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Everything posted by phathui5

  1. I think that the important thing here is to make dd aware of family history. Seriously. Cause the side effects of pregnancy can include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, high blood pressure, childbirth...
  2. As someone who is firmly pro-life, I think this might actually be a fabulous idea. We can debate about when life starts, but Plan B is designed to do what birth control pills do, so it's not any closer to abortion than b.c. pills are; http://www.planbonestep.com/about-plan-b-one-step.aspx As someone who had a baby at 16, despite being a parent who wants to know what's going on with my children, I do not think that teenage girls should feel like they have to go through their parents to get access to birth control. They may not legally be adults, but they are young women and if they are going to be sexually active, they need options for protecting themselves against a pregnancy they aren't ready for.
  3. Being a stay at home mom can be tough; staying home with kids all day is often isolating. Are there times that you are able to get out of the house, sans children?
  4. If he's eating and going right back to sleep, I wouldn't even fool with his schedule. Just nurse him and put him back to bed.
  5. I don't think I buy it. I think that you should eat fruits and vegetables and supplement with vitamins as necessary.
  6. Criteria for determining if someone has diabetes varies widely by organization. A fasting blood sugar of 121 is high by American standards, not the WHO's numbers. The bigger question (for me) would be: does she have symptoms of diabetes?
  7. We moved to Lebanon, Oregon after having lived in Baltimore, Maryland and Syracuse, New York. We LOVE Oregon. Love it. Things we love: - the scenery, mountains, fields... - farmer's markets, so many farmer's markets - 4-H for the kids. Our kids do Legos, art and science through 4-H for only $34/year for the whole family - midwives! - not nearly as cold in the winter as NY was - health food stores, co-ops - charter schools (we homeschool through a charter school that lets us pick our own curriculum) - we're only an hour and a half from the coast - great thrift stores
  8. We have four children homeschooling this year and the last couple weekends, I've been feeling like the planning takes forever. My plan for organizing their lessons this year has been to have a composition notebook for each child and write out their assignments for each day. Turns out, going through and doing a week of planning for four children individually takes time. How long does your lesson planning take? When do you do it? How far in advance do you plan?
  9. I haven't really been home the past two days, so I'm going to work on Day 1 today.
  10. We're enrolled in a charter school that is a distance learning program. I pick out the kids' curriculum and the school pays for it. They also provide a laptop, ipad, Rosetta Stone access, speech therapy for the younger boys, field trips, etc.
  11. If you're getting pregnancy related bloodwork, I'd ask if they can draw it in the office. I'm an apprentice at a birth center and we're set up to send samples to the lab so moms don't have to go themselves.
  12. I had my second and third babies in water at birth centers and it was really helpful.
  13. It's not uncommon for the cervix to swell and the nurses did the right thing to take care of it. I would try not to stress about avoiding it the next time. It's not a complication unless you are pushing with a swollen cervix. Typically, this would make sense, but since the OP is diabetic, it needs to be a decision she and her doctor/midwife make together.
  14. We will be returning non-consumable items, but it's not at the end of the year, it's when our family is done with it or leaves the school. I have a bit of a nutty schedule between work and school, so buying things rather than signing up for activities is better for us this year.
  15. Looking for suggestions for (secular) things to spend our charter school funds on. My kids are in K, 1st, 4th and 6th grades. We're doing early modern times (SOTW 3) for history and earth science/astronomy for history. The kids are doing Latin and Spanish. We have math and lang. arts pretty well covered. Any ideas for history, science, language add-ons? Games, videos, activity kits, etc?
  16. Do the interactive demos on Rosetta Stone: http://www.rosettastone.com/ I personally love watching the National Health Service videos on youtube. Nothing is as entertaining as health info with s British accent.
  17. Today's challenge is done! I didn't do yesterday's because I was working and I decided that I'm going to just do the days that I can do and not stress out about catching up. So if I have time to do yesterday's later, then I will, but I'm not going to worry about it.
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