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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. I see what they did here. Most of the major news outlets are reporting his apology and how he came forward and confessed and not focusing on what he actually did. By coming out with the apology quickly, that is what is being reported instead of focusing on what he actually did.
  2. The Duggars respond: http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20925368,00.html
  3. Also, did anyone catch in, I think it was interview 14, that the parents discipline by spanking with "a rod," but that they don't leave bruises.
  4. Ick! I just finished reading the report. Four were his sisters, one was someone who was spending the night with the Duggars. He was not sent to any sort of program. Michelle admitted they sent him to stay with and work with a friend who remodeled homes. The officer that they took him to is now serving a child pornography sentence and never reported it, so by the time someone alerted the Oprah show, the statute of limitations had run out.
  5. The two that come to mind were from high school: Silas Marner and All the Pretty Horses. I've no clue what I'd think about them today.
  6. When I took the tests, DH got 24 and I got 30. When he took the tests, he got 120 and I got negative 30. That should tell you all you need to know about our relationship.
  7. I eat cold cereal. Ds9 makes himself and his brother breakfast. They vary between toast, bagels, cold cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, frozen waffles, and Clif bars. Sometimes we'll have boiled eggs in the fridge they can choose from also. ETA two of us (me included) are of the sort that gets queasy and vomit if we don't eat immediately upon waking. So, big breakfasts don't happen here because I simply can't do it.
  8. OMG! My left eye has been twitching for five weeks now. My right eye started last week. I've had a physical since it started and all my numbers looked good. My doctor said stress or fatigue also. But, why now? I've been stressed way more than this and while I'm not sleeping well because the baby still doesn't sleep through the night, I'm definitely getting more than I was at this time last year. It's driving me crazy. It's happening more and more frequently and I feel like people must think I'm making strange faces at them.
  9. He's not recently diagnosed. They lived in another state before and moved here for services. The wait list for ABA services through the state is 1.5 to 2 years and her son just started about two months ago.
  10. Thank you ALL for the advice!
  11. I do feel bad for her. She doesn't seem to understand what autism is or how to deal with it. Her husband does not seem very helpful. I just can't give her what she seems to be looking for: the magic answer. I have a really hard time understanding her and I feel bad when I have to keep asking her to repeat herself. It would be much worse if I can't see her while she's speaking. I'm horrible at saying no to people.
  12. I've tried giving her names and numbers of organizations. It's the same conversation over and over. She asks what medication my son is on (that is for issues her son doesn't have) . She asks about the allergies he used to have (and says maybe if she had avoided those things with her son, he'd be higher functioning). She asks about speech therapy (again, our sons have very different issues). She asks about homeschooling. I've told her everything I can but I really don't know how it works with a low functioning child. I did give her the name of a group that could answer her questions.
  13. Yes, I'm a huge introvert and I'm fuming. He gave her my number. She is from India.
  14. DS attends a special karate program for autistic children. He is one of the higher functioning children there. Another mom there has a very low functioning, non-verbal son. Whenever I take DS, she spends the entire time asking me questions about what I do/did with DS and lamenting that she didn't do those things and maybe if she did her son would be higher functioning. Of course, I reassure her, but it's very frustrating to deal with twice a week. Also, she is from a foreign country and has a very thick accent and I have to concentrate very hard to understand what she is saying. I've tried being busy reading or watching DS or caring for my other children, but it hasn't stopped her. She's very nice, but I don't want to keep having conversations about how if she had done x that I did, her son would be like my son. So, I've had DH take him for about the past month. He just texted me: "I'm really sorry! That lady that's your friend She wanted your number to talk"
  15. House two. I want to love the inside of my home more than the outside. And I wouldn't want to go over budget for something I don't LOVE.
  16. We did through week 26 of WWE4 and then moved to TC Part 1 with Killgallon Sentence Composing and then W&R Fable. Next time through, I'll skip WWE4 and do the same progression after WWE3. My plan is to finish Fable, do Treasured Conversations parts 2 and 3, and then go back to Writing and Rhetoric.
  17. I doubt there is a home inspection. I assume OP's DH misunderstood the fact that the health evaluation will be done in your home. As others noted, you often have a choice as to where to do it that is convenient for you. The nurses are contract nurses who don't usually have an office to work at. The one who came to my home was very nice and professional. We sat at my kitchen table. She did not inspect my house.
  18. I can't believe the driving instructor laughed at you. I'd be rethinking hiring someone to instruct my child in driving who found witnessing such a situation humorous. I'm glad you weren't more seriously injured.
  19. Ugh! This is on my short list of problems at the moment. Idk why it started but I am so disgusted because it leads to my havingt o plunge really really gross stuff at least twice a week. I'm so tired of it.
  20. I wouldn't recommend it. From what I recall, days 1-3 work on one topic, day 4 experiment was something completely unrelated, and day 5 reading was again something completely different. It made it feel very disjointed.
  21. My opinion? Juvenile and eye-roll-worthy and very obviously the work of the newly deconverted. As others said, I'm not on Facebook for drama. I'd scroll on by, just like I do with all the daily affirmation posts of my Christian friends and all the multi-level marketing posts of my mom friends.
  22. Friday is our last day! We start back the first full week in July, so 10 weeks off. We will still be learning though, just not a full school day.
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