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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I used to take it 2x per day. Once in the late afternoon and a smaller amount in the evening. I now take a pill form, and it comes out to be about 600 to 700mg total per day. I don't take any cal. Vit d along with it. I'm pretty sure my calcium intake is very good.
  2. I think the key word is "happiest" rather than "happy". My husband and I have gone through some very difficult times recently. I was definitely "happiest" in the first five years of marriage than I am now. Am I "unhappy" or ready to walk out? No, but I would *definitely* trade places with my newly married self. Also, the happy part is also not just marriage stuff now... kids are moving out, making a way for themselves and making choices I am sad about, I lost my mother, extended family is getting farther apart than when we all had young kids together, my husband's father is deteriorating and its hard for him to watch. So yeah, I'd go back to those first few years of marriage and having little kids....when life seemed much simpler.
  3. We want to go see it and had hoped to last night, but I'm sick. Hopefully, we'll get a chance soon.
  4. Welcome to the boards. I put my youngest 2 into school after 19 yrs homeschooling. I also had an older one go to school at 12 because she had needs I couldn't meet at home (it was a great decision for her, btw). One of the younger 2 also told me she thought private school was better than homeschooling. Yeah, it hurt for sure, but I had to be honest with myself that the fire had gone out of my belly for homeschooling. I wasn't giving my all anymore and the youngers got the short-shrift. I miss having my kids around but I don't miss homeschooling - if that makes sense. My kids are thriving in private and I think it was the right decision for our family. I don't think of it as failing at homeschooling - it was just time to retire. I probably waited about 2 yrs too long for the younger ones (I still had one last homeschooling jr/sr at that time but he was happy doing independent and outside classes). Good luck.
  5. Amanda, I hope you'll show us your paper craft sometime soon.
  6. I know what you mean. I'm trying to get more motivated by visiting Ravelry more often, but still... all I want to do is curl up in a warm ball and sleep. I have been slowly warping my loom with chenille. I am reminded WHY I hate warping with chenille. Ugh. what a PIA. This is what the back of the loom looks like: It should not have that many S hooks hanging off the back beam .... especially after only weaving 7"!! Ugh. I was very careful too when I wound it on to make sure it was even and there were no stragglers. Sigh. I need to weave about 150" total. I'm making a ruana... in green and slate. Mostly I'm stash busting...so if it doesn't really turn out I may actually cut it and use it for my first sewing project with handwoven. I think I need a nap. :closedeyes:
  7. Oh, and how do you find secret groups you may be interested in joining if they're secret?
  8. What about adblockers on a Tablet? Is it possible. I would hate those little snapchat type video's popping up and going on and on. Ugh. I've noticed a couple of my fav. blogs LOVE putting those up to make a point. I find it annoying.
  9. I would buy cheaper while your kids are littles - through early teens. I would buy a brown couch (chocolate). You WILL get tired of the brown - ask me how I know. But, it will not show the dirt as easily. Buy throw pillows that have color and pop. Change those as often as you change your styles/colors in the living room - or whenever you want - they're MUCH cheaper than a couch. I would not buy leather, personally. It does wipe down easily, but there are other issues and it's expensive. Good luck.
  10. great advice all! I have a few questions: Do people still get notifications like "so and so is a friend of so and so, you may want to friend them too!" I found that annoying, but also the way long-ago acquaintances found me! I don't want those people to find me. Do they still do friend suggestions on FB? What does me mean to start with a new "address"? I don't understand... do you mean get another email address? I have no idea how to fake, but not fake my name for FB - I'm very uncreative that way. How are groups any different than say, the forum here? Before the groups were pretty lame on FB...just a way for everyone to "like" something (church, institution, high school, etc.). Is it different now?
  11. now that it's become passe :laugh: I dropped it about 4yrs ago because I just couldn't stand the insipid chatter along with people I hadn't seen in 25+ years wanting to be my "friend" and then hang out - :scared: They weren't even my friends in high school. Why would I want to do a meet-up with a group of them at the local bar now is beyond me. Anyway, it's probably the winter doldrums at play here, and I very well may unsub. after a month or two. I'm already planning on not re-friending a lot of people and hiding some other people's feeds. But, give me your best tips for managing FB. We'll see how long I can last.
  12. I've never been through it personally, but I've watched it with friends/family. It's painful - and sadly, the pain lasts for years. I hope you can come to a place of healing and peace. :grouphug:
  13. I always used to love homeschooling in Feb. for the same reasons. We always found there was a pleasant lull between seasons during this month. Enjoy your productive time.
  14. I'm not a beach person either. Partly because I don't like crowds and mostly because I don't like heat and sun. Sounds like a lovely idea to go without the crowds and the searing heat. I might be able to stand that one. :)
  15. my husband loves his job. We're very grateful for that too.
  16. I think part of it is the sheer body of work that PSH brought to us compared with CM. Also, the talent was so different...very different. We *knew* that PSH had great talent. He had shown it to us over and over again. CM seemed untried outside of one light-fare tv show. I thought this article is a lovely tribute to PSH's talent: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2014/feb/02/philip-seymour-hoffman-dies
  17. well that's interesting considering the original article posted here talks about him never paying attention to stuff like that. The author seemed to want to paint him as a noble creature and all because he was only interested in his "craft" and didn't even know what a blog was. as if: "didn't know anything about the internet = completely innocent of the charges".
  18. Well, looks like a movie it out. The only one I was interested in doesn't play until 9:30. Dh left with son about 5 mins ago and our high schooler went to a youth group event with a friend. Yeah, I don't get all the hoopla with the commercials anymore. I've been seeing links to "previews" of the commercials for several days. Bizarre, IMHO. I love being home alone, so I'm in my element.
  19. So sorry. Hoping for great success in his treatment. Btw, didn't mean to like your post. Fat fingers on a tablet are to blame.
  20. We had planned to go to a friends house, but that was canceled due to a death in the family. Hubby is going to watch it with 2 friends and is taking our youngest. I was not all that interested in it anyway, just going for the interesting conversations (and commercials). I'm toying with going to the movies, but may just stay in and do some weaving. So what are other non-superbowl people doing tonight?
  21. I have not seen anything about a needle in any of the print articles I read either.
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