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Everything posted by 4wildberrys

  1. Wow---what in incredible community here! I WISH I could help out with either Joanne or Aubrey, but we too are on the verge of financial disaster---but they are most definitely in my prayers :grouphug:
  2. With dd, I couldn't wait to put her in the cute prints of the throwaway diapers at the time!! But I got HUGE pressure from my mother AND MIL to put her in cloth----so much that they both purchased a bunch of cloth diapers for us. I was hesitant because I thought it was disgusting---but we were broke so I tried it. WOW!!! I couldn't believe how much better it was for dd's sensitive skin and just how satisfying clean, fresh cloth was to put on cute little baby behinds :) When ds came along, it was only cloth from the start. I had some fancy pocket diapers for him, but my most favorite and the easiest were just velcro closing diaper covers and about 5-6 dozen of the plain foldable cloth diapers. We also realized that with cloth, they toilet train a LOT faster.
  3. I highly suggest that if you are interested in Ace and want a more even-handed discussion of it with people who actually USE it and like or have used it and gone on successfully to college and life, you head over to http://www.homeschoolreviews.com and read the many discussions over there. I will just say that Ace is NOT dumbed down, is not 2 years behind or any other accusation I regularly read over here. It's certainly not a method for everyone, but it also regularly produces successful high school graduates that go on successfully to college ;) I do not use all Ace, but I do and have used many subjects for high school. Suffice it to say that I never in a million years would have even gotten within 10 feet of a Pace reading about it here---but after getting further input from the HSR forums, I actually did try some subjects and found reality to veer far from WTM opinions of Ace :001_huh:
  4. The quickest way to my heart is with...........SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!! :tongue_smilie: That is just seriously awesome and I would be thrilled if my husband did that :D
  5. The basketball painted belly was cute, as well as the pink belly sticking out from the tree. But the whole naked pregnant belly some with, some without a naked partner---um why?! Nobody else wants to see your naked prego belly or even thinks it's attractive to look at all naked and exposed, especially being handled by your naked spouse/partner...........:glare:
  6. The Central Coast of California! Hands down. We've been pining away now for 16 years to live there again...but alas, it's still too expensive :glare:
  7. This is what I was wondering! Salmonella IS killed by heat---so cooking at high heat---fully---should kill any toxins. I'm not sure I would still keep any recalled meat---but during the whole egg salmonella hysteria--we cooked our eggs fully treating them all as contaminated.
  8. Naughty kitty! :001_huh: And like others have said---they are 'Furbaby's' NOT 'just' a pet ;) We're still crying over losing our crazy dog Mojo in Feb....
  9. Yes. And I have never been wrong. Follow you gut like a pp said.
  10. All I can say is that once Alex Jones gets involved and starts telling 'the story'---you can pretty much guarantee there is little to no truth in it! :glare: http://www.infowars.com/chinese-company-sinomach-poised-to-takeover-boise/ sigh.......... This sounds much better...and saner...to me: http://www.boiseweekly.com/boise/red-potatoes-investigating-the-truth-behind-chinas-takeover-of-idaho/Content?oid=2436095
  11. Keep us posted please! Broken tails heal fast---we accidentally slammed our 15yo cat's tail in the front door when he was a kitten and it healed really fast ;)
  12. DD, almost graduated, went to the public school through 2nd grade. DS, 10th, has never had to endure public school for even one day ;)
  13. Well that is even more concerning, especially if his tail is limp. It could be anything under the sun: Tumor, jumping/falling injury, perhaps slammed in a door, nosiness gone awry?
  14. LOL---Yes! But on a different board. In fact---I just need to give up on that particular board. NO matter what---I either get totally ignored or anything I say has to have some sort of snarky comment added :glare:
  15. Take him to the vet----ASAP! He is obviously in terrific pain and should have an x-ray to find out what is wrong. Is he an outdoor cat? and :grouphug:
  16. :iagree: Memoria Press stuff tends to be a bit, b-o-r-i-n-g and dry. My kids have just DETESTED anything from MP no matter what the course I have tried to use. CAP products are much more dynamic IMO.
  17. I don't think they are going to do it, at least the last time I did one of those 'Chat' sessions at their site. The operator said that there are just too many variables for correct answers in Geometry through Precalc so the automated grading would be quite a challenge. I was really kind of irritated with TT, though, because when asked if/when they were going to add a Calculus course----the guy said that because it's really a college level course, they just assume kids will take it at their local CC. Really? I sure don't see one around here :glare:
  18. It NEVER feels like you have much until you move or have to clean to show a house for sale :glare: Yard sales before or after you have moved give a sense of closure and a bit of profit----and just donating it feels even better! I realized that we had 'Stuffitis' pretty darn bad during all those boom years :glare:
  19. Nope. Not in the least. The public school still is horrendous, the social scene appalling. SO glad we homeschool. And of course so are my teens----who tell me all the horrifying stories of massive alcohol consumption, driving while intoxicated (many times with crashes) ALL the pot smoking and pill popping in kids who we 'thought' were good, all the pregnant teens, all the kids who are on probation after being arrested for posession or frequenting drug houses or carrying a controlled substance with intent to deliver, etc. etc. College while in high school here is not an option because we are so rural and remote---over 150 miles to any CLEP testing center so........ Nope---l-o-v-e homeschooling ;) (and Welcome to Rural America during the Great Depression Part 2)
  20. More kindred spirits!!! My dd and I are the SAME way :tongue_smilie: I've had problems with other people's clothes since I was a kid---it's not just about being spoiled or anything. I have a beautiful wool sweater given to me by a friend who is a used clothing-aholic----and yet STILL 7 years later I get the 'icks' wearing it. So much so I can only wear it maybe once a year during the winter. I prefer super discount sale racks over used....any day. But-----a triple hot water wash with extra soap and extra Oxiclean and a hefty dose of mental 'clean' imagery just might make those clothes 'safe' for you :tongue_smilie: Otherwise, just give them away secretly with the excuse that they didn't fit right.
  21. Wow---your post is fascinating for many reasons, but mostly because your small town pretty much mirrors ours in dysfunction. We are at about 3200 population with a 75-80% divorce rate. NOTHING for the kids from about 7th grade on up to do----so drugs, sex and drinking (with driving) are rampant and often deadly occupations for the teens. MASSIVE drug problems with courts having no bite, so kids and adults are in and out of jail and rehab. MASSIVE social dysfunction also with high divorce rate, leading to very high teen pregnancy rate. Many people have left for North Dakota, as the cost of living in such a remote location is high and wages aren't even close to Living Wage. Right now we are S-T-U-C-K here because real estate has dropped so drastically, we can't even get our house to sell. WE have 2 teens in extreme danger as far as we are concerned right now because ALL of their 'friends' here are doing drugs, on probation for drugs and drinking with driving added. WE keep a close tab on them---but it's nerve wracking. An online CC just opened up classes in our new Innovation Center----but I can't even imagine taking part when the town has probably 10 bars and not ONE single bookstore......... Phew---that felt good to unload. :001_huh:
  22. Wow! Fascinating, and yet so disgusting, at the same time ;)
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