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Everything posted by Unicorn.

  1. Oh, I had forgotten about collard greens (and turnip greens) Yuck. They were fine, but the grit was awful! Lots of fresh from the garden veggies, fresh fruit, always bacon sausage and egg in the mornings w/ sliced cantaloupe. Fried chicken, yummy stuffing at T-giving, and I don't remember what else. My other grandmother, I don't really remember. Awful cookies that I swear had no sugar at all. She made corn meal mush for the dog every day. Mostly I remember cold meals of sliced dried sausage and butter sandwiches. She made sweet rice for special occasions.
  2. If people are judging you or your dd over her dress, then they are kind of missing the point, and the message, no? SPD isn't all bad, it lets us be who we are w/out caving to other people's ideals of who we should be, and what we should wear, and what really matters in life. Just a different perspective from someone who can not wear dresses, or turtlenecks, or most shoes. :D
  3. If it makes you feel better, beyond my best friend, and the people that live in my house, I'm not "out" publicly. Like you, I'm not ready to give up friendships from people who wouldn't be accepting, AND I don't want people trying to convert me back. I'm respectful of other people's beliefs, and think any and all religion is okay for other people if it makes them feel better. I bow my head when others pray as a show of respect, but I don't participate. I don't think I'm being hypocritical, just respectful of their ways. I think you are in a difficult position in regards to your job, and I probably wouldn't say anything if it were me. If your dh isn't ready to hear it, then wait until you think he is. I'm sure I'll get slammed for those last two sentences. Oh well. Do what you have to do.
  4. Yep, I would use it. As pp stated, it might not work quite as well, but really, it should be fine. I love expired Benadryl. For some reason it doesn't make me sleepy, but it still does the job it was designed to do.
  5. Contessa, have you considered Deist? Maybe you believe in a god, but not a Christian God? You could also consider referring to yourself as a non-specific monotheist. How do you know what to believe.. listen to your heart, and let it lead you. As Ishki pointed out, Peace. Maybe take a step or two away, and figure out what brings you peace.
  6. OP- after reading all of your replies to people, and your agreeing with or disputing of other's posts, I just want to say I think you already know how you feel, and where you are. I just think you are afraid to admit it, even to yourself. You don't have to put it in a box with a label. But if you need a label, it's okay to say "I'm agnostic". It's okay to question the existence of a god, or to not believe in one at all" It's even okay to believe in a god that doesn't fit any criteria of a specific religion. Believe in your own god if you want. I currently refer to myself as a free thinking agnostic. I don't believe in the Christian God. I tried, but the more I learned, the more I realized (for myself) it was all a fallacy. Admitting it to dh, was difficult, but by the time I did, he already knew I felt that way and was okay. He is still very much a believer, but at the same time, he is so far (more open and accepting of different thoughts/beliefs) from his stiff CoC upbringing. He's changed his mind over the years, and realized things he was taught, aren't the absolute truth. Hugs. I've been on your journey, and as others have said, there is such a peaceful feeling when you reach your own acceptance.
  7. I agree with finding a women's shelter. If not, something like a Hope Hospice thrift store, or we have a communities in Schools thrift store, where the money goes to programs to help at risk kids. Do you have a local food bank? Maybe they could help you find a place to donate.
  8. No growing up on your birthday.. Pity Party it is! And well deserved. I think you should have a real party for yourself next week, when the evil monthly visitor is gone. Meanwhile, be on the look out for a very large virtual package containing chocolate!
  9. It sounded soooo good, I had to search! Honey lime vin. and peanut sauce sounds yummy. I think it might have to be tested here this week, too.
  10. Hands down, best ever Philly cheesesteak was on a cruise. OH, and the sandwiches at the king's castle at Renn Fest.. just like a philly, but no cheese and on a whole wheat bun. YUM. Or maybe mezzaluna ravioli from Olive Garden w/ the white/wine sauce. Crap, now I want a cupcake with no icing. (dreaming of all that salty stuff, I have to have something sweet to balance it out)
  11. Is this it?? http://popbetty.com/2011/08/houstons-grilled-chicken-salad-copy-cat-recipe-throwdown.html
  12. Well, we used a brand from the local beauty supply store, and followed directions, and it really didn't do anything.. like it all washed out, so we ran to the store, and bought Loreal, and re-did it immediately. Turned out great! And yes, it exactly matched the box color.
  13. It could still be strep. My kids won't test positive the first couple of days. By the time they test positive, you don't need the test, because you can take one look, and Know they have it. I would go see a reg doc on Monday. I hope you feel better soon. Oh, and the stomach stuff... my son gets it every. single. time w/ strep. In fact, if he has strep like symptoms, and no tummy stuff.. it usually isn't strep.
  14. Right there with you. I slipped in the hallway in Oct, and slammed my shoulder into the wall. Normally, I would be back to normal in a few days. I'm still having issues from it. Most of the time, it's fine, but throw a Frisbee for the dog- OUCH.. lean my chin on my fist, elbow propped on table or such.. and it locks up. Scrubbing the tub is now torture. I was planning on massive cleaning today.. but my hip is out and I can't hardly bend. And dh noticed my clavicle on the opposite shoulder is out of alignment, so I have what feels like a pinched nerve. Getting older sucks!
  15. Didn't your boys want to eat strange foods? You could always catch it, kill it, and let the boys eat it! :D
  16. Oh, if you want something besides mysteries, have you read Anne of Green Gables, yet?
  17. You were talking about Lillian Jackson Braune's Cat Who series, right? I ask, because apparently, there is another series of cat who books, by another author. I love Koko, Yum-Yum, and Quill, btw. As Sink suggested, Diane Mott Davidson is fun, as is Sharon Kahn. Kahn writes Ruby the Rabbi's wife mysteries..
  18. Wow! I feel bad for you, but I really feel bad for that little girl! He needs some anger management classes.
  19. Ugh! I hate hairball season!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GailV


      And here, too.

    3. MtnTeaching


      Had to laugh when I read this. Just heard hacking behind me.

    4. Unicorn.


      Me too.. again.

  20. I like them! They are both really cute.
  21. Why the separation during prayers and meals?
  22. The weight limit is PER CHILD, or also PER SEAT. So, if the set has 3 swings, or 2 swings and a bar, that's 360 lb total! This set at Walmart has 105 lb limit per seat, max capacity of 630 lbs. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Flexible-Flyer-Triple-Fun-II-Metal-Swing-Set/20919449#Item+Description Let the girl swing! Swing sets creak, swing sets move.. we got 12 inch bolts, some chain, and secured each foot of the set by staking. Our kids would pop our set up so high, I though it would flip over. Staked it, not a problem any more. And it creaked, and groaned and sometimes we thought the top bar would bend. It didn't, and they played on long after they were way over the weight limit.
  23. She needs the structure of a routine. Too much freedom to fast is overwhelming, especially for young kids. I would set up a routine, and stick to it. You can post a schedule where she can see it, and even check off each subject when she's done.
  24. Yukon gold are my favorite.. they have a naturally buttery flavor. However, like Usami said, it's all good! We don't have a set way of cooking. Peel, boil, drain, and then add: butter and milk, sometimes some ranch dressing, sometimes some garlic, sometimes chives or parsley....
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