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Everything posted by Geo

  1. We're using this: http://www.amazon.com/Chemistry-Experiments-Children-Childrens-Science/dp/0486220311 and this: http://store.ellenjmchenry.com/?product_cat=elements Not too much, but not fluff either.
  2. Ds11 wears "GOODNIGHTS" (L-XL)...and bed mats, for any overflow. He also has a zippered waterproof mattress pad. He willingly wears one because waking up soaked with pee is extremely unpleasant. The goodnights itch though, so he uses cornstarch or body powder to help that. Everyone would rather he not need any of it. If ds needs it into teens/adulthood, there is also adult-size protection. God forbid. :p
  3. Ds11, almost 12 now,..wets every night. He has ADHD, as well as NLD, a neurological disorder. My sister (bi-polar) wet until 13. I wet too, until 10 or 11yo. I have ADHD. I include our neurological history because I believe it is connected.
  4. Looks like a rat snake...probably came from underneath the house through a mouse/rat hole. Happens in these mountains all the time. You might want to check for signs of rodents and deal with them, or it could/will happen again. Now, doesn't that make you feel all warm and cozy?
  5. A license is not required on private property, or to transport equipment, such as a tractor.
  6. I think it depends on the individual. Ds11 says Mindstorms are easier for the beginner. No soldering skills necessary. He also owns and has worked with arduino components. There are First Lego Leagues that open up all kinds of opportunities for kids. Even 4-H has developed a robotics program using Mindstorms. You can build the BIG robot with Mindstorms. :) Ds has fine-motor skill deficits that frustrate his efforts with the tiny arduino components.
  7. ...or even Nonverbal Learning Disorder, which typically includes the same social-skills deficits. I was going to broach the subject, but glad to find someone else picked up on it, too. Ds11 has NLD. http://www.weirdnotstupid.com/asvsnld.php Question to original poster: I bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Neither did I. :D
  8. I think it's becoming more rare. In 1969, my sister attended 9th grade at a "junior-high" (7-9). Two years later, 9th was moved to the high school. As a side, I attended grades 1-6 at an elementary school.
  9. I'll be using the American history cds over two years while reading the, "A History of US" series. I also found the defunct audiobooks (amazing deal) in case we get behind in reading and need to play catch-up. You could always do the same with SOTW cds. We can also work on cutting while listening, great for my ADHD son. Best of both worlds, imo. :coolgleamA: ETA: The creator expects you to tailor the program to your kids. Pick and choose the most meaningful and appropriate activities if you need to. A number of projects (in each cd) are gender-prone...like cross-stitching a sampler, easy to skip with most boys.
  10. Two decades of "baby wearing" here...never had that kind of experience! But then, I am 5'10" with swimmer's shoulders, so maybe potential snarkers just bit their tongue instead, hmmm. I love women, but we can be an insensitive bunch. ((Hugs))
  11. I nested from 20 weeks to 42 weeks. All six babies came 14 days past due date, on the dot. I would have mood swings in he first trimester, but always left it there. Mood swings in labor, usually when entering transition...(snort) :p
  12. I'm only aware of two people on the board here who are using this almost free , 3- year Japanese program, for high school "Irasshai" Textbook, workbook, and Teacher Guide available on amazon. All teaching videos are free: http://www.gpb.org/irasshai
  13. Two thumbs up on this resource, I've been using it for over 20 years. Adoremusbooks.com has the best price, $59 for the entire set. Handel, Haydn, and Chopin are at a reduced price of $1.99 on amazon right now: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=vox+music+masters+cds&rh=n%3A5174%2Ck%3Avox+music+masters+cds Yes, I'm a shameless cheapo. :p
  14. I just had ds read it. It's target audience is middle school/high school, and is generally considered to be an easy introduction, mostly centered around the big questions of philosophy. It shouldn't be too difficult for either of you. There is a study guide (kindle edition) available on amazon, but I have never used it. http://www.amazon.com/Sophies-Jostein-Gaarder-Summary-ebook/dp/B004TO52L0/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376533498&sr=1-1&keywords=sophie
  15. In a perfect world? A neuropsychologist. In all honesty, choices are often dictated by insurance, or even no insurance. The easiest place to start is your child's pediatrician. Try to gather all your concerns and write them down and share them with the Dr. Ask for an evaluation. Fortunately, mine was awesome and had a special interest in helping kids with neuro-based issues . He referred ds for an eval at a children's center a couple of hours away. He saw a Dev Ped there. We followed up with a Ed Psych 18 mos later for learning disabilities. It's not always a one-shot deal. A NP (neuropsychologist) should be your best bet to catch all the issues. We are very rural, AND in the Smoky Mountains. So it must be getting easier to locate help.
  16. Twinmom, I particularly appreciate posts like yours. The grief. The pain. Isolation and rejection. Who would WANT to drink from that cup? You may never see a big miracle, but I can't help but believe that you will see many little miracles. You're walking with her as far as you can go, she's not alone. You are Jesus-with-skin-on for her. She is blessed, and you are transformed into His likeness. Beauty for Ashes. I am praying for your family, and to be like you. <3 ((HUGS))
  17. He sounds so miserable...I've been there with mine too. I would think about getting an evaluation. Doesn't sound like anything will improve until you know what you're dealing with. We were in a similar situation until we were able understand what was causing all the behaviors. {{HUGS)) Geo
  18. Have you heard of the GAPS book? Similar premise. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_4?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gaps+diet+natasha+campbell+mcbride&sprefix=gaps%2Caps%2C269&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Agaps+diet+natasha+campbell+mcbride
  19. Nonverbal Learning Disorder. The "nonverbal" part of the label refers to area that the person has a learning disability...or, nonverbal skills: Usually math, handwriting, visual-perception, and social skills. Reading comprehension can (not always) be a problem with novel (fiction) and very complex material. This disability can be difficult to spot when children are young, but becomes increasingly evident with age...the gap between the nld kid and neuro-typical peers widens with age. My 11yo son was diagnosed with NLD last May via Educational Psychologist. There is a brand new NLD Social Group here on the board, you can connect directly with NLD parents there. That's not saying that there isn't a lot to glean from people on this board, lots of wisdom here...the NLD group is just a direct line to each other. My most used sources of help with NLD are these two books, by Pamela Tanguay: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=nonverbal%20learning%20disability%20at%20home However, I think I will buy this one (used) today: url=http://www.amazon.com/Special-Kind-Brain-Nonverbal-Disability/dp/1843107627/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1376425134&sr=8-4&keywords=nonverbal+learning+disability+at+home#reader_1843107627] As per homeschool, I accommodate just about every subject with regards to NLD. I read aloud ALOT because his auditory attention is stronger than when reading silently. We use audiobooks...ALOT. I have had to give him add/sub tables chart, or access to a calculator so he can move forward in math. He is currently in 3rd grade math, but will be going into 6th grade. I scribe for him exclusively. He just does not write...at all, if avoidable. The Ed Psych recommended assistive technology, like Dragon-Naturally Speaking. We bought it, but still have to figure out how to set it up. :p Yeah, mom and dad not too techy here. Interest-led learning is the easiest to approach with my son. Because he has ADHD as a co-morbid (along with) to NLD, I/he needs all the help we can get. He focuses longer/better with greater retention when pursuing a natural interest. Think, "Inquiry-Based Learning"or "Delight-Directed" My son doesn't do well with being fed information that doesn't spark a fire within. I have recently been steering him towards more model building. Even though NLD kids usually have poor fine-motor and tactile learning skills which make this a challenge, I have been successfully using them with my son. It keeps him engaged (like a fidget) while working on content he finds less interesting. It's also therapeutic hand-work and produces a concrete model of the concept being presented, which lends greatly to understanding. Not hands-on activities as a goal in itself, but one that illuminates concepts and teaches concretely. Not earth shatteringly new, I know. Somehow I was able see it all differently when I read "Learning By Modeling"...a Waldorf book. Anyway, it has enabled me to implement helpful learning experiences for my son. It helped impart experience where experiences rarely penetrate his NLD wiring. Simple-ish things like building dioramas and/or hand-picked activities from (Homeschoolnhewoods.com) Time Travelers history cds for history, and Donald Silver's "Amazing Earth Model Book" for science. We have always homeschooled, so he has a good self-image as it relates to learning, despite his difficulties. The Ed Psych commented that my son was unique in this (in his experience)...I know that it is because he is homeschooled and has always had learning tailored to his needs/abilities. As a family, we're just now broaching the topic of social skills. DS will be 12 in January and we're seeing signs of his need/desire for a social life, and friends. He's very one-sided conversationally... An incessant talker (he even thinks out-loud) with lots of Aspie-like quirks and qualities (melt-downs,echolalia, etc.) I am quite nervous about his potential abilities in this arena as a whole, and am not sure how much success to expect from our efforts. :( On the whole, "patience, patience, patience" is my motto. Ds has serious anxiety issues, so if I add to it unnecessarily, we're done for. But kids with NLD are all unique...your son's needs/challenges will probably be a bit different. If you have any specific questions related to his needs, please...ask away. Edited to add "learning by modeling".
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