken for all those affected by the CA wildfires. Some of the poorest communities in the state have been devastated. Help is pouring in now, but what about the days, months, weeks ahead? Where do these people go and how to they rebuild their lives?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. idnib


      A friend of mine made a piece of art for Burning Man and in it was a key, which was the only thing left from a house that burned down in the Oakland Hills firestorm. Newcomers look at the Oakland and Berkeley hills and never realize 3K+ houses burned down there. People do go on, but are never the same.

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      True. But I think of those areas as higher-income, residents more likely to have insurance, etc. That's definitely not the case in Lake County

    4. idnib


      That's very true.

  21. I am in a February Funk! It's gray and gloomy and my kids are cranky and I just don't feel like doing school today!!! Waaah.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Roadrunner


      Same here. It poured and stopped. Completely stopped.

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      It's dumping now. We've had 4 inches so far!

    4. FairProspects


      It dumped all morning, rivers are flooding, and now finally some sun. You all in CA can have it! We do not need more rain in WA!

  22. I go away for a week, and come back to find you all totally unrecognizable! No fair everybody changing avatars all at once, I can't recognize any of you! BTW, mine is Rose & Mo, circa 2010.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I saw SWB's post, so I get why - but I still feel like I walked into the wrong room! Oh well, will get used to it!

    3. Roadrunner


      I turned into the artist. :) looks like a real cup, I hope. :)


    4. Critterfixer


      I'm still a ghost, but hopefully this afternoon will have something else up.

  23. I guess I should have thought twice about inflicting Shakespearean tragedy on my 8 year old. Oops.

    1. jaderbee


      Which tragedy and what happened?

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Romeo & Juliet. She liked it until the end . . . then she didn't. She cried and said she doesn't "do" tragedy any more! She seemed mostly recovered today, but she won't go see a stage version of R&J with us. Comedies only for this girl!

    3. jaderbee


      :(. I hope the stage version is lovely. My 7 year old read a comic strip version of R&J and she thought Juliet was dumb. So much for sympathy...

  24. I have 7 girls in my house screen testing for a screenplay Shannon wrote. The screen test involves screaming - I'm a little worried I'm going to get a visit from the police. Or CPS.

    1. Cosmos


      I bet they are having a blast!

    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      They are! It's kind of backwards day around here. Parents are glad their out of school kids have something to do - I'm glad my kids have someone to hang out with! It's win-win.

    3. Roadrunner


      :) how exciting! For them of course, not you. :)

  25. I just can't do it today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arcadia


      One of my boys is sick so we are in TGIF mode.

    3. quark


      Sending many hugs.

    4. Momof3littles


      Better days are ahead.


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