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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We've enjoyed Almost Human as well. Not fantastic, but definitely enjoyable mind-candy when you want to relax in front of the tv and don't want something too heavy, violent, or emotionally taxing. I'd be sorry to see it go.
  2. I know what you mean. I needed to have some work done too once and had NO idea how much it would cost. I got someone out to measure and give an estimate, and discovered it cost quite a bit more than I thought - well, I just wasted his time. If only he could have given me a ball-park est. over the phone I could have saved us all a couple of hours. So, if you know you have several coming up in the next year consider joining Angie's List. There's you'll not only find a list of contractors/repair co. but also people's reviews AND an estimate of how much it cost for them to get their work done. This was very helpful to me when figuring out how much it might cost to put an addition on our deck. This gave me some time to save up and prepare my dh :) Anyway, it does cost money to join... and they do often send out special's and have coupons.
  3. I hope I'm allowed to do this - - I apologize if not... My friend, Jenn is wheelchair bound and in great need of a new van. Their current one is literally kept together with duct tape and prayer. Please consider following the link to the contest at National Mobility Awareness Month for a new wheelchair accessible van for Jenn. http://www.mobilityawarenessmonth.com/entrant/jennifer-malatesta-silver-spring-md/ She says you can vote once per day (if you're so inclined). You do have to register (a pain, I know) but they only want you name and email and to make up some kind of screenname. Thanks so much!!
  4. Thanks for the update... so glad it's going so well for him.
  5. thanks everyone! Sounds like it's worth a try for sure.
  6. I've just started hearing about this show and it's only already been on a year. How did that happen? It's available for free live-streaming via amazon prime. Has anyone watched it? Care to give feedback? I'm curious about how historically accurate it is? The description says it's "gritty". That gives me pause. What about goriness or sex scenes? I've stayed away from Game of Thrones & The Tutors because they both sounded too far over the top for my tastes. Not that I'm expecting none of these things, but is it tamer, the same, or worse than GoT/Tutors? Thanks
  7. like I said, that is because it isn't a regular battery and it's not the same. You're comparing apples with oranges. Eventually, transmissions have to be replaced and they are substantially more money as well. It's the heart of the car.
  8. I think you may be mixing up the tradition car battery with a hybrid battery. The hybrid battery can best described as being similar to the transmission. Yes, getting a new transmission/hybrid battery is expensive. I think 3K for a Prius and some states offer rebates on them. How often have you had to replace your transmission? I think I remember reading that a hybrid batteries are generally lasting up to 200K or more - isn't that about the same as a traditional transmission? Do you consider the price of a replacement transition when buying a traditional car? Anyway, I hear the battery issue all the time - usually from non-hybrid owners who don't understand that it's different than a traditional battery (which the hybrid also has - in the usual place). The hybrid battery is in the back of the car - not anywhere near the engine. Okay - just trying to clear that up. I've put nearly 100K on my hybrid and it's still going strong. Most of the cars have their own sites. I found a wealth of information at priuschat.com when I was looking to buy mine and still go there from time to time to get information. great place to figure stuff out.
  9. Yes, I've been keeping them in my prayers.
  10. I bought a used 2009 Prius about 3yrs ago and I love it. My MPG is similar to YaelAldrich's.
  11. I have found this transition to be quite hard. I still have a 12yr old at home, but since putting my younger kids in school 4yrs ago it's really changed everything. Next year he will be the only child living at home full-time and it makes me very sad. It's odd because I'm such an introvert, but I got used to the hustle and bustle of a large family. I cannot say that I know how to do it well. I have found that it is very much a grieving process, and there's no way around it. I just have to walk through this time as best I can. Anyway, if you're not into hobbies, what about volunteering? There's so many different types... you could help kids to with after-school stuff, hospice, wild animal rescue, hospital stuff, disabled veterans, helping at your place of worship, soup kitchens, women's shelters... you name it. Do some searching around in your area. What about hobbies that aren't craft-related - such as birding or gardening?
  12. This. although I do know some conservative Protestant groups frown on drinking too. It's your function and they way you've presented it seems perfectly fine. Enjoy yourself!
  13. I don't have this problem... although the messies get to me more now than when I was younger. I guess that's progress. I know several people like that and honestly, it stresses me out to think of them coming to my house since I don't have as high a standard of tidiness. Perhaps you can think of "not always tidying" as a ministry to other moms/families :laugh:
  14. I agree. When is this going to stop? I assume other countries do it to? Or is the US the only crazy country to come up with this idea?
  15. so sorry for your family's loss. May she rest in peace.
  16. It is incredibly hard. I feel for you.. :grouphug: I know I've said this many times before but it's so much harder being the parent of adult (or nearly adult) kids. I'd take the sleepless nights and a messy house filled with toys and stinky diapers anyday.
  17. my oldest dd met her future husband in a history class at the local community college. The funny thing is that I had been re-inquiring into the Orthodox church (she wasn't interested). Turns out he is the son of an Orthodox priest (probably the only one in that school at that time - so what are the odds??). Anyway, things changed, she became orthodox too, skip a few years and then they started dating, and were married. next child (son) met his future wife at college, through InterVaristy Fellowship. 3rd child met her long-time boyfriend via college school friends at her former college (she switched ).
  18. my husband's b-day is today too! He actually planning a dinner with our nephew for tonight without realizing it until later. Anyway, we're doing bowling on Sunday (If I can get a lane- that is)... but I appreciate everyone's ideas. I know my dh appreciates a little effort and I have a hard time coming up with anything... so this thread is very helpful. Happy birthday to your husband Tiramisu.
  19. I agree with Ellen. Although I might be less keen on psychiatry, it still has it's place. The description paints the book as extreme rather than a cautioned look at the field. Maybe it's that way to sell books.
  20. great retort! good for him. I wish I could pull that off, mine usually come off as angry and aggressive. So I just keep my mouth shut and seethe on the inside.
  21. May your lenten journey be spiritually fruitful.
  22. I have a friend who is hosting an Arbonne party. She's done this a couple of times already but I've always refused. This time its a spa theme: Foot treatments and facials. I'm a little more interested in going to that (okay, a lot more interested :closedeyes: )... but wondering what the pressure to buy or to host my own party will be like? Does Arbonne push the hard-sell on it's distributors?
  23. Two ideas come to mind: Game night and park day. I've participated in both and they w ere lots of fun. Game night you could host at your home..have lots of different types of games, encourage people to bring their favs. We did it about once a month Park days was started very simply by a local lady. She found a park with a nice play area for the kids, basketball hoops for olders and a walking track for moms. Fortunately the walking track when around the playground - that helped. She'd meet at 12:30 every Fri. for several hours. Moms would walk and talk (or sit and watch the kids). Kids brought balls, bikes, jump ropes and whatever. It was very laid back and simple. She didn't do it if there was too much snow or actively raining, but otherwise she did it, even in the winter.
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