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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Take a book she can read and plug of into the scholastic book wizard. It will tell you the level, then do a.search for more books at that level. She is most likely at a k or 1st grade level. Find a few of those and have her try, when they get easy for higher levels.asy, start look
  2. I am an Okie! I lived in MO for 7 years and Oklahoma was still home. I "went home" for Christmas :)
  3. I voted for $100-120, bit we got one for $50 at the local furniture store ;) I thinly they run a special every year.
  4. Forgot spinach amd artichoke dip! Choc covered strawberries, you can melt the Choc in the microwave.
  5. Deviled eggs. They tale some time, but can be refrigerated for a day. If you have a star decorated tip amd baggie you can make them look a lot prettier, top with paprika and something green.....Yummy and pretty. Tortilla rolls....you can buy the at Sams or make them. I get whole wheat flatouts, they are more rectangular and you get more out of them. Non-sophisticated version: Cream cheese, chopped black olives, lunch meat ham-chopped, worschestershire (sp) sauce. Mix and spread, roll the Tortilla and slice A little sophisticated...my favorites: Cream cheese, roasted red pepper and article hearts chopped, optional: chopped sandwich turkey. Cream cheese, basil pest. Fruit kabobs Cheese ball and crackers. My mom mixes craisins into cream cheese and rolls in chopped pecans or walnuts. Veggie and fruit trays
  6. If I have a group to be accountable to, I think I could actually follow through! I have planned to tale cookies or something to our elderly neighbor, but we just never did it....we can start with that :) She always wants me to bring the kids over for a visit :)
  7. I think you should keep at what you are doing! Even the essay and paper editing. Unless an assignement is a rough draft to be corrected and turned in as a final draft, your daughter will not gain writing skills from turning in a bad essay. My parents always proofread my papers and had me fix them. That is how you learn. Every college professor I had, including comp, wanted us to go to the writing center for a proofread before we turned papers in. One class gave us bonus points for going! They know you need the rewrite practice to improve. It is a vital part of the learning process, one not always afforded to kids in Jr high and high school when teachers have 80+ students papers to read.
  8. "Are we donig school today?" "Yes." "If I do extra work today, can I have tomortow off?" Every week!
  9. I have one that is uppercase and numbers. I have not seen uppercase and lowercase together.
  10. Come see me :) I am sitting at our fundraiser rummage sale all day....I will be posting a lot of it is slow ;) Currently, it is slow....and I am bored and tired so I have written this crazy rambling post post! :tongue_smilie: We opened at 7....no one showed up until 8....I hope the day goes better. We just made $1!
  11. Rhee were stages for me (and I just have littles). First, I was amazed by the wonderful ideas. Second, I realized how much I had NOT been taught in my private high school. Then, there was overwhelming panic - I can't do this! I never learned this! Finally, I started reading these boards and then reread the book - I can do this, it is possible. We are now in Tue middle of our first grade year, doing the four year cycle, and memorizing as much as we can. We are not perfect, but we are doing it. I think the four year cycle will he an adjustment for you. It OS very different from the way history/social studies is done in schools. I have really had to adjust my thinking here. Latin may come easily, I don't know what language you have learned, but if you are already bilingual (especially if the language is Latin based) you may find it very similar. Enjoy it!
  12. Mine disappeared as well....ugh! Oh, well.....I don't really need it yet....:( I do have a book addiction to feed, however......what should I buy now....;)
  13. Lately, this is the main place I go online. I also go to a dance teacher/studio forum and have for 10 years, bit I go to each forum for very different reasons. I am more "social" here. I am also frequently on Facebook :) to frequently! I do not discuss politics or marital issues online at all. I try to ignore them. I got involved in one ugly discussion on the dance forum and decided I did not like arguing with people I could not see.
  14. I was babysitting at 10 or 11. If you are nervous about cooking....like someone said, order the. A pizza, and take them shoppung for their favorite ready to eat snacks. Let them watch a movie and keep your phone on vibrate. Are their older siblings around where they could call them?
  15. Dear Son, Your Legos were left on the floor last night. They have been put away and there will be no Wii or videos until you have: 1. cleaned the playroom 2. read for 30 minutes 3. completed all schoolwork I will check the playroom when you are done. Love, Mommy *This note was taped outside the bathroom for DS this morning. Before I woke up he had cleaned the playroom. He came to sit by me while he read for 15 minutes. He is now doing math with no arguments and will finish reading when we have finished school. (We normally don't start school for another hour! He is motivated :) I don't think we will find Legos left on the floor again for a while. ***And...this is my 1000th post :)***
  16. I have arthritis and a bulging disc in my back from a wreck 2 years ago. Before that, I had pain after a good workout... My pain does worsen once a month :glare: I have not taken a pain pill for 2-3 months.
  17. If they ask you, just say "Yes, and I encouraged her to tell you herself." Don't elaborate. Otherwise, I would not worry about it. As others have said, it would be different if she was younger.
  18. I have always heard the two as two separate parts. For theatre, we use exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement. Falling action is easily confused with denouement, but the terms are different in meaning. The falling action is everything that happens after the climax. In Shakespeare that is generally an act and a half. The denouement occurs at the end of the last act. I have learned this from 4 high school English teachers, 2 college lit professors, 5 college theatre professors ( at 2 Universities) and more books than I care to count. It is a model by Freytag. I can see where confusion would happen....the are closely related - denouement is part of the falling action, but not all of the falling action is denouement. It is late, I am tired, I am on my phone.....I hope that makes sense....
  19. Spelling plus and the Dictation book. 10 minutes 3-4 days a week! It has lists by rules and a quick practice method.
  20. We are doing Biology this year - RS4K. We have not done any experiments yet. We have a garden, we can sort. We did not need the first few, and we won't do any until tye microscope stuff and the butterfly and frog kits. I can handle amd enjoy looking under a microscope amd we can care for an animal or bug. ;) When we do Chemistry I plan to do more, but I do dislike planning for them.
  21. We finish in 1-1.5 hours. We cover math, grammar, spelling/dictation, memory work daily. History 3 days a week, science 2 days. We do a lesson a day, when we are done, we are done. I don't require a set time per day. If grammar takes 5 minutes....then we are done. I will stop math if it is taking too long, we pick it back up the next day and I adjust the schedule for the year. We did piano last year, not this year right now. I do not count that in school time. Read alouds and silent reading are not counted in that time. We read before bed and he reads after we finish school. I am no longer involved at that point. He just reports what he read and tells me something about it when he finishes. So, if you count dance, co-op, and reading, we may hit 4-5 hours a day. I just don't count it that way.
  22. I guess that's the difference, I research before an outline amd my thesis definitely changes through research. I pick my topic....dogs....read a book and note facts and quotes I enjoy and sticky note things I may come back to. My key words are general - fur, food, training. Once I have researched I know what I have to support my thesis and if I need to change it. Then I make the connections between the cards. I usually end up dropout.g a few cards and going back to my sticky notes at that point. I think notes on paper with li.es between them would drive me nuts. ;) It is important to know a child's learning style and adapt a research method that works for them.
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