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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Me too. Although mine started before the epidemic began. But, I've been staying up until 1am! It's not so great on the days I need to get my grandkids. 😞
  2. That sucks! I have been thinking about the people who have emergencies (health or household) during this time. hugs.
  3. I can relate. Allergies have been awful this year and, of course, some symptoms are similar to CV
  4. I've been listening to "The Celtic World" from Great Courses and she said the same thing about Irish not being Celts (althought I think she quantified it with "probably not Celts) and the Galatians were celts. It is very interesting.
  5. I was bored too, but not THAT bored. 😲
  6. I'm so very sorry. I am glad that some of his family was able to be with him so he wasn't alone and they could say their goodbyes. May he rest with the righteous! Prayers for all of you and the safety of the family who was at the hospital with him.
  7. I'm so sorry. prayers for a peaceful ending. hugs.
  8. I agree. Places like the upper midwest are not going to have the same level of outbreak as places along the eastern seaboard. I don't blame people in RI and CT for trying to stop rich NYers from escaping to their areas. I also heard about the nursing home. Its in the same town as some of my family. 😞
  9. It is such a weird virus. So many symptoms match so many other issues (colds, allergies, etc). I'm glad she's had a mild case and hope your husband doesn't have it.
  10. Thank you so much for this thread. I was lamenting to my dh last night that it's hard to find shows that aren't dark or creepy. Even the show Picard is darker and more cynical than TNG or any of the older Star Treks. I still love it, but I'm kind of bummed it isn't a little more hopeful especially right now.
  11. This was such a fascinating read. Thank you for posting it! I was wondering how common it was for virus's to have several strains. It doesn't say exactly, but this portion seems to indicate that it's quite common. "The COVID-19 virus does not mutate very fast. It does so eight to 10 times more slowly than the influenza virus, said Anderson, making its evolution rate similar to other coronaviruses such as Ebola, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). It’s also not expected to spontaneously evolve into a form more deadly than it already is to humans." ********** Also, this: "COVID-19 hits people differently, with some feeling only slightly under the weather for a day, others flat on their backs sick for two weeks and about 15% hospitalized. Currently, an estimated 1% of those infected die. The rate varies greatly by country and experts say it is likely tied to testing rates rather than actual mortality." I'm wondering what other number crunchers here think of that. I know several people here have been worried about a much higher mortality rate.
  12. That is a good point. I do not trust China's number either. Italy and S. Korea as still in the midst, but I think that is partly what they mean by "projections". Projections are based on what they have been seeing on the ground, not necessarily by what is over and done with. There IS A lot of guessing going on... both for good and bad. I'm even more irked that my state (Maryland) is not posting negative test results. I forget- are you in NY? It's so hard to remember where "here" is for everyone. IIRC about 100 pages back someone asked if we could state basically where we are located to help people to get an understanding of the perspective we're all seeing on the ground.
  13. I found Dr. Birx words to be very comforting: I wish I could find just this 4 mins snippet somewhere else. I missed the daily briefing today. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/03/26/dr_birx_coronavirus_data_doesnt_match_the_doomsday_media_predictions_or_analysis.html She speaks about the change from the Imperial College model and how the scientists are trying to work through all the numbers we have available. Then she addresses ICU beds and Ventilators in NY. "So these are the things we are looking at, because the predictions of the model don't match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea or Italy. We are five times the size of Italy. If we were Italy and did all those divisions, Italy should have close to 400,000 deaths. They are not close to achieving that." *** "And the situation about ventilators. We are reassured in meeting with our colleagues in New York that there are still I.C.U. Beds remaining and still significant -- over 1,000 or 2,000 ventilators that have not been utilized."
  14. Is this helpful? https://covidtracking.com/data/state/new-york/
  15. Has anyone shared this here yet:? https://covidtracking.com/data/ It tracks each state and territory in the US. It gives you a historical list of case counts too (which I was looking for). It also tells you how many negative /positive tests. Unfortunately, my state (Maryland) is no longer reporting negative tests. It may be because they're concerned about too many false negatives, but I think it would be helpful to have that information flaws and all.
  16. I wish I'd made the connection that it was a virus BEFORE I sent it in to be serviced earlier this week. 😞 They couldn't find the virus and didn't ask me about Yahoo. They had to reload Windows, etc. I'm now trying to get all my stuff in it's right place and/or reinstalled. Ugh. What a hassle.
  17. I agree.. I want an antibody test. But as to the people sick with something not the flu. Were there also a lot of people on ventilators at that time? That seems to be a consistent issue with the worst cases of Covid-19. I suspect it wasn't Covid-19 Otherwise, we would have already had a lot of people on ventilators in Feb.
  18. funny! We were posting the same thing at the same time.
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