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Everything posted by Mbelle

  1. I agree. U2's cheap tickets were $500 so at that time we decided to spend a few extra days at the beach instead. edited: wrong the decent tickets were $500, but the others were behind the screen.
  2. It does seem to depend on the opening act, sometimes they are great and other times people are sitting or ambling around getting refreshements. Foo Fighters would be a great band to see. I like these kinds of places! Oh my! gosh, that sounds crazy, but I would love to go to a Santana concert! Have fun! I wish I could afford to go to every concert I wanted to. I totally regret going to the beach instead of going to U2 the last time they came through (last year I think?) and were only 10 min from my house.
  3. So I was just wondering if you stand or sit at a concert? I'm am talking more rock/pop type concert. I tried to creat a poll, but I don't think I got it right. I just found out that this could vary greatly. I have never sat at a concert and am usually singing and dancing the entire time. I simply can't imagine sitting at a conert. I don't know if I'd even be able to manage staying seated even if it were required. When I was young I went to some very wild concerts and learned to never be up front. I once thought I was going to be crushed or stomped on so I've learned to be careful at certain places, although I'm way too old to enjoy those types of concerts anymore. This past year I went to Bryan Adams and no one sat down and the year before we went to Midnight Oil which was 70% male audience and there was no sitting there either. What is the rock/pop concert culture where you live? edit: typo
  4. Sunday went great! Church was awesome. Dd was home from college with a friend. And we all had plenty of time to eat breakfast without having to eat it in the car!
  5. My dd was baptized on All Saints Sunday in the Episcopal church and so in the opposite direction I actualy miss the Episcopalian moveable feasts. It was a great day! I hope she's having a good day today! It feels like All Saints and Pentecost are much bigger deals at the Epsicopal church in our area as compared to Catholic. I do not even attend Mass for these days at the Catholic church unless it's on a Sunday.
  6. Mid life crisis or some depression or need a change up? If you are feelign stuck, then something needs to change. Sometimes if we are the hardworker type we need to invest in some fun. Do you have a good friend you can just brainstorm with and dump all the crazy on and see what y'all come up with? I am totally having a mid life crisis, but I have the big mid-century birthday looming next year. My older 2 will both be off to college and I'll be left with caboose baby (he's 7) for 10 more years and gosh I can not do this by myself anymore. I'm very much hoping to teach again, and hopefully at a hybrid school (unless some other grand opportunity comes knocking). I'm also reconnecting with old friends and for some it has been 20 years since we last saw each other. Some of these people I connected with on FB and promptly unfollowed! LOL Some of them are fun to talk to again. What else am I doing.... oh Botox, microneedling and skin care! I do laugh at myself, but then I look at my neck and am like OMG! I had a lot of fun traveling when I was in my 20's and I sure would ilke to see all the people I hung out with again. Missing my carefree and adventurous days.
  7. I have used this blog www.divascancook.com Sweet Potato recipe https://divascancook.com/candied-sweet-potatoes-yam/ Mixed greens or just collards cooked with some pork, like a hamhock or porkback. Dressing: https://divascancook.com/old-fashioned-cornbread-dressing-recipe-southern/ I use the southern living one: https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/classic-cornbread-dressing-recipe edited: I do not use that particular southern living recipe...oops..I do not use a box, I make my own cornbread, but the rest is similar. I'm in deep south, but my TX relatives all eat this too.
  8. Yeah, for us dorms are the biggest cost at college. I don't think my dd has made friends living in the dorm, but she has made friends through a campus ministry group and she's joining some clubs related to her major. These usually meet in the evenings though. If he has late afternoon classes that could easily work as commuter student. My dd had late afternoon classes her first year and then went straight to he group 1 to 2 evenings a week. A friend of ours did commute for one year and he joined the robotics team and another computer team with no issues, but he did have to drive up especially for that.
  9. Does he want a more active student life? That could be helpful in his careeer to have connections. College 2 could have him working and making money more quickly.
  10. I haven't read all the replies, but my 3rd child was my very best sleeper....until he wasn't! He was close to 5 when this happened. He refused to actually get in bed even though I always lay down with him till he went to sleep. I actually called the pediatrician, and she said a sleep regression which I found a bit far fetched for a 5 year old, but maybe she was right when I look back on it. I was desperate and did a google search. Get Out of Bed passes are what worked for us, These were 3 index cards which he could use to get out of bed and that was it. They suggested one time only, but I'm a sucker so I gave 3 passes. He took to it immediatly and would get in bed and then he loved being able to get out a few times. It sounds totally silly, but it was like magic. Sometimes he will come and get in our bed in the middle of the night for one to two nights, but then a couple of months go by before it happens again, if I'm not too tired I take him back. He's 7 now.
  11. I lost a sale gamble this week! It was a cute tunic sweater from Lou and Gray with great raving reviews. It sold out by the end of the day. I'd say buy the coat.
  12. I heard some students take 3 to 4 alarm clocks and place all around the room. I think my d's will be one of those students. Also sleep in your clothes for an early class if you are not a morning person.
  13. Is anyone doing a resume? It's not required by one college, but they will accept it. The other college doesn't want one.
  14. Yes it is! I sure hope ds gets an acceptance where he wants to go after all this work.
  15. You sound like a wonderful loving mother! You've gotten some great feed back, and I hope it all shakes out even if it's a bit uncomfortable for a few minutes or so.
  16. The previous posters have given good advice and it depending on your personality which way you feel comfortable saying something, Does he say these things in front of your daughter? Otherwise I'd wonder what all he's saying about you when you aren't around, and I'd ask my daughter about it.
  17. I hear you! My dh has cooked on weekends for years and that's such an awesome break for me. Sometimes I do a lot of things with Bratwurst. Just grill and in the buns and plain or add sauted onions and mushrooms or slaw on top. Or make peppers and sausage with rice or mashed pototoes. For pasta, carbonara is easy and good with salad. I get jared sauces of Tikka Masala or Butter Chicken sauce and add chicken (can get a rotisserie if you're really wanting easy), I get Naan and chop up cucumbers for a veggie. White beans and hamhock with cornbread. Can add kale just before serving for a green. Pinto beans and kielbasa sausage chopped also with cornbrean. (chow chow is good add) dh makes and easy egg and ham pie..refridgerated pie crust and put in a pie dish, then add 8-10 eggs but don't scramble them just poke hole in yolks so they spread out a bit, tear up some ham and sprinkle it in there and then season it how you want and add cheese if desired, cook it till it's done. It is so easy and everyone likes it. edited; added
  18. Although, I am a seasoned traveler and especially to Europe I have not been to Spain. I like the Amesterdam airport for layovers because I find it such an easy layout, but other cities are totally fine too. If you go with cheaper tickets through something like Scotts cheap flights you will not have the same freedom to choose connections, but the prices are really awesome. My dd did a summer study abroad when she was 16 and I was nervous (in fact I felt totally exhausted the first week and had to lie on the couch a fair bit .lol), but she did fine. I'm not sure how long your flight to Europe will be, but for us it's a max of 8 hours and usually overnight, so it's really not too bad. (Now if I'm flying 20 hours or more that is completly another story). I know when I traveled when I was younger it was a total adventure and I didn't care one bit about being tired, or worry at all about how I was going to get around. However, as a Mom I'm more apprehensive about my kids traveling, so I do unerstand the worry. I would get the cheap tickets to a relatively easy airport/city as possible and then plan your first day as best you can so that you have steps to take and know what you will do and that should help with feeling confident that everyone knows what they are doing. These days I like to get an Uber to where I will stay, but when I was young I just took public transport, then eat a big breakfast and lots of coffee. Do some light sight seeing just to get used to the place and time zone. If she will have friends of family to stay with then that should be even better to start off with. I do love catching up with friends and it can really help you stay awak the first day. I will be glad to answer any questions if this is not the right info you're looking for.
  19. a constant source of confusion in our house We don't discuss raisins! LOL
  20. It makes me sad that the overwhelming message is work and boring work and that this is their life for the next 14 years. What are the preschools trying to prove by this? My older kids went to church parents morning out type preschool. No homework, but they learned so much and it brought them joy. Fastforward 10 years when caboose baby came along and I thought he might enjoy PMO. They started talking to me about curriculum and disciplien policies so I just walked away. One of my friends has always done public school (and she's in a top school), but is switching her last child at home to private because his learning consist of pre test, study guide and test and this if for every subject in middle school. There's almost no day that goes by without a test. Every afternoon is filled with study guides and homework battles.
  21. I believe sultanas are known as golden raisins in the US. Raisins are the dark tender raisins and people eat them straight out of the box or in trail mix or use in baking. the tiny hard raisins (only used in baking?) I think are currants but not sure. My kids would be mad and might say they aren't going to bake for competitiion anymore. Getting something you hate instead of money is a huge disappointment.
  22. We don't have common app in our state or at least at the 2 colleges he's applying to...however He applied to his safety school and he's totally happy to go there if he doesn't get in to the other school and he'll probably transfer later if this happens. He's got the grades and gpa from the 75% of last years admitted, but about 30K studenst apply for 5K spots so it's gamble. edited : updated oct 15, oct 20, nov3
  23. I went to a public high school that started at 7:25 and my bus came at 6:45. I was up because I had to be, but I was not functioning until around 10AM. I just could not get to sleep until around 2 AM . I was chronically sleep deprived and it really was an unpleasant time in my life. DH is the opposit he simply can not sleep past 6am and it is bafflign to him how we can all sleep! LOL He also just simply does not need a lot of sleep. 5 hours is plenty for him. I think we are all different and sure we can expect them to get up because I certainly did, but it was not good for me long term. In college I scheduled all my classes no earlier than 9 but usally 10. My Senior year I did have a class that started at 7:50, but I was a little older and learned some tricks. I slept in my clothes and socks and had my shoes by my bed. The alarm clock was across the room. My ds is like me and if he absolutly has to be up early and he usually does on Saturdays fro XC he will wear his clothes to bed and keep shoes by his bed, but we do wake him up.
  24. I try to do the coloring page while we read and then the map work. Sometimes we do narration. Righ now I feel like I need to catch up so we may just read through several chapters.
  25. I love interior decorating and design. I would go to get ideas. It's sort of like looking at any artistic thing that might be enjoyable for someone.
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