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Everything posted by klmama

  1. Our officers generally use Crown Victorias, even for unmarked cars, but lately we've noticed a number of other models as unmarked police cars. What models are used where you live?
  2. I bought something on ebay. The seller sent email that it shipped Tuesday a.m. with delivery confirmation number, but the link to the postal service still says only that electronic shipping label has been printed, not that the package is actually in the system and on the way. Should I be concerned? When people print their own labels and take them to the p.o., does the acceptance show right away, or does it have to hit some location down the line for it to show?
  3. No still photos, but when my mom died a man from her church videotaped the funeral and post-burial reception (I don't think he was at the cemetery). My brother has it, and I haven't seen it, but I'd like to watch it and have a good cry. I don't remember as much about the funeral as I'd like.
  4. Intensity. The same emotions the other smart kids have, just more intense. Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, joy - all of it is just more intense. It's exhausting.
  5. Another vote for low carb, but also limit dairy somewhat. Cheese is good for satiation (because of the fat content), but not so good if you eat too much. I always lose weight if I cut out wheat and/or dairy.
  6. Trash bags are your friends! Load it all up, no sorting allowed. You'll feel much better with space to think. Rest on that for a few days. Then, start sorting. One bag a day gets put away - into the correct locations or into the trash/Goodwill/friend who needs it boxes. Your dc could help sort bags, with a difference - everything they sort gets put on the bed of whomever owns it, and that person has to decide what to do with it.
  7. I asked this recently, too. Here's a link to that thread. A good friend told me she uses the SoyaJoy - Model SJ-5 and likes it. The same company (Sanlinx Inc.) makes several others with more features - the SoyaPower and SoyaPower Plus.
  8. Isn't it fun? There are foxes living in our neighborhood, as well as deer, hawks, and a multitude of raccoons, possums, and the ever-present squirrels and chipmunks. You'd never know we lived in a city! A pair of whooping cranes nests within a mile of our house, so we get to see them often in the summer, along with their young. Very cool! My dc don't quite grasp how special it is to be able to see these things so close to home, but they do know how to spot them!
  9. LOL! My high school English teacher wouldn't even let us use two words to say it! She always told us that "a lot" was a parcel of land, and she insisted we use "many" or other appropriate words to convey the same idea. It drove us crazy, but we did leave her class knowing that those of us who chose to defy her rules (in other classes) should at least use two words to do so!
  10. Oh, yes. I'm the same way in real life. I don't want to impose myself into your life if you'd rather not have me there, and I hate rejection!
  11. We just go through the cards, discussing meaning and what English words have that root. We review the roots every few days. We talk about them as we do our daily stuff - "Hey, look kids! There's a sunflower! What's another word for that?" "Heliotrope!" "And what causes it to turn toward the sun?" "Phototropism!" "How does it get its food?" "Photosynthesis!" We haven't made this a big deal, and they are still learning a lot. It's a start. :)
  12. A Beka Language 3 is a good intro to mechanics, I think. It's very thorough in covering the rules for punctuation, capitalization, etc. It doesn't spend as much time on parts of speech as I'd like, but a simple understanding of them from using FLL was more than enough base. We switched to GWG for 4th and have been very pleased. No idea what GWG 3 looks like.
  13. We thought using the computer would increase the attention span for math, but it seems we were mistaken. It actually takes longer. Aaauugghh!!!!!! So now, we have the most expensive math program we've ever bought causing more stress in my household. My dc usually insists on using the computer over the textbook, but today finally admitted that the computer is too distracting. Finally!!!!! I'm glad a little self-realization finally struck. Does anyone else have a child with this problem? Do you just have your dc watch the instruction online and do the rest in the book/on paper, or do you have them do it all from the book? Any suggestions for making this easier for my dc? TIA!
  14. I'm sorry that happened to you. Some people have no sense of decency. They belong to both parties. Our McCain sigh was stolen the first night it was out, but no Obama signs disappeared from our neighborhood. We got another and now we bring it in every night. Maybe you can find another one and do the same.
  15. Have you tried mock turtle necks? One of my dds won't wear turtle necks because she says they choke her, but she will wear a mock turtle neck.
  16. My pants favorites are Lands End, JCPenney, and Kohl's. Also, Penney's has nice knit top colors this year, with some nice paisley prints to go along with the solid colors. Look for them on sale for $8 each.
  17. Have you taken a look at Crown Financial Ministries? They might be able to help you. http://www.crown.org/ They have many materials, and they may have someone in your area that could sit down with you to help your dh understand. ETA: They also have free online counseling via chat, if you don't think your dh will go for in person help. Maybe they can give you some ideas.
  18. Pray. Earplugs to lower noise stress. Pray more. Trash bags for floor clutter - stack them in the dc's rooms and assign dc to empty them into the right locations, one bag per kid per day until it's all put away. I'd warn them first that you are going to do it, though, in case they have materials for their online classes strewn about to which they will need immediate access. Have you considered adding more zinc, vit. c, and B vitamins to your day? I find them very helpful for stress. Gaba helps some people, too. Take melatonin to sleep (and/or some calcium/magnesium). Exercise and sunlight in the early a.m. helps regulate sleep at night. Sorry, no new suggestions for the situation with your mom, sisters, or dh. Just more prayer. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  19. It is when you are an introvert! It isn't fun, is it? I don't think you can change your temperament, but you can change your habits. I've tried to increase the number of questions I ask others. "Where did you meet your husband?" "What is your favorite part of the job?" "Why did you decide to move to this part of the country?" Basic questions, but ones that people are usually rather comfortable answering, so they'll talk about themselves for quite a while. Also, I've learned to give brief answers to their questions, then turn the questions back to the other person. Those extroverts love to talk about themselves, so it isn't a problem for them. Best of all, when I get the opportunity to meet another introvert, sometimes we click so well that talking isn't a problem at all and I walk away feeling great!
  20. She showed up at my house before work this morning with some things she had rescued from the trash at her school. She thought they looked interesting and that I might like them. She said she'd keep her eyes open for other stuff the teachers were getting rid of that I might like. Even though I'm not sure I can use what she brought over, I was really touched by her sweetness in thinking of us. We aren't close, but she's always been encouraging and supportive of our homeschooling. It was a nice way to start the day. :)
  21. I'd sure prefer he not be in my dc's class! If you have to ask, you already know the answer.
  22. I want to bid on an item, and I have my account set up, but I've never shopped ebay before. The item I want has no bids. When ebay asks for my maximum bid, will it still start me out at the minimum starting bid price, or will it automatically go to my maximum bid? Just want to be sure before I enter anything. Thanks for input!
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