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  1. What's the deeper lesson here? Is it OK if she violates any rules you make for her, as long as she gets away with it, and she thinks they are stupid?
  2. Really? When I went to college (in the dark ages), I knew it was going to be different from high school. College isn't called grade 13, and we got to pick majors and classes, and there were going to be all kinds of other differences. I wasn't entirely sure what all those differences would be, but I was not surprised at all that it was different.
  3. I'm pretty sure the kids' IQ scores returns to the parental level by about age 25.
  4. I'd be concerned about costs, especially with tutors. Do you have a ballpark idea of how much it would cost?
  5. I never understood grading on a curve. Seems to me that there should some absolute things a student should know in order to pass the class. Let's say none of your students studied, and it was a multiple choice test, and they all guessed randomly, not knowing any of the answers. If you graded on a curve, some percentage of those students would be given A's. That doesn't seem right.
  6. I believe you must have accidentally reordered the words in that question. To answer the correctly worded question, Yes; I, too, have many books.
  7. So, we're talking at least a year, probably years, before a move would be feasible? Sounds like plenty of time to do research.
  8. Keep in mind that in 1830, something like half the US population was literate.
  9. Seriously??? Does he understand that real estate licenses are granted by the state, and the California, for example, doesn't offer reciprocity with any other state, and that, California real estate law and customs are quite different than Tennessee? Have you thought about the cost of living in these places? The cost of moving to Hawaii is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of living there.
  10. I think there are two different situations going on here that need to be thought about differently. 1) Conducting business on behalf of your employer with a different "From" address than the company's. 2) Using your company's "From" address, but silently forwarding it off-site, to a mail server that they don't control (like gmail). #1 looks kind of tacky, perhaps with the exception of very small businesses. #2 is probably against most company's policies, but I understand why people do it, because a lot of in-house email systems are horrible. My guess is that government employees who are getting in trouble for this are doing #2, perhaps because their government systems don't support email on phones very well, or decent searching, etc.
  11. This is kind of a big "Usually", and I wouldn't worry too much about it. There are other factors that control word order in prose, not the least of which is context and emphasis. And word order is often completely different in poetry, for metrical and other reasons. One common pattern that can be a little difficult at first is that an adjective can come before the preposition in a prepositional phrase. So, for example, magna cum laude. "with great praise".
  12. While my heart goes out to the current students, what does this mean for the alumnae? If you need to get an official transcript, or proof that you have a degree, how would you go about doing that?
  13. My question for these kinds of threads is this: If there are school-aged children in the home all day, not "doing school", what, exactly, are they doing? There's a huge difference between sitting around doing not much of anything and, say, helping out on the family farm. And if the friend is home all day, not homeschooling, not working a paid job, and not housekeeping how does she spend her time all day?
  14. Apparently no one in the Hive will ever be able to hold down a job...
  15. I can't speak to the CPA stuff, but none of these activities sound super difficult to learn. If taught in college (which I'm not recommending!), this wouldn't even be enough to fill a one semester class. It sounds to me like the only thing you were really lacking was confidence to learn new things, and maybe the gumption to ask existing employees for help working the copier and whatnot. Do we really need internship programs or classes to teach this kind of stuff?
  16. I'm curious, specifically, what sort of experience you were lacking? Was it skills specific to being a CPA? General office stuff? I really dislike the idea that University is the place for this -- especially as we hear now that kids graduating today may have four or five completely different careers in their adult lives. Are they supposed to go back to a four year university for each career change?
  17. What kind of class is this? It's one thing for a large public school, with dozens of employees, a hundred students, maybe school buses, and afterschool activities to coordinate a snow day -- there are generally bureaucratic (in a good way) policies and procedures to follow, with appropriate notice. It's another thing for a taught-by-one-person kind of class, where the teacher just might have gotten stuck in the snow halfway to class, and never really had a policy about weather related cancellations to begin with.
  18. Instead of speculating, I actually looked, and this company doesn't pay anything to acquire books. They get libraries to ship them unwanted books (at the library's expense), and if they sell the books, the library gets a small cut. If they don't sell the books, they toss them.
  19. In The Next Generation, the First Officer is the one hitting on all the aliens, and the costumes are somewhat better...
  20. I believe there are serious flaws in your economics. What if only one in a hundred books sold in the first year -- keep in mind, these books are the remnants that have been picked over several times, these aren't in demand. How much does it cost to hire the truck and the crew to pick them up? How much does it cost to keep the books in a warehouse for a year? What cut does Amazon take? How much does it cost to catalog the books? Finally, for one in a hundred (thousand?) books, you get an order via email. How much does it cost to hire a person to find the book in the warehouse, package it up, and send it out?
  21. Running a humidifier in the bedroom makes a huge difference.
  22. That's right: "Farmer, pirate, sailor poet" are the common ones you are likely to run into. And this is why, when you memorize vocab on flash cards, you always say "nauta, -ae, masculine" instead of just the base word.
  23. Toddler and Latin

    John Stuart Mill had rather mixed results with this kind of upbringing...
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