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Everything posted by LND1218

  1. You could try a meal replacement drink like shakeology and maybe a Needak Rebounder which is easy on the body but gives a great work out.
  2. As mention, "Pink" is slang. It's on those inappropriate things for a reason. It definitely has the "gonna get some" connotation to it.
  3. Is the car a necessity? If this student is going away to college, the car could be a financial burden the dd doesn't need. In some cases a car is a necessity and in others it's not. It depends on the college town and all. In some cases, having a car can just be an added expense with insurance, maintenance and all. I would first figure out if it's needed or not. If it's not, I would say I am sorry you will have to wait. Then I would start saving pennies to pay for it. If it is a necessity, here is what we would do. We would do is find some additional source of income even if temporary to come up with the money. If it meant a few hours babysitting, delivering papers or doing temp work, that's what we would do. We'd also be on the lookout for a decent car that is cheap. There are people trading in cars because they don't want to bother with selling. Someone they know may have a car they are willing to sell for cheap. (We buy cars all the time from family and friends - once the car is checked out, we know it's our responsibility.) I would check auto auctions and all. And I would pray that God would provide the funds and/or the car.
  4. Lisa, I know this is an older thread, but I know someone who is near you teaching Mandarin Chinese next fall who is very inexpensive.
  5. They used to - it was the guide, the VP cards and a tin whistle because that's all you need. But many people get the cards or guide used. You don't need it all!! If you are joining a community, skip the audio and Memory Resource CD and go with the online connected community. You can make your own CD and use their online tutorial. The only drawback is that is internet based and it doesn't work when you don't have internet. The upside is it's internet based and you can access it from anywhere. It's very inexpensive for families who belong to a community. The flash cards are nice, but we don't use them much at all. You can make your own. You can get the pdf for about $15 and print them. You use the materials year after year after year. So it's really cheap.
  6. CC isn't just about what they get out of the memory work. It's about training the brain. And teaching them how to store and retrieve information. Having done it with 3 kids so far I can see the benefits for younger kids. I didn't start until my oldest was 7. Personally, I wouldn't start my oldest at 4, but I have had 2 four year olds since start. Both of they have done better than my oldest. They may not have learned a lot during those years, but they learned how to learn. And I see the fruit of that now. You are not going to see it when they are 4 or even 6. But I see it with my first 2 now that they are older. I saw interestingly enough the same very year after 4 years of doing CC. But one was 11 and one was 7. My oldest is by far my most studious. But my second has an advantage. She needs it because she has struggled with so many things. She was 3 when we started CC. And it has helped her brain grown and do better. My third was a baby in my arms. He is an ABC now, and it's shocking what he can learn. He doesn't know it all like the older ones do. But we will be running through timeline and someone gets stuck - he can always give the next card. He can't go beginning to end by himself, but he always knows what comes next. It's amazing. He is flying through his school work. He has been trained this way since birth and you can see it. It has given all my kids an ease with their other work that amazes me. They have an awareness of things around them - they are making connections like crazy. It's amazing what they pick up around them! It's been such a blessing to us. Honestly, I didn't get it - I didn't get the purpose years ago. I didn't see the benefits. I just didn't understand it. Now that I have one out of the grammar stage, I am amazed at what she was given. And watching my younger ones, I finally see it. I see what it gives them. I see where they will go from here. If you opt to not put your 4 year old in a class, that's fine, but do it at home with the 4 yr old! Carrie is right, you can't have them sitting in a class though. They do have to be enrolled.
  7. Water broke at 7:15 am on Thursday and baby was delivered at 11:56pm Friday. So 40 1/2 hours for the first. 2 1/2 hours of pushing.
  8. I agree this isn't really a double standard issue. It seems to me that his son knows when he can and can't say it. That's not a problem with dh. That's a son who knows who he can get away with it in front of. You both need to be on the same page about it. Right now, you handle it differently. I think you need to look at why you want to bring it up to dh. Is it because you want his son to stop? Is it because it's not fair to your son? Or is it because you know he's disobeying his father? Or some other reason. Do you think dh's reaction to your son is wrong? Does it only bother you because it's just your son he's catching? Once you figure that out, then approach him. If you think your more casual approach is right, talk to him about that, and see if you can agree to a plan for everyone. You can't blame dh for not hearing it - ds isn't saying it. He's learned his dad doesn't like it.
  9. Same here. My oldest dd has this. She has only had it a few years. My other dd has this but it eventually grows in. Then she get more and it grows in over time. I have wondered it hormones were doing this to them.
  10. She said that included the books too. We love CC, and we have been very happy with it even when we had some "growing pains" in the early years. Kinks are inevitable, but what I love about CC was the support. CC provides support and training for their tutors only for offical groups. I will bet that your last year they weren't official because official CC groups aren't free. A lot of groups start that way to get their feet wet - ours did many years ago. But you don't the support and benefit of CC without it. It's a very personal decision. It could be that they have had some trouble with a family or two and so they are just being cautious. I don't think you would have trouble getting into a CC program unless the size of the program is an issue.
  11. We have light beige carpet - going on 10 years now! I personally don't like a canister. I will only have an upright. We vacuum with a Dyson. I have had it 6 years. I love my Dyson!! We have a stair attachment otherwise the Dyson is a pain on the stairs. There are 6 of us and 4 pets using one main room all day everyday. We live and school on the first floor, the Dyson takes good care of my carpet. It is used daily. I love it. With one kid and one pet and another vacuum, I couldn't keep my floor as clean as I do now with 4 kids and 4 pets and a Dyson.
  12. We were part of a homeschool troop. I was a leader but all the parents stayed. The cookie sales weren't a big deal at all other than the management of this for the leaders. But for moms and girls selling is easy. I honestly found it a waste of time because all they really did were silly things. There isn't a lot of guidance like there is in other programs, so it really depends on the leader. I think it also depends on the area - we had a very hard time with our local council. And the main leader wasn't on top of things. So it may just have been our troop and coucil. (I did learn through that experience that I can't work with disorganized unprepared people!) My girls had fun. But they didn't do much, so we moved onto other things.
  13. It depends on what it is - puffs (or bath mitts) don't get shared. Wash clothes do although they are only used on faces around here. And they get washed.
  14. American Heritage Girls is great. We don't have one here, but I wish we did. I wanted to start one, but I can't. My girls do Young Marines - which starts at 8. So it's 4 years younger than Civil Air Patrol which starts at 12.
  15. Staying with a friend is one thing - at least for be because you know them. But personally, I hate hotels for this very reason!! It's very icky to stay in hotels if you think about it too long. There have been some studies done on hotels and let's just say it's icky!! So for me it isn't any different - I avoid it if I can.
  16. No, I haven't but I have been tempted to quit everything else and stay home for a while to catch up with the house and all that. Thinking that right now! I have an 8 year old like this. I give her a set amount of work for the week, and in order for her do fun things she must complete the work. I do set it up for each day, so that she is paced throughout the week. And if she doesn't do a certain amount of work that day, she can't play/have free time/TV etc that day. But the bigger focus is the weekend. She must be done with her week's work, or she has school on Saturday. She was doing school work at 9:30 last night because she refused to do much work on Monday. She has something she wants to go to on Saturday, but the work must be done! Fun stuff doesn't come out until the work is done. That said handwriting is tough for boys! I would probably do just a page or two at the most. You could reward him for getting one done quickly by not having to do more. If he does one with a good attitude and in a timely manner, he doesn't have to do the others. Or something like that....
  17. If I tell someone something, I assume spousal inclusion, and if someone tells me something, I tell them I don't keep secrets from dh. There are some exceptions like temporary secrets/surprises - gifts, parties, etc. And there are things I just don't tell dh like female things and whatnot. If it were work related, that is different. Neither of us in currently in a position like that, but we have been before and could be again. In that case, there would/could be secrets. ut otherwise, we don't keep things from each other.
  18. Why does any speaker need a bouncer? At our convention, I have never seen an issue in person or heard one on a CD. There is seating in the back for moms with babies. And a comment is made before hand to remove a baby making any noises not just crying. If that's not enough, the attendees will turn to the mom near them and saying something like your adorable little bundle of joy is distracting the speaker is there something I can do to help you? Most moms get the hint. There are lot of convention attendees here. Why not help out? It's the least we can do for speakers to who are coming to give to us. We should help them not just leave it to them to figure out a solution. If you have ever been to the theater there are lots of people willing to shush. I think we should be as courteous esp to those speakers we like and want to here. It may be uncomfortable to be the shusher, but it's helpful. If there is someone near you with a crying baby, just bring it to their attention. If they won't leave, well that could be an issue, but at least you tried.
  19. I think it's not so much an issue of rights vs privilege, but it is an issue of abusing power. And when people abuse rights and privileges, they can (should?) lose those rights and privileges.
  20. It's possible for things to continue on fine this way. Or if not, pg hormones can hang around for up to 6 weeks. The longest I have had it take was 3 weeks. But I was told that a home hpt shouldn't be considered accurate for 6 weeks. A blood test would be better.
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