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Everything posted by tiredmommyof8

  1. 150 is a bit creepy especially if they all live in the same area. I'd be afraid to date!
  2. :iagree: I was given a baby shower for my first baby, my third and my fourth. There are 8 years between baby 1 and baby 3 and 4 years between baby 3 and baby 4. I was very grateful for those baby showers. Regardless of what some people might think baby clothes do not last forever and car seats have an expiration date. I hope you have a wonderful shower!
  3. I personally wouldn't eat it but I might feed it to the dog.
  4. I don't particularly care what others have on but if it looks stupid or funny then I have to look or pretend not to look. This made me think of the People of Wal-Mart photos. I just went to find one photo in particular that I saw with a woman wearing white pants with a visible pair of undies underneath complete with a very visible feminine hygiene pad attached. When I see things like that all I can think of is what were they thinking? I couldn't find the photo I was looking for but sat here and looked at the People of Wal-Mart photos until I laughed so hard I cried :lol::lol::lol:.
  5. Our kids go every 6 months for routine cleaning because it is covered by insurance. If they need any kind of dental work in between then of course we go more often.
  6. :iagree: I haven't had real sleep in so long I don't remember what it is like. Our youngest baby is 9 months old and was born when I was 43 1/2. With my babies I have coslept and nursed them throughout the night which I find to be easier than bottle feeding (I bottle fed first baby) You are a much stronger and/or dedicated person than I am because I don't think I'd be able to function if I had to get up all night and take care of needy animals as well as my family.
  7. Here are activities for BFIAR: http://homeschoolcreations.blogspot.com/2011/08/before-five-in-row-printables-free.html
  8. I use it and so do some of my older children. We like it and feel that it works better than any of the otc brands we have tried. FYI the facial scrub will also bleach out colored washcloths.
  9. I took undergraduate and graduate level education courses and most were useful and others were not. I took one class at the undergrad level and then the next quarter after being admitted to the graduate program I took the exact same class at the graduate level because it was stupidly required again. Although it was silly that I had to take it again I loved the professor and the class.
  10. Ick and no. You should see some of the yummy recipes listed at Mark'sdailyapple.com
  11. I usually try to be in bed by 10:30 but that doesn't always work and that certainly doesn't mean anyone is asleep by then.
  12. We buy a ticket once in a while when the drawing is for big money.
  13. When dh isn't here we don't cook big meals since most of the kids won't eat it anyway. The kids would rather have a bowl of cereal, a pb&j sandwich, or they all ask for Ramen noodles. Leftovers are great to us too. Came back to add that dh hates it but the kids and I like breakfast for dinner with pancakes or waffles, etc.
  14. Oldest is 25. Others are 20, 16, 13, 9, 8, 6, 4, and 8 months. We have a grandbaby 4 months older than our youngest baby.
  15. Yes some of them can self wean. I had one that just gradually stopped nursing after she turned 2.
  16. Right now I wear the same thing everyday (I have multiples of them) black Old Navy soft cotton t's, denim capris and black flip flops. Boring I know but I can dress it up with accessories and makeup if I wish to or run out the door with no make up and a pony tail. I don't like dresses and only wear them to formal functions. Skirts are not in my closet and haven't been in many years. In the winter it becomes jeans, my favorite black boots, and a black top of some kind. I occasionally go with brown.
  17. We have several different colors in the house so far (just moved into the house in June). I still have many rooms left to paint.
  18. Not much help from me but we recently moved and I am trying to decide which room to use. I am seriously thinking of taking over the garage and enclosing it and making it into my office/sewing studio/classroom. That way when the kids are busy doing their thing I could be doing what I need to do on the computer or with my sewing or whatever. We would still be in the same room and close to the kitchen and a bathroom. I thought about kicking some of the kids out of the bonus room/bedroom but there is no way I can spend the majority of the time upstairs all day and there is no room for my stuff up there. We do have an unfinished basement but right now without heat and air it is too stuffy and basementy for me. I'd love to see what you wind up doing.
  19. I saw it the other day while doing a search for pics of homeschool classrooms. I think it is very nice, simple, classic and uncluttered but I saw others that I liked better. I personally have lots of art supplies and learning games and so much more that I didn't see there. Where is all the "stuff" hidden?
  20. :iagree: coming from a person with an Art degree I agree that a large student loan would scare me more than anything else. The other issues you mentioned can be worked out as the other posters have mentioned.
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