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Everything posted by kewb

  1. In a good month I will dust every other week. In a great month-every week. In reality-either when I notice that I can write my name in it or if I know company is coming.
  2. My kids learned a lot of these from schooled friends and homeschooled friends. And some from me. Their favorite for weeks was to walk up to someone and tell them that their epidermus is showing. Cracked themselves up every time.
  3. My 12 year old washes his face with honey. He has for a couple of years now. Rarely a blemish.
  4. I always order it through the website. I have never had any problems.
  5. <3 my neti pot. I have been using it for a couple of years now. My dh will use it when he has a sinus infection and it clears right up. The kids won't use it regularly but if their noses are clogged enough they will.
  6. I wanted to wait until dd was at leat 12. She had other ideas. She started campaigning around age 6. I cited responsibility, self sufficient care, etc. Finally, at age 8 I took her to get them pierced.
  7. Some things I always stock up on when there is a sale: lentils beans whole wheat pasta diced tomatoes tomato sauce Chicken/veggie stock (I usually make my own from leftover scraps but sometimes it is handy to have a package on hand. Rice (I store in the freezer so it lasts longer) I have been tightening and tightening our budget these last few months so I have really been stocking up on the following when there is a good sale and an extra bonus if I have coupons. soap toothpaste mouthwash floss razor blades feminine products
  8. I just tell people I grow my own penicillin.
  9. I have a boy and a girl. They each get new clothes as needed. I do make my dd wear snow pants and boots that ds has outgrown.
  10. We watch together and then my children do the worksheets on their own. I am available if they need assistance.
  11. I can't speak for Kiss but we have been using GWG for 2 years now and absolutely love it.
  12. I have purchased Odwalla Bars and Annie's Mac and Cheese a few times. Never any problems. When they have a good deal on something and I have the funds I stock up.
  13. That sounds really interesting I hope someone has had an experience they can share.
  14. Yes, I do mean NYC. How is that for a NYC centric attitude. I say "the city" and I expect everyone to know what I am talking about. Your 11 year old may not love the Liberty Science Center as an all day thing. You can poke around their website www.lsc.org and see. There is really not a lot of choices by the Meadowlands.
  15. The Liberty Science Center is probably your best bet. Another option would be to spend the day in the city. How old are your kids?
  16. Attached! Being able to enter and exit the car without having to face the elements is a wonderful thing. The occasional fume may enter the house but for me it has never been a nuisance. It usually dissapates fairly quickly. We don't normally leave the cars running in the garage.
  17. I have taught both my son and daughter to hold doors open for the person behind them. I taught them both to open the door for someone with full hands. I taught them to say Thank you when someone does this for them. No hats indoors. If you sit at the table at home or in a restaurant the hat comes off. Standing when someone walks in-no, it had not occurred to me. Offering your seat when on public transit-yes, it is just good manners to offer your seat to someone elderly, clearly pregnant, or just bone tired looking.
  18. I have taught mine to address adults as Mr./Mrs./Miss unless otherwise instructed by the adult.
  19. We love the Franklin Institute. We also like roaming around the Reading Terminal Market (http://www.readingterminalmarket.org/) And no trip to Philly is compete until we have cheesesteak at Tony Luke's.
  20. I plan for it to be private but if another friend wants to join in I am a more the merrier kind of gal.
  21. When I was in 3rd grade (back in the early 70's) my year was part of the experimental Open Classroom. It was 2 classrooms with the dividing wall knocked out. We had two teachers and everything was shared. Truthfully, I don't remember much about that year except for the puppet show we put on (Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) and the fact that one of my teachers had a white streak dyed in her black hair. The next year the wall was put back up.
  22. Yes, it is possible to get a hotel with parking or to park in a garage near the hotel for the time you are in the city. Either way, you will be paying for parking so that needs to be factored into your budget. The bus and the subway are the best ways to get around the city.
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