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Midwest Momma

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Everything posted by Midwest Momma

  1. Yes, we are using it successfully on 2 macs. Sorry you are having this trouble :(. Have you asked Qustodio for help?
  2. Yep, Qustodio can completely block the internet or just certain sites.
  3. Haha! I was just coming to post this :).
  4. Qustodio.com has been working great for us. It will give you location updates, allow you to view texts, and view a log of calls. There is also internet monitoring and controlling. I believe there is a free version, but we upgraded to include more devices. It has been hugely helpful to us.
  5. Swiss Family Robinson: http://librivox.org/the-swiss-family-robinson-by-johann-david-wyss/.
  6. It was $70. They used the REA book http://www.amazon.com/CLEP-Freshman-College-Composition-REA/dp/0738600768/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1229541664&sr=8-1. They each studied about 6 weeks with the book and took several practice tests (the book has a cd with practice tests). They both got 6 English Comp credits.
  7. by Ezra Jack Keats... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Ezra%20Jack%20Keats We own most of them.
  8. You can check and see if they fit what you want: http://www.prodigalsonz.com/traininginstitute/courses/1styear/courses/Old%20Testament%20Survey.pdf http://www.prodigalsonz.com/traininginstitute/courses/1styear/courses/New%20Testament%20Survey.pdf There are even exams: http://www.prodigalsonz.com/traininginstitute/courses/1styear/exams/OT%20Survey%20Exam.pdf http://www.prodigalsonz.com/traininginstitute/courses/1styear/exams/NT%20Survey%20Exam.pdf
  9. We used Piano Course for Christians for years, and it was great for us. The books come with cds, and they are well worth the investment. The cds will help reinforce the books and let you know what the music should sound like. You can learn right along with them...or ahead of them. We asked a friend who is a piano teacher to see the kids maybe a couple times a year to evaluate their progress and make suggestions. The Preparatory Level begins right off using both hands (though not at once). This was significant to me. It was not so intimidating to have the left hand play a few notes WHILE the right hand plays because the left hand had been on the keys and playing a few notes. She introduces musical notations...and a lot of familiar songs: Oh, How I love Jesus, Beethoven's Hymn of Joy, Jesus Loves Me, Sweet Hour of Prayer, and others. You can get more information at Davidsons Music Homepage http://www.davidsonsmusic.com/teacyourmus.html
  10. My ds (9) has really liked http://www.amazon.com/Kids-Guitar-1-Marcy-Marxer/dp/B000140I0W (and Kids Guitar 2, also). We were able to get it from the library.
  11. You could trim it some :). http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article2687623.ece 1 c.3500 BC Invention of the wheel and plough in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq); invention of the sail in Egypt: three fundamental inventions for trade, agriculture and exploration. 2 c.3200 BC Invention of writing in Mesopotamia: the means to record and understand human history. 3 c.3000 BC Founding of the first cities in Sumeria (present-day Iraq): origin of modern social and administrative structures. 4 c.1600 BC Modern alphabet invented: the essential means of communication of complex concepts and culture. 5 c.1600 BC Beginning of Greek civilisation: essential to Western heritage and the root of mathematics, philosophy, political thinking and medicine. 6 753 BC Foundation of Rome: the Roman Empire is a pillar of the modern age, producing ideas on justice, law, engineering and warfare. 7 c.670 BC Invention of ironworking: metallurgy is the key to further technical, economic and military developments. 8 c.551 BC Birth of Confucius, the founder of one of the world’s major philosophical systems. 9 490 BC Battle of Marathon: the Greeks repel a Persian invasion, securing the survival of Greek culture and science. 10 486 BC Birth of Buddha, founder of one of the world’s major religions. 11 327 BC Empire of Alexander the Great reaches into India: the first example of a long-term and often violent interrelationship between Europe and Asia. 12 202 BC Hannibal is defeated by Rome: the victory is essential to secure the survival and expansion of Roman civilisation. 13 27 BC Founding of the Roman Empire: this is the start of the classic period of Roman domination in Europe and the Mediterranean. 14 c.5 BC Birth of Jesus Christ, founder of the many branches of Christianity. The exact date is disputed. 15 AD 105 First use of modern paper: this replaced stone, slate, papyrus and vellum as a cheap and convenient medium. 16 AD 280 Unification of China under the Western Chin dynasty creates the political shape of modern China. 17 AD 312 Roman Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity: this made it possible for Christianity to spread across Europe. 18 AD 476 Fall of the Roman Empire in the West ends 800 years of Roman hegemony. The creation of modern Europe begins. 19 c.AD 570 Birth of Muhammad, founder of one of the world’s great religions. 20 c.AD 730 Printing invented in China: an essential step in mass communication/ administration/cultural dissemination. 21 AD 800 Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the new Western Empire. This marked the point at which Europe began to reintegrate. The Holy Roman Empire lasts for 1,000 years. 22 1054 Schism of Greek and Latin Christian Churches divides Christianity permanently into two geographical and denominational halves. 23 1088 First university founded in Bologna, Italy: the start of a modern conception of higher learning and universal knowledge. 24 1206 Genghis Khan begins his conquest of Asia. This has a major impact on Asian development and the movement of peoples. 25 1215 Magna Carta signed by King John at Runnymede: this is the origin of the modern concept of constitutional rule. 26 1453 Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks: Almost 500 years of Turkish domination of the Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East begins. 27 1455 First book printed with moveable type: Johannes Gutenberg’s revolution in printing technology makes mass-market reading possible. 28 1492 Christopher Columbus discovers the New World, bringing the Americas into a global trading/cultural system. 29 1509 Invention of the watch: essential to a modern economy and administration, this introduces the concept of regular timekeeping. 30 1517 Martin Luther launches the Reformation. It is the start of Protestant Christianity and the idea of religious individualism. 31 1519 Cortes begins his conquest of South America, which becomes part of the wider world economic and political system. 32 1564 William Shakespeare is born: his plays make fundamental statements about the human condition. 33 1651 Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is published: this is the origin of the modern idea of civil society, equality before the law and egoistic individualism] 34 1687 Isaac Newton publishes Principia Mathematica, the foundation of modern physics. 35 1776 American Declaration of Independence determines the political evolution of the New World and the rise of American power. 36 1789 French Revolution marks a fundamental break with the tradition of monarchy; the “rights of man†are enshrined. 37 1815 Battle of Waterloo: the Napoleonic Empire ends, and with it Napoleon’s ambition to rule and reform all of Europe. 38 1825 Rocket steam locomotive built, marking the start of the railway age of cheap, fast land transport. 39 1859 Publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species. His theory of evolution transforms the view of Man and his environment, and belief in God. 40 1885 Benz develops first petrol-driven car, starting the most profound technical and social revolution of the modern age. 41 1893 New Zealand introduces unrestricted women’s suffrage. At this point women win the principle of full political equality. 42 1905 Einstein’s theory of special relativity published. It transforms the nature of modern physical knowledge. 43 1917 Russian Revolution creates the first successful, long-term revolutionary state. 44 1918 End of the First World War. The Habsburg and Ottoman empires collapse; maps of Europe and the Middle East are redrawn. 45 1939 Outbreak of Second World War: 50 million die worldwide from 1939-45 in the world’s largest and most deadly conflict, which ends the long age of imperialisms. 46 1945 End of Second World War; when the first nuclear bomb is detonated, mankind develops the means to destroy itself. 47 1949 Communist China founded: China is created as a single territorial unit with a common administration and a modernising economy. 48 1959 Invention of the silicon chip is the major technical invention of the past century, making possible the computer age. 49 1960 First contraceptive pill made available for women, who can now make their own biological choices about reproduction. 50 1989-90 Collapse of Communist regimes in Europe: marks the end of the long communist experiment; Asian communism is also transformed.
  12. I used these at my dentist's recommendation. I was very happy with the results. This is where I bought it: http://www.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=284619
  13. Here are a couple boat tours that appear to go through November: http://www.wendellaboats.com/ http://www.shorelinesightseeing.com/index.php?gclid=COzu3qL86pYCFRsRagod3RZOPA
  14. If you do decide to go to the Hancock Observatory, you can have a buffet lunch at the restaurant on the 95th floor (excellent views) for only $2-$3 more than the price of the observatory. The food was okay (not great, but we really went for the view). The service was pretty good. https://tickets.hancockobservatory.com/ http://www.opentable.com/rest_profile.aspx?rid=3401 http://www.signatureroom.com/Cuisine/lunch.cfm?PID=46
  15. If you check out the first link, it has stories listed by Scripture reference. There are no stories from Nehemiah. But this can be a handy tool for future reference :).
  16. Google helped me find these two nifty sites. It looks like there are no AIO that are about Nehemiah. http://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/Category:Episodes_by_Scripture_Reference http://www.whitsend.org/vault/
  17. Well, there is a part of "Facing the Giants" where the coach tells the story of Nehemiah and relates it to football (all this according to my 9yods & 11yods; I have a vague memory:001_unsure:).
  18. I just tested my crock pots (3 Rivals) and several other things with the LeadCheck Household Lead Test Kit. This kit was purchased at the local hardware store for under $8, and as I recall, it was recommended by Consumer Reports. I heated up my crock pots to simulate cooking (one was actually filled with dinner :) ). These admittedly crude consumer tests revealed no presence of lead in the glaze. Back to my dinner preparations :). http://www.leadcheck.com/retail.shtml
  19. http://www.classicsforkids.com/ This is a good free program. You can download the mp3 (about 15 minutes, I think) every week. The site even has a quiz and activity sheets for each program.
  20. When we joined CHM (Christian Healthcare Ministries), we sent to individuals. We thought this was such a good idea to protect against fraud. They changed things to send our monthly gift to the home office for a few years now. I am not so comfortable with this. Samaritan Ministries DOES send to individuals, and we are considering switching to them. We have had several needs "published" with CHM. They have paid them all, but it has taken many months. Just last year we had a need that took 5-9 months (I don't remember exactly) to receive the money.
  21. Faithe, I would contact them with the same questions you gave us. Perhaps they can walk you through it, or at least give some explanation. This would be disappointing to me as well. That is a lot of money for something poorly organized and poorly explained.
  22. Yes, it is designed to be very independent. I do very little teacher prep... other than getting the schedule set up from Donna Young. I do add in work on memorizing the terms each day. Checking the chapter review and the test are the only slightly time-consuming elements. No, we do not use the companion CD. http://www.donnayoung.org/apologia/general.htm
  23. Thanks Karen! This article makes sense to me... especially about the thresholds. I haven't been able to isolate triggers, but the concept that several environmental, dietary, and hormonal triggers could amount to enough together to push it over your personal threshold is very helpful.
  24. I am on my third go round. We are using the old cassette program. My two eldest used it completely independently. Dd went through much of level 2 and got a perfect grammar score on the ACT, which she attributed to her Latin studies. The lesson book tells the student how to use the program. We aimed for a set # of pages or minutes per day... not lessons or frames. The pace is supposed to be set by the student... according to what they can handle. Dc#3 needs more accountability, so we are doing it together. He (11yo) thinks it is fun to see Latin in everyday English. There is a Yahoo group that has some helpful files and interaction.
  25. We have the older version, and I am working my 3rd student through it. We don't "consume" anything. All the workbook pages, quizzes, and tests can be done in another notebook. The only exceptions are the wordsearch and crossword puzzles (which could be done on an overlay or tracing paper), but I find them to be less useful than the other supplementary material anyway.
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